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    <title>Test for Bug 899753 - console.table support</title>
      var languages1 = [
        { name: "JavaScript", fileExtension: [".js"] },
        { name: { a: "TypeScript" }, fileExtension: ".ts" },
        { name: "CoffeeScript", fileExtension: ".coffee" }

      var languages2 = {
        csharp: { name: "C#", paradigm: "object-oriented" },
        fsharp: { name: "F#", paradigm: "functional" }

      function Person(firstName, lastName, age)
          this.firstName = firstName;
          this.lastName = lastName;
          this.age = age;

      var family = {};
      family.mother = new Person("Susan", "Doyle", 32);
      family.father = new Person("John", "Doyle", 33);
      family.daughter = new Person("Lily", "Doyle", 5);
      family.son = new Person("Mike", "Doyle", 8);

      var myMap = new Map();

      myMap.set("a string", "value associated with 'a string'");
      myMap.set(5, "value associated with 5");

      var mySet = new Set();

      mySet.add("some text");

      // These are globals and so won't be reclaimed by the GC.
      var bunnies = new String("bunnies");
      var lizards = new String("lizards");

      var weakmap = new WeakMap();
      weakmap.set(bunnies, 23);
      weakmap.set(lizards, "oh no");

      var weakset = new WeakSet([bunnies, lizards]);

    <p>Hello world!</p>