/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const TEST_URI = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,

test for bug 642615"; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "clipboardHelper", "@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1", "nsIClipboardHelper"); var WebConsoleUtils = require("devtools/client/webconsole/utils").Utils; add_task(function* () { yield loadTab(TEST_URI); let hud = yield openConsole(); yield consoleOpened(hud); }); function consoleOpened(HUD) { let deferred = promise.defer(); let jsterm = HUD.jsterm; let stringToCopy = "foobazbarBug642615"; jsterm.clearOutput(); ok(!jsterm.completeNode.value, "no completeNode.value"); jsterm.setInputValue("doc"); let completionValue; // wait for key "u" function onCompletionValue() { completionValue = jsterm.completeNode.value; // Arguments: expected, setup, success, failure. waitForClipboard( stringToCopy, function () { clipboardHelper.copyString(stringToCopy); }, onClipboardCopy, finishTest); } function onClipboardCopy() { testSelfXss(); jsterm.setInputValue("docu"); info("wait for completion update after clipboard paste"); updateEditUIVisibility(); jsterm.once("autocomplete-updated", onClipboardPaste); goDoCommand("cmd_paste"); } // Self xss prevention tests (bug 994134) function testSelfXss() { info("Self-xss paste tests"); WebConsoleUtils.usageCount = 0; is(WebConsoleUtils.usageCount, 0, "Test for usage count getter"); // Input some commands to check if usage counting is working for (let i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { jsterm.setInputValue(i); jsterm.execute(); } is(WebConsoleUtils.usageCount, 4, "Usage count incremented"); WebConsoleUtils.usageCount = 0; updateEditUIVisibility(); let oldVal = jsterm.getInputValue(); goDoCommand("cmd_paste"); let notificationbox = jsterm.hud.document.getElementById("webconsole-notificationbox"); let notification = notificationbox.getNotificationWithValue("selfxss-notification"); ok(notification, "Self-xss notification shown"); is(oldVal, jsterm.getInputValue(), "Paste blocked by self-xss prevention"); // Allow pasting jsterm.setInputValue("allow pasting"); let evt = document.createEvent("KeyboardEvent"); evt.initKeyEvent("keyup", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, " ".charCodeAt(0)); jsterm.inputNode.dispatchEvent(evt); jsterm.setInputValue(""); goDoCommand("cmd_paste"); isnot("", jsterm.getInputValue(), "Paste works"); } function onClipboardPaste() { ok(!jsterm.completeNode.value, "no completion value after paste"); info("wait for completion update after undo"); jsterm.once("autocomplete-updated", onCompletionValueAfterUndo); // Get out of the webconsole event loop. executeSoon(() => { goDoCommand("cmd_undo"); }); } function onCompletionValueAfterUndo() { is(jsterm.completeNode.value, completionValue, "same completeNode.value after undo"); info("wait for completion update after clipboard paste (ctrl-v)"); jsterm.once("autocomplete-updated", () => { ok(!jsterm.completeNode.value, "no completion value after paste (ctrl-v)"); // using executeSoon() to get out of the webconsole event loop. executeSoon(deferred.resolve); }); // Get out of the webconsole event loop. executeSoon(() => { EventUtils.synthesizeKey("v", {accelKey: true}); }); } info("wait for completion value after typing 'docu'"); jsterm.once("autocomplete-updated", onCompletionValue); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("u", {}); return deferred.promise; }