/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Tests to ensure that selected nodes stay selected on graph redraw. */ add_task(function* () { let { target, panel } = yield initWebAudioEditor(SIMPLE_CONTEXT_URL); let { panelWin } = panel; let { gFront, $, $$, EVENTS } = panelWin; let events = Promise.all([ getN(gFront, "create-node", 3), waitForGraphRendered(panelWin, 3, 2) ]); reload(target); let [actors] = yield events; let [dest, osc, gain] = actors; yield clickGraphNode(panelWin, gain.actorID); ok(findGraphNode(panelWin, gain.actorID).classList.contains("selected"), "Node selected once."); // Disconnect a node to trigger a rerender osc.disconnect(); yield once(panelWin, EVENTS.UI_GRAPH_RENDERED); ok(findGraphNode(panelWin, gain.actorID).classList.contains("selected"), "Node still selected after rerender."); yield teardown(target); });