/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* import-globals-from ../../../../framework/test/shared-head.js */ "use strict"; // shared-head.js handles imports, constants, and utility functions // Load the shared-head file first. Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/framework/test/shared-head.js", this); var {Utils: WebConsoleUtils} = require("devtools/client/webconsole/utils"); const WEBCONSOLE_STRINGS_URI = "devtools/client/locales/webconsole.properties"; var {HUDService} = require("devtools/client/webconsole/hudservice"); var WCUL10n = new WebConsoleUtils.L10n(WEBCONSOLE_STRINGS_URI); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.webconsole.new-frontend-enabled", true); registerCleanupFunction(function* () { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("devtools.webconsole.new-frontend-enabled"); let browserConsole = HUDService.getBrowserConsole(); if (browserConsole) { if (browserConsole.jsterm) { browserConsole.jsterm.clearOutput(true); } yield HUDService.toggleBrowserConsole(); } }); /** * Add a new tab and open the toolbox in it, and select the webconsole. * * @param string url * The URL for the tab to be opened. * @return Promise * Resolves when the tab has been added, loaded and the toolbox has been opened. * Resolves to the toolbox. */ var openNewTabAndConsole = Task.async(function* (url) { let toolbox = yield openNewTabAndToolbox(TEST_URI, "webconsole"); let hud = toolbox.getCurrentPanel().hud; hud.jsterm._lazyVariablesView = false; return hud; }); /** * Wait for messages in the web console output, resolving once they are receieved. * * @param object options * - hud: the webconsole * - messages: Array[Object]. An array of messages to match. Current supported options: * - text: Exact text match in .message-body */ function waitForMessages({ hud, messages }) { return new Promise(resolve => { let numMatched = 0; let receivedLog = hud.ui.on("new-messages", function messagesReceieved(e, newMessages) { for (let message of messages) { if (message.matched) { continue; } for (let newMessage of newMessages) { if (newMessage.node.querySelector(".message-body").textContent == message.text) { numMatched++; message.matched = true; info("Matched a message with text: " + message.text + ", still waiting for " + (messages.length - numMatched) + " messages"); break; } } if (numMatched === messages.length) { hud.ui.off("new-messages", messagesReceieved); resolve(receivedLog); return; } } }); }); } /** * Wait for a predicate to return a result. * * @param function condition * Invoked once in a while until it returns a truthy value. This should be an * idempotent function, since we have to run it a second time after it returns * true in order to return the value. * @param string message [optional] * A message to output if the condition failes. * @param number interval [optional] * How often the predicate is invoked, in milliseconds. * @return object * A promise that is resolved with the result of the condition. */ function* waitFor(condition, message = "waitFor", interval = 10, maxTries = 500) { return new Promise(resolve => { BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(condition, message, interval, maxTries) .then(() => resolve(condition())); }); } /** * Find a message in the output. * * @param object hud * The web console. * @param string text * A substring that can be found in the message. * @param selector [optional] * The selector to use in finding the message. */ function findMessage(hud, text, selector = ".message") { const elements = findMessages(hud, text, selector); return elements.pop(); } /** * Find multiple messages in the output. * * @param object hud * The web console. * @param string text * A substring that can be found in the message. * @param selector [optional] * The selector to use in finding the message. */ function findMessages(hud, text, selector = ".message") { const messages = hud.ui.experimentalOutputNode.querySelectorAll(selector); const elements = Array.prototype.filter.call( messages, (el) => el.textContent.includes(text) ); return elements; }