/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Test that makes sure web console eval happens in the user-selected stackframe // from the js debugger. "use strict"; const TEST_URI = "http://example.com/browser/devtools/client/webconsole/" + "test/test-eval-in-stackframe.html"; var gWebConsole, gJSTerm, gDebuggerWin, gThread, gDebuggerController; var gStackframes; // Force the old debugger UI since it's directly used (see Bug 1301705) Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.debugger.new-debugger-frontend", false); registerCleanupFunction(function* () { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("devtools.debugger.new-debugger-frontend"); }); function test() { loadTab(TEST_URI).then(() => { openConsole().then(consoleOpened); }); } function consoleOpened(hud) { gWebConsole = hud; gJSTerm = hud.jsterm; gJSTerm.execute("foo").then(onExecuteFoo); } function onExecuteFoo() { isnot(gWebConsole.outputNode.textContent.indexOf("globalFooBug783499"), -1, "|foo| value is correct"); gJSTerm.clearOutput(); // Test for Bug 690529 - Web Console and Scratchpad should evaluate // expressions in the scope of the content window, not in a sandbox. executeSoon(() => { gJSTerm.execute("foo2 = 'newFoo'; window.foo2").then(onNewFoo2); }); } function onNewFoo2(msg) { is(gWebConsole.outputNode.textContent.indexOf("undefined"), -1, "|undefined| is not displayed after adding |foo2|"); ok(msg, "output result found"); isnot(msg.textContent.indexOf("newFoo"), -1, "'newFoo' is displayed after adding |foo2|"); gJSTerm.clearOutput(); info("openDebugger"); executeSoon(() => openDebugger().then(debuggerOpened)); } function debuggerOpened(aResult) { gDebuggerWin = aResult.panelWin; gDebuggerController = gDebuggerWin.DebuggerController; gThread = gDebuggerController.activeThread; gStackframes = gDebuggerController.StackFrames; info("openConsole"); executeSoon(() => openConsole().then(() => gJSTerm.execute("foo + foo2").then(onExecuteFooAndFoo2) ) ); } function onExecuteFooAndFoo2() { let expected = "globalFooBug783499newFoo"; isnot(gWebConsole.outputNode.textContent.indexOf(expected), -1, "|foo + foo2| is displayed after starting the debugger"); executeSoon(() => { gJSTerm.clearOutput(); info("openDebugger"); openDebugger().then(() => { gThread.addOneTimeListener("framesadded", onFramesAdded); info("firstCall()"); ContentTask.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, {}, function* () { content.wrappedJSObject.firstCall(); }); }); }); } function onFramesAdded() { info("onFramesAdded, openConsole() now"); executeSoon(() => openConsole().then(() => gJSTerm.execute("foo + foo2").then(onExecuteFooAndFoo2InSecondCall) ) ); } function onExecuteFooAndFoo2InSecondCall() { let expected = "globalFooBug783499foo2SecondCall"; isnot(gWebConsole.outputNode.textContent.indexOf(expected), -1, "|foo + foo2| from |secondCall()|"); function runOpenConsole() { openConsole().then(() => { gJSTerm.execute("foo + foo2 + foo3").then(onExecuteFoo23InFirstCall); }); } executeSoon(() => { gJSTerm.clearOutput(); info("openDebugger and selectFrame(1)"); openDebugger().then(() => { gStackframes.selectFrame(1); info("openConsole"); executeSoon(() => runOpenConsole()); }); }); } function onExecuteFoo23InFirstCall() { let expected = "fooFirstCallnewFoofoo3FirstCall"; isnot(gWebConsole.outputNode.textContent.indexOf(expected), -1, "|foo + foo2 + foo3| from |firstCall()|"); executeSoon(() => gJSTerm.execute("foo = 'abba'; foo3 = 'bug783499'; foo + foo3").then( onExecuteFooAndFoo3ChangesInFirstCall)); } var onExecuteFooAndFoo3ChangesInFirstCall = Task.async(function*() { let expected = "abbabug783499"; isnot(gWebConsole.outputNode.textContent.indexOf(expected), -1, "|foo + foo3| updated in |firstCall()|"); yield ContentTask.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, null, function*() { is(content.wrappedJSObject.foo, "globalFooBug783499", "|foo| in content window"); is(content.wrappedJSObject.foo2, "newFoo", "|foo2| in content window"); ok(!content.wrappedJSObject.foo3, "|foo3| was not added to the content window"); }); gWebConsole = gJSTerm = gDebuggerWin = gThread = gDebuggerController = gStackframes = null; executeSoon(finishTest); });