/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Tests that errors about invalid HPKP security headers are logged to the web // console. "use strict"; const TEST_URI = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,Web Console HPKP invalid " + "header test"; const SJS_URL = "https://example.com/browser/devtools/client/webconsole/" + "test/test_hpkp-invalid-headers.sjs"; const LEARN_MORE_URI = "https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/Security/" + "Public_Key_Pinning" + DOCS_GA_PARAMS; const HPKP_ENABLED_PREF = "security.cert_pinning.hpkp.enabled"; const NON_BUILTIN_ROOT_PREF = "security.cert_pinning.process_headers_from_" + "non_builtin_roots"; add_task(function* () { registerCleanupFunction(() => { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(HPKP_ENABLED_PREF); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(NON_BUILTIN_ROOT_PREF); }); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(HPKP_ENABLED_PREF, true); yield loadTab(TEST_URI); let hud = yield openConsole(); yield* checkForMessage({ url: SJS_URL + "?badSyntax", name: "Could not parse header error displayed successfully", text: "Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that could not be " + "parsed successfully." }, hud); yield* checkForMessage({ url: SJS_URL + "?noMaxAge", name: "No max-age error displayed successfully", text: "Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that did not include " + "a \u2018max-age\u2019 directive." }, hud); yield* checkForMessage({ url: SJS_URL + "?invalidIncludeSubDomains", name: "Invalid includeSubDomains error displayed successfully", text: "Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that included an " + "invalid \u2018includeSubDomains\u2019 directive." }, hud); yield* checkForMessage({ url: SJS_URL + "?invalidMaxAge", name: "Invalid max-age error displayed successfully", text: "Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that included an " + "invalid \u2018max-age\u2019 directive." }, hud); yield* checkForMessage({ url: SJS_URL + "?multipleIncludeSubDomains", name: "Multiple includeSubDomains error displayed successfully", text: "Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that included " + "multiple \u2018includeSubDomains\u2019 directives." }, hud); yield* checkForMessage({ url: SJS_URL + "?multipleMaxAge", name: "Multiple max-age error displayed successfully", text: "Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that included " + "multiple \u2018max-age\u2019 directives." }, hud); yield* checkForMessage({ url: SJS_URL + "?multipleReportURIs", name: "Multiple report-uri error displayed successfully", text: "Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that included " + "multiple \u2018report-uri\u2019 directives." }, hud); // The root used for mochitests is not built-in, so set the relevant pref to // true to have the PKP implementation return more specific errors. Services.prefs.setBoolPref(NON_BUILTIN_ROOT_PREF, true); yield* checkForMessage({ url: SJS_URL + "?pinsetDoesNotMatch", name: "Non-matching pinset error displayed successfully", text: "Public-Key-Pins: The site specified a header that did not include " + "a matching pin." }, hud); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(NON_BUILTIN_ROOT_PREF, false); yield* checkForMessage({ url: SJS_URL + "?pinsetDoesNotMatch", name: "Non-built-in root error displayed successfully", text: "Public-Key-Pins: The certificate used by the site was not issued " + "by a certificate in the default root certificate store. To " + "prevent accidental breakage, the specified header was ignored." }, hud); }); function* checkForMessage(curTest, hud) { hud.jsterm.clearOutput(); BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, curTest.url); let results = yield waitForMessages({ webconsole: hud, messages: [ { name: curTest.name, text: curTest.text, category: CATEGORY_SECURITY, severity: SEVERITY_WARNING, objects: true, }, ], }); yield testClickOpenNewTab(hud, results); } function testClickOpenNewTab(hud, results) { let warningNode = results[0].clickableElements[0]; ok(warningNode, "link element"); ok(warningNode.classList.contains("learn-more-link"), "link class name"); return simulateMessageLinkClick(warningNode, LEARN_MORE_URI); }