/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const TEST_URI = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,Web Console test for bug 613280"; function test() { loadTab(TEST_URI).then(() => { openConsole().then((HUD) => { ContentTask.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, null, function*(){ content.console.log("foobarBazBug613280"); }); waitForMessages({ webconsole: HUD, messages: [{ text: "foobarBazBug613280", category: CATEGORY_WEBDEV, severity: SEVERITY_LOG, }], }).then(performTest.bind(null, HUD)); }); }); } function performTest(HUD, [result]) { let msg = [...result.matched][0]; let input = HUD.jsterm.inputNode; let clipboardSetup = function () { goDoCommand("cmd_copy"); }; let clipboardCopyDone = function () { finishTest(); }; let controller = top.document.commandDispatcher .getControllerForCommand("cmd_copy"); is(controller.isCommandEnabled("cmd_copy"), false, "cmd_copy is disabled"); HUD.ui.output.selectMessage(msg); HUD.outputNode.focus(); goUpdateCommand("cmd_copy"); controller = top.document.commandDispatcher .getControllerForCommand("cmd_copy"); is(controller.isCommandEnabled("cmd_copy"), true, "cmd_copy is enabled"); // Remove new lines and whitespace since getSelection() includes // a new line between message and line number, but the clipboard doesn't // @see bug 1119503 let selectionText = (HUD.iframeWindow.getSelection() + "") .replace(/\r?\n|\r| /g, ""); isnot(selectionText.indexOf("foobarBazBug613280"), -1, "selection text includes 'foobarBazBug613280'"); waitForClipboard((str) => { return selectionText.trim() === str.trim().replace(/ /g, ""); }, clipboardSetup, clipboardCopyDone, clipboardCopyDone); }