/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test the webconsole output for various arrays. const TEST_URI = "data:text/html;charset=utf8,test for console output - 06"; const {ELLIPSIS} = require("devtools/shared/l10n"); const testStrIn = "SHOW\\nALL\\nOF\\nTHIS\\nON\\nA\\nSINGLE" + "\\nLINE ONLY. ESCAPE ALL NEWLINE"; const testStrOut = "SHOW ALL OF THIS ON A SINGLE LINE O" + ELLIPSIS; var inputTests = [ // 1 - array with empty slots only { input: "Array(5)", output: "Array [ <5 empty slots> ]", printOutput: ",,,,", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Array[5]", }, // 2 - array with one empty slot at the beginning { input: "[,1,2,3]", output: "Array [ <1 empty slot>, 1, 2, 3 ]", printOutput: ",1,2,3", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Array[4]", }, // 3 - array with multiple consecutive empty slots at the beginning { input: "[,,,3,4,5]", output: "Array [ <3 empty slots>, 3, 4, 5 ]", printOutput: ",,,3,4,5", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Array[6]", }, // 4 - array with one empty slot at the middle { input: "[0,1,,3,4,5]", output: "Array [ 0, 1, <1 empty slot>, 3, 4, 5 ]", printOutput: "0,1,,3,4,5", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Array[6]", }, // 5 - array with multiple successive empty slots at the middle { input: "[0,1,,,,5]", output: "Array [ 0, 1, <3 empty slots>, 5 ]", printOutput: "0,1,,,,5", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Array[6]", }, // 6 - array with multiple non successive single empty slots { input: "[0,,2,,4,5]", output: "Array [ 0, <1 empty slot>, 2, <1 empty slot>, 4, 5 ]", printOutput: "0,,2,,4,5", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Array[6]", }, // 7 - array with multiple multi-slot holes { input: "[0,,,3,,,,7,8]", output: "Array [ 0, <2 empty slots>, 3, <3 empty slots>, 7, 8 ]", printOutput: "0,,,3,,,,7,8", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Array[9]", }, // 8 - array with a single slot hole at the end { input: "[0,1,2,3,4,,]", output: "Array [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, <1 empty slot> ]", printOutput: "0,1,2,3,4,", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Array[6]", }, // 9 - array with multiple consecutive empty slots at the end { input: "[0,1,2,,,,]", output: "Array [ 0, 1, 2, <3 empty slots> ]", printOutput: "0,1,2,,,", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Array[6]", }, // 10 - array with members explicitly set to null { input: "[0,null,null,3,4,5]", output: "Array [ 0, null, null, 3, 4, 5 ]", printOutput: "0,,,3,4,5", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Array[6]" }, // 11 - array with members explicitly set to undefined { input: "[0,undefined,undefined,3,4,5]", output: "Array [ 0, undefined, undefined, 3, 4, 5 ]", printOutput: "0,,,3,4,5", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Array[6]" }, // 12 - array with long strings as elements { input: '["' + testStrIn + '", "' + testStrIn + '", "' + testStrIn + '"]', output: 'Array [ "' + testStrOut + '", "' + testStrOut + '", "' + testStrOut + '" ]', inspectable: true, printOutput: "SHOW\nALL\nOF\nTHIS\nON\nA\nSINGLE\nLINE ONLY. ESCAPE " + "ALL NEWLINE,SHOW\nALL\nOF\nTHIS\nON\nA\nSINGLE\nLINE ONLY. " + "ESCAPE ALL NEWLINE,SHOW\nALL\nOF\nTHIS\nON\nA\nSINGLE\n" + "LINE ONLY. ESCAPE ALL NEWLINE", variablesViewLabel: "Array[3]" }, // 13 { input: '({0: "a", 1: "b"})', output: 'Object [ "a", "b" ]', printOutput: "[object Object]", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Object[2]", }, // 14 { input: '({0: "a", 42: "b"})', output: '[ "a", <9 empty slots>, 33 more\u2026 ]', printOutput: "[object Object]", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Object[43]", }, // 15 { input: '({0: "a", 1: "b", 2: "c", 3: "d", 4: "e", 5: "f", 6: "g", ' + '7: "h", 8: "i", 9: "j", 10: "k", 11: "l"})', output: 'Object [ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", ' + "2 more\u2026 ]", printOutput: "[object Object]", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Object[12]", }, // 16 { input: '({0: "a", 1: "b", 2: "c", 3: "d", 4: "e", 5: "f", 6: "g", ' + '7: "h", 8: "i", 9: "j", 10: "k", 11: "l", m: "n"})', output: 'Object { 0: "a", 1: "b", 2: "c", 3: "d", 4: "e", 5: "f", ' + '6: "g", 7: "h", 8: "i", 9: "j", 3 more\u2026 }', printOutput: "[object Object]", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Object", }, // 17 { input: '({" ": "a"})', output: 'Object { : "a" }', printOutput: "[object Object]", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Object", }, // 18 { input: '({})', output: 'Object { }', printOutput: "[object Object]", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Object", }, // 19 { input: '({length: 0})', output: 'Object [ ]', printOutput: "[object Object]", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Object[0]", }, // 20 { input: '({length: 1})', output: '[ <1 empty slot> ]', printOutput: "[object Object]", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Object[1]", }, // 21 { input: '({0: "a", 1: "b", length: 1})', output: 'Object { 0: "a", 1: "b", length: 1 }', printOutput: "[object Object]", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Object", }, // 22 { input: '({0: "a", 1: "b", length: 2})', output: 'Object [ "a", "b" ]', printOutput: "[object Object]", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Object[2]", }, // 23 { input: '({0: "a", 1: "b", length: 3})', output: '[ "a", "b", <1 empty slot> ]', printOutput: "[object Object]", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Object[3]", }, // 24 { input: '({0: "a", 2: "b", length: 2})', output: 'Object { 0: "a", 2: "b", length: 2 }', printOutput: "[object Object]", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Object", }, // 25 { input: '({0: "a", 2: "b", length: 3})', output: '[ "a", <1 empty slot>, "b" ]', printOutput: "[object Object]", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Object[3]", }, // 26 { input: '({0: "a", b: "b", length: 1})', output: 'Object { 0: "a", b: "b", length: 1 }', printOutput: "[object Object]", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Object", }, // 27 { input: '({0: "a", b: "b", length: 2})', output: 'Object { 0: "a", b: "b", length: 2 }', printOutput: "[object Object]", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Object", }, // 28 { input: '({42: "a"})', output: 'Object { 42: "a" }', printOutput: "[object Object]", inspectable: true, variablesViewLabel: "Object", }, ]; function test() { requestLongerTimeout(2); Task.spawn(function* () { let {tab} = yield loadTab(TEST_URI); let hud = yield openConsole(tab); return checkOutputForInputs(hud, inputTests); }).then(finishUp); } function finishUp() { inputTests = null; finishTest(); }