/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { VariablesView } = Components.utils.import("resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/VariablesView.jsm", {}); const PENDING = { "type": "object", "class": "Promise", "actor": "conn0.pausedobj35", "extensible": true, "frozen": false, "sealed": false, "promiseState": { "state": "pending" }, "preview": { "kind": "Object", "ownProperties": {}, "ownPropertiesLength": 0, "safeGetterValues": {} } }; const FULFILLED = { "type": "object", "class": "Promise", "actor": "conn0.pausedobj35", "extensible": true, "frozen": false, "sealed": false, "promiseState": { "state": "fulfilled", "value": 10 }, "preview": { "kind": "Object", "ownProperties": {}, "ownPropertiesLength": 0, "safeGetterValues": {} } }; const REJECTED = { "type": "object", "class": "Promise", "actor": "conn0.pausedobj35", "extensible": true, "frozen": false, "sealed": false, "promiseState": { "state": "rejected", "reason": 10 }, "preview": { "kind": "Object", "ownProperties": {}, "ownPropertiesLength": 0, "safeGetterValues": {} } }; function run_test() { equal(VariablesView.getString(PENDING, { concise: true }), "Promise"); equal(VariablesView.getString(PENDING), 'Promise {: "pending"}'); equal(VariablesView.getString(FULFILLED, { concise: true }), "Promise"); equal(VariablesView.getString(FULFILLED), 'Promise {: "fulfilled", : 10}'); equal(VariablesView.getString(REJECTED, { concise: true }), "Promise"); equal(VariablesView.getString(REJECTED), 'Promise {: "rejected", : 10}'); }