/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /** * Memory leak hunter. Walks a tree of objects looking for DOM nodes. * Usage: * leakHunt({ * thing: thing, * otherthing: otherthing * }); */ function leakHunt(root) { let path = []; let seen = []; try { let output = leakHunt.inner(root, path, seen); output.forEach(function (line) { dump(line + "\n"); }); } catch (ex) { dump(ex + "\n"); } } leakHunt.inner = function (root, path, seen) { let prefix = new Array(path.length).join(" "); let reply = []; function log(msg) { reply.push(msg); } let direct; try { direct = Object.keys(root); } catch (ex) { log(prefix + " Error enumerating: " + ex); return reply; } try { let index = 0; for (let data of root) { let prop = "" + index; leakHunt.digProperty(prop, data, path, seen, direct, log); index++; } } catch (ex) { /* Ignore things that are not enumerable */ } for (let prop in root) { let data; try { data = root[prop]; } catch (ex) { log(prefix + " " + prop + " = Error: " + ex.toString().substring(0, 30)); continue; } leakHunt.digProperty(prop, data, path, seen, direct, log); } return reply; }; leakHunt.hide = [ /^string$/, /^number$/, /^boolean$/, /^null/, /^undefined/ ]; leakHunt.noRecurse = [ /^string$/, /^number$/, /^boolean$/, /^null/, /^undefined/, /^Window$/, /^Document$/, /^XULDocument$/, /^XULElement$/, /^DOMWindow$/, /^HTMLDocument$/, /^HTML.*Element$/, /^ChromeWindow$/ ]; leakHunt.digProperty = function (prop, data, path, seen, direct, log) { let newPath = path.slice(); newPath.push(prop); let prefix = new Array(newPath.length).join(" "); let recurse = true; let message = leakHunt.getType(data); if (leakHunt.matchesAnyPattern(message, leakHunt.hide)) { return; } if (message === "function" && direct.indexOf(prop) == -1) { return; } if (message === "string") { let extra = data.length > 10 ? data.substring(0, 9) + "_" : data; message += ' "' + extra.replace(/\n/g, "|") + '"'; recurse = false; } else if (leakHunt.matchesAnyPattern(message, leakHunt.noRecurse)) { message += " (no recurse)"; recurse = false; } else if (seen.indexOf(data) !== -1) { message += " (already seen)"; recurse = false; } if (recurse) { seen.push(data); let lines = leakHunt.inner(data, newPath, seen); if (lines.length == 0) { if (message !== "function") { log(prefix + prop + " = " + message + " { }"); } } else { log(prefix + prop + " = " + message + " {"); lines.forEach(function (line) { log(line); }); log(prefix + "}"); } } else { log(prefix + prop + " = " + message); } }; leakHunt.matchesAnyPattern = function (str, patterns) { let match = false; patterns.forEach(function (pattern) { if (str.match(pattern)) { match = true; } }); return match; }; leakHunt.getType = function (data) { if (data === null) { return "null"; } if (data === undefined) { return "undefined"; } let type = typeof data; if (type === "object" || type === "Object") { type = leakHunt.getCtorName(data); } return type; }; leakHunt.getCtorName = function (obj) { try { if (obj.constructor && obj.constructor.name) { return obj.constructor.name; } } catch (ex) { return "UnknownObject"; } // If that fails, use Objects toString which sometimes gives something // better than 'Object', and at least defaults to Object if nothing better return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj).slice(8, -1); };