/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const TEST_URI = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,Web Console test for " + "bug 595934 - message categories coverage."; const TESTS_PATH = "http://example.com/browser/devtools/client/webconsole/" + "test/"; const TESTS = [ { // #0 file: "test-bug-595934-css-loader.html", category: "CSS Loader", matchString: "text/css", }, { // #1 file: "test-bug-595934-imagemap.html", category: "Layout: ImageMap", matchString: "shape=\"rect\"", }, { // #2 file: "test-bug-595934-html.html", category: "HTML", matchString: "multipart/form-data", onload: function () { let form = content.document.querySelector("form"); form.submit(); }, }, { // #3 file: "test-bug-595934-workers.html", category: "Web Worker", matchString: "fooBarWorker", }, { // #4 file: "test-bug-595934-malformedxml.xhtml", category: "malformed-xml", matchString: "no root element found", }, { // #5 file: "test-bug-595934-svg.xhtml", category: "SVG", matchString: "fooBarSVG", }, { // #6 file: "test-bug-595934-css-parser.html", category: "CSS Parser", matchString: "foobarCssParser", }, { // #7 file: "test-bug-595934-malformedxml-external.html", category: "malformed-xml", matchString: "", }, { // #8 file: "test-bug-595934-empty-getelementbyid.html", category: "DOM", matchString: "getElementById", }, { // #9 file: "test-bug-595934-canvas-css.html", category: "CSS Parser", matchString: "foobarCanvasCssParser", }, { // #10 file: "test-bug-595934-image.html", category: "Image", matchString: "corrupt", }, ]; var pos = -1; var foundCategory = false; var foundText = false; var pageLoaded = false; var pageError = false; var output = null; var jsterm = null; var hud = null; var testEnded = false; var TestObserver = { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver]), observe: function testObserve(subject) { if (testEnded || !(subject instanceof Ci.nsIScriptError)) { return; } let expectedCategory = TESTS[pos].category; info("test #" + pos + " console observer got " + subject.category + ", is expecting " + expectedCategory); if (subject.category == expectedCategory) { foundCategory = true; startNextTest(); } else { info("unexpected message was: " + subject.sourceName + ":" + subject.lineNumber + "; " + subject.errorMessage); } } }; function consoleOpened(hudConsole) { hud = hudConsole; output = hud.outputNode; jsterm = hud.jsterm; Services.console.registerListener(TestObserver); registerCleanupFunction(testEnd); testNext(); } function testNext() { jsterm.clearOutput(); foundCategory = false; foundText = false; pageLoaded = false; pageError = false; pos++; info("testNext: #" + pos); if (pos < TESTS.length) { test = TESTS[pos]; waitForMessages({ webconsole: hud, messages: [{ name: "message for test #" + pos + ": '" + test.matchString + "'", text: test.matchString, }], }).then(() => { foundText = true; startNextTest(); }); let testLocation = TESTS_PATH + test.file; gBrowser.selectedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function onLoad(evt) { if (content.location.href != testLocation) { return; } gBrowser.selectedBrowser.removeEventListener(evt.type, onLoad, true); pageLoaded = true; test.onload && test.onload(evt); if (test.expectError) { content.addEventListener("error", function _onError() { content.removeEventListener("error", _onError); pageError = true; startNextTest(); }); // On e10s, the exception is triggered in child process // and is ignored by test harness if (!Services.appinfo.browserTabsRemoteAutostart) { expectUncaughtException(); } } else { pageError = true; } startNextTest(); }, true); BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, testLocation); } else { testEnded = true; finishTest(); } } function testEnd() { if (!testEnded) { info("foundCategory " + foundCategory + " foundText " + foundText + " pageLoaded " + pageLoaded + " pageError " + pageError); } Services.console.unregisterListener(TestObserver); hud = TestObserver = output = jsterm = null; } function startNextTest() { if (!testEnded && foundCategory && foundText && pageLoaded && pageError) { testNext(); } } function test() { requestLongerTimeout(2); loadTab(TEST_URI).then(() => { openConsole().then(consoleOpened); }); }