/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const CSSCompleter = require("devtools/client/sourceeditor/css-autocompleter"); const source = [ ".devtools-toolbar {", " -moz-appearance: none;", " padding:4px 3px;border-bottom-width: 1px;", " border-bottom-style: solid;", "}", "", "#devtools-menu.devtools-menulist,", ".devtools-toolbarbutton#devtools-menu {", " -moz-appearance: none;", " -moz-box-align: center;", " min-width: 78px;", " min-height: 22px;", " text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 hsla(210,8%,5%,.45);", " border: 1px solid hsla(210,8%,5%,.45);", " border-radius: 3px;", " background: linear-gradient(hsla(212,7%,57%,.35),", " hsla(212,7%,57%,.1)) padding-box;", " margin: 0 3px;", " color: inherit;", "}", "", ".devtools-toolbarbutton > hbox.toolbarbutton-menubutton-button {", " -moz-box-orient: horizontal;", "}", "", ".devtools-menulist:active,", "#devtools-toolbarbutton:focus {", " outline: 1px dotted hsla(210,30%,85%,0.7);", " outline-offset : -4px;", "}", "", ".devtools-toolbarbutton:not([label]) {", " min-width: 32px;", "}", "", ".devtools-toolbarbutton:not([label]) > .toolbarbutton-text, .devtools-toolbar {", " display: none;", "}", ].join("\n"); // Format of test cases : // [ // {line, ch}, - The caret position at which the getInfo call should be made // expectedState, - The expected state at the caret // expectedSelector, - The expected selector for the state // expectedProperty, - The expected property name for states value and property // expectedValue, - If state is value, then the expected value // ] const tests = [ [{line: 0, ch: 13}, "selector", ".devtools-toolbar"], [{line: 8, ch: 13}, "property", ["#devtools-menu.devtools-menulist", ".devtools-toolbarbutton#devtools-menu "], "-moz-appearance"], [{line: 28, ch: 25}, "value", [".devtools-menulist:active", "#devtools-toolbarbutton:focus "], "outline-offset", "-4px"], [{line: 4, ch: 1}, "null"], [{line: 5, ch: 0}, "null"], [{line: 31, ch: 13}, "selector", ".devtools-toolbarbutton:not([label])"], [{line: 35, ch: 23}, "selector", ".devtools-toolbarbutton:not([label]) > .toolbarbutton-text"], [{line: 35, ch: 70}, "selector", ".devtools-toolbar"], [{line: 27, ch: 14}, "value", [".devtools-menulist:active", "#devtools-toolbarbutton:focus "], "outline", "1px dotted hsla(210,30%,85%,0.7)"], [{line: 16, ch: 16}, "value", ["#devtools-menu.devtools-menulist", ".devtools-toolbarbutton#devtools-menu "], "background", "linear-gradient(hsla(212,7%,57%,.35),\n hsla(212,7%,57%,.1)) padding-box"], [{line: 16, ch: 3}, "value", ["#devtools-menu.devtools-menulist", ".devtools-toolbarbutton#devtools-menu "], "background", "linear-gradient(hsla(212,7%,57%,.35),\n hsla(212,7%,57%,.1)) padding-box"], [{line: 15, ch: 25}, "value", ["#devtools-menu.devtools-menulist", ".devtools-toolbarbutton#devtools-menu "], "background", "linear-gradient(hsla(212,7%,57%,.35),\n hsla(212,7%,57%,.1)) padding-box"], ]; const TEST_URI = "data:text/html;charset=UTF-8," + encodeURIComponent( ["", "", " ", " CSS contextual information tests.", " ", " ", " ", "

State machine tests for CSS autocompleter.

", "
", "
", "
", " ", " " ].join("\n")); let doc = null; function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(); BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(gBrowser.selectedBrowser).then(() => { doc = content.document; runTests(); }); gBrowser.loadURI(TEST_URI); } function runTests() { let completer = new CSSCompleter({cssProperties: getClientCssProperties()}); let matches = (arr, toCheck) => !arr.some((x, i) => x != toCheck[i]); let checkState = (expected, actual) => { if (expected[0] == "null" && actual == null) { return true; } else if (expected[0] == actual.state && expected[0] == "selector" && expected[1] == actual.selector) { return true; } else if (expected[0] == actual.state && expected[0] == "property" && matches(expected[1], actual.selectors) && expected[2] == actual.propertyName) { return true; } else if (expected[0] == actual.state && expected[0] == "value" && matches(expected[1], actual.selectors) && expected[2] == actual.propertyName && expected[3] == actual.value) { return true; } return false; }; let progress = doc.getElementById("progress"); let progressDiv = doc.querySelector("#progress > div"); let i = 0; for (let expected of tests) { let caret = expected.splice(0, 1)[0]; progress.dataset.progress = ++i; progressDiv.style.width = 100 * i / tests.length + "%"; let actual = completer.getInfoAt(source, caret); if (checkState(expected, actual)) { ok(true, "Test " + i + " passed. "); } else { ok(false, "Test " + i + " failed. Expected state : [" + expected + "] " + "but found [" + actual.state + ", " + (actual.selector || actual.selectors) + ", " + actual.propertyName + ", " + actual.value + "]."); progress.classList.add("failed"); } } gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); finish(); }