/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; function test() { info("Test various cases where the escape key should hide the split console."); let toolbox; let hud; let jsterm; let hudMessages; let variablesView; Task.spawn(runner).then(finish); function* runner() { let {tab} = yield loadTab("data:text/html;charset=utf-8,

Web Console " + "test for splitting"); let target = TargetFactory.forTab(tab); toolbox = yield gDevTools.showToolbox(target, "inspector"); yield testCreateSplitConsoleAfterEscape(); yield showAutoCompletePopoup(); yield testHideAutoCompletePopupAfterEscape(); yield executeJS(); yield clickMessageAndShowVariablesView(); jsterm.focus(); yield testHideVariablesViewAfterEscape(); yield clickMessageAndShowVariablesView(); yield startPropertyEditor(); yield testCancelPropertyEditorAfterEscape(); yield testHideVariablesViewAfterEscape(); yield testHideSplitConsoleAfterEscape(); } function testCreateSplitConsoleAfterEscape() { let result = toolbox.once("webconsole-ready", () => { hud = toolbox.getPanel("webconsole").hud; jsterm = hud.jsterm; ok(toolbox.splitConsole, "Split console is created."); }); let contentWindow = toolbox.win; contentWindow.focus(); EventUtils.sendKey("ESCAPE", contentWindow); return result; } function testHideSplitConsoleAfterEscape() { let result = toolbox.once("split-console", () => { ok(!toolbox.splitConsole, "Split console is hidden."); }); EventUtils.sendKey("ESCAPE", toolbox.win); return result; } function testHideVariablesViewAfterEscape() { let result = jsterm.once("sidebar-closed", () => { ok(!hud.ui.jsterm.sidebar, "Variables view is hidden."); ok(toolbox.splitConsole, "Split console is open after hiding the variables view."); }); EventUtils.sendKey("ESCAPE", toolbox.win); return result; } function testHideAutoCompletePopupAfterEscape() { let deferred = promise.defer(); let popup = jsterm.autocompletePopup; popup.once("popup-closed", () => { ok(!popup.isOpen, "Auto complete popup is hidden."); ok(toolbox.splitConsole, "Split console is open after hiding the autocomplete popup."); deferred.resolve(); }); EventUtils.sendKey("ESCAPE", toolbox.win); return deferred.promise; } function testCancelPropertyEditorAfterEscape() { EventUtils.sendKey("ESCAPE", variablesView.window); ok(hud.ui.jsterm.sidebar, "Variables view is open after canceling property editor."); ok(toolbox.splitConsole, "Split console is open after editing."); } function* executeJS() { jsterm.execute("var foo = { bar: \"baz\" }; foo;"); hudMessages = yield waitForMessages({ webconsole: hud, messages: [{ text: "Object { bar: \"baz\" }", category: CATEGORY_OUTPUT, objects: true }], }); } function clickMessageAndShowVariablesView() { let result = jsterm.once("variablesview-fetched", (event, vview) => { variablesView = vview; }); let clickable = hudMessages[0].clickableElements[0]; EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(clickable, 2, 2, {}, hud.iframeWindow); return result; } function* startPropertyEditor() { let results = yield findVariableViewProperties(variablesView, [ {name: "bar", value: "baz"} ], {webconsole: hud}); results[0].matchedProp.focus(); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", variablesView.window); } function showAutoCompletePopoup() { let onPopupShown = jsterm.autocompletePopup.once("popup-opened"); jsterm.focus(); jsterm.setInputValue("document.location."); EventUtils.sendKey("TAB", hud.iframeWindow); return onPopupShown; } function finish() { toolbox.destroy().then(() => { toolbox = null; hud = null; jsterm = null; hudMessages = null; variablesView = null; finishTest(); }); } }