/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
   http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */

 * Tests that SVG nodes and edges were created for the Graph View.

var connectCount = 0;

add_task(function* () {
  let { target, panel } = yield initWebAudioEditor(SIMPLE_CONTEXT_URL);
  let { panelWin } = panel;
  let { gFront, $, $$, EVENTS, gAudioNodes } = panelWin;

  let started = once(gFront, "start-context");

  gAudioNodes.on("connect", onConnectNode);

  let events = Promise.all([
    get3(gFront, "create-node"),
    waitForGraphRendered(panelWin, 3, 2)
  let [actors] = yield events;
  let [destId, oscId, gainId] = actors.map(actor => actor.actorID);

  ok(findGraphNode(panelWin, oscId).classList.contains("type-OscillatorNode"), "found OscillatorNode with class");
  ok(findGraphNode(panelWin, gainId).classList.contains("type-GainNode"), "found GainNode with class");
  ok(findGraphNode(panelWin, destId).classList.contains("type-AudioDestinationNode"), "found AudioDestinationNode with class");
  is(findGraphEdge(panelWin, oscId, gainId).toString(), "[object SVGGElement]", "found edge for osc -> gain");
  is(findGraphEdge(panelWin, gainId, destId).toString(), "[object SVGGElement]", "found edge for gain -> dest");

  yield wait(1000);

  is(connectCount, 2, "Only two node connect events should be fired.");

  gAudioNodes.off("connect", onConnectNode);

  yield teardown(target);

function onConnectNode() {