"use strict"; /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Checks that the style editor manages to finalize its stylesheet loading phase // even if one stylesheet is missing, and that an error message is displayed. const TESTCASE_URI = TEST_BASE + "missing.html"; add_task(function* () { let { ui, toolbox, panel } = yield openStyleEditorForURL(TESTCASE_URI); // Note that we're not testing for a specific number of stylesheet editors // below because the test-page is loaded with chrome:// URL and, right now, // that means UA stylesheets are shown. So we avoid hardcoding the number of // stylesheets here. ok(ui.editors.length, "The UI contains style sheets."); let rootEl = panel.panelWindow.document.getElementById("style-editor-chrome"); ok(!rootEl.classList.contains("loading"), "The loading indicator is hidden"); let notifBox = toolbox.getNotificationBox(); let notif = notifBox.getCurrentNotification(); ok(notif, "The notification box contains a message"); ok(notif.label.indexOf("Style sheet could not be loaded") !== -1, "The error message is the correct one"); ok(notif.label.indexOf("missing-stylesheet.css") !== -1, "The error message contains the missing stylesheet's URL"); });