/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Tests that the table widget api works fine "use strict"; const TEST_URI = "data:text/xml;charset=UTF-8,<?xml version='1.0'?>" + "<?xml-stylesheet href='chrome://global/skin/global.css'?>" + // Uncomment these lines to help with visual debugging. When uncommented they // dump a couple of thousand errors in the log (bug 1258285) // "<?xml-stylesheet href='chrome://devtools/skin/light-theme.css'?>" + // "<?xml-stylesheet href='chrome://devtools/skin/widgets.css'?>" + "<window xmlns='http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul'" + " title='Table Widget' width='600' height='500'>" + "<box flex='1' class='theme-light'/></window>"; const {TableWidget} = require("devtools/client/shared/widgets/TableWidget"); add_task(function* () { yield addTab("about:blank"); let [host, , doc] = yield createHost("bottom", TEST_URI); let table = new TableWidget(doc.querySelector("box"), { initialColumns: { col1: "Column 1", col2: "Column 2", col3: "Column 3", col4: "Column 4" }, uniqueId: "col1", emptyText: "This is dummy empty text", highlightUpdated: true, removableColumns: true, firstColumn: "col4" }); startTests(doc, table); endTests(doc, host, table); }); function startTests(doc, table) { populateTable(doc, table); testTreeItemInsertedCorrectly(doc, table); testAPI(doc, table); } function endTests(doc, host, table) { table.destroy(); host.destroy(); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); table = null; finish(); } function populateTable(doc, table) { table.push({ col1: "id1", col2: "value10", col3: "value20", col4: "value30" }); table.push({ col1: "id2", col2: "value14", col3: "value29", col4: "value32" }); table.push({ col1: "id3", col2: "value17", col3: "value21", col4: "value31", extraData: "foobar", extraData2: 42 }); table.push({ col1: "id4", col2: "value12", col3: "value26", col4: "value33" }); table.push({ col1: "id5", col2: "value19", col3: "value26", col4: "value37" }); table.push({ col1: "id6", col2: "value15", col3: "value25", col4: "value37" }); table.push({ col1: "id7", col2: "value18", col3: "value21", col4: "value36", somethingExtra: "Hello World!" }); table.push({ col1: "id8", col2: "value11", col3: "value27", col4: "value34" }); let span = doc.createElement("span"); span.textContent = "domnode"; table.push({ col1: "id9", col2: "value11", col3: "value23", col4: span }); } /** * Test if the nodes are inserted correctly in the table. */ function testTreeItemInsertedCorrectly(doc, table) { // double because of splitters is(table.tbody.children.length, 4 * 2, "4 columns exist"); // Test firstColumn option and check if the nodes are inserted correctly is(table.tbody.children[0].firstChild.children.length, 9 + 1, "Correct rows in column 4"); is(table.tbody.children[0].firstChild.firstChild.value, "Column 4", "Correct column header value"); for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) { is(table.tbody.children[i * 2].firstChild.children.length, 9 + 1, `Correct rows in column ${i}`); is(table.tbody.children[i * 2].firstChild.firstChild.value, `Column ${i}`, "Correct column header value"); } for (let i = 1; i < 10; i++) { is(table.tbody.children[2].firstChild.children[i].value, `id${i}`, `Correct value in row ${i}`); } // Remove firstColumn option and reset the table table.clear(); table.firstColumn = ""; table.setColumns({ col1: "Column 1", col2: "Column 2", col3: "Column 3", col4: "Column 4" }); populateTable(doc, table); // Check if the nodes are inserted correctly without firstColumn option for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { is(table.tbody.children[i * 2].firstChild.children.length, 9 + 1, `Correct rows in column ${i}`); is(table.tbody.children[i * 2].firstChild.firstChild.value, `Column ${i + 1}`, "Correct column header value"); } for (let i = 1; i < 10; i++) { is(table.tbody.firstChild.firstChild.children[i].value, `id${i}`, `Correct value in row ${i}`); } } /** * Tests if the API exposed by TableWidget works properly */ function testAPI(doc, table) { info("Testing TableWidget API"); // Check if selectRow and selectedRow setter works as expected // Nothing should be selected beforehand ok(!doc.querySelector(".theme-selected"), "Nothing is selected"); table.selectRow("id4"); let node = doc.querySelector(".theme-selected"); ok(!!node, "Somthing got selected"); is(node.getAttribute("data-id"), "id4", "Correct node selected"); table.selectRow("id7"); let node2 = doc.querySelector(".theme-selected"); ok(!!node2, "Somthing is still selected"); isnot(node, node2, "Newly selected node is different from previous"); is(node2.getAttribute("data-id"), "id7", "Correct node selected"); // test if selectedIRow getter works is(table.selectedRow.col1, "id7", "Correct result of selectedRow getter"); // test if isSelected works ok(table.isSelected("id7"), "isSelected with column id works"); ok(table.isSelected({ col1: "id7", col2: "value18", col3: "value21", col4: "value36", somethingExtra: "Hello World!" }), "isSelected with json works"); table.selectedRow = "id4"; let node3 = doc.querySelector(".theme-selected"); ok(!!node3, "Somthing is still selected"); isnot(node2, node3, "Newly selected node is different from previous"); is(node3, node, "First and third selected nodes should be same"); is(node3.getAttribute("data-id"), "id4", "Correct node selected"); // test if selectedRow getter works is(table.selectedRow.col1, "id4", "Correct result of selectedRow getter"); // test if clear selection works table.clearSelection(); ok(!doc.querySelector(".theme-selected"), "Nothing selected after clear selection call"); // test if selectNextRow and selectPreviousRow work table.selectedRow = "id7"; ok(table.isSelected("id7"), "Correct row selected"); table.selectNextRow(); ok(table.isSelected("id8"), "Correct row selected after selectNextRow call"); table.selectNextRow(); ok(table.isSelected("id9"), "Correct row selected after selectNextRow call"); table.selectNextRow(); ok(table.isSelected("id1"), "Properly cycled to first row after selectNextRow call on last row"); table.selectNextRow(); ok(table.isSelected("id2"), "Correct row selected after selectNextRow call"); table.selectPreviousRow(); ok(table.isSelected("id1"), "Correct row selected after selectPreviousRow call"); table.selectPreviousRow(); ok(table.isSelected("id9"), "Properly cycled to last row after selectPreviousRow call on first row"); // test if remove works ok(doc.querySelector("[data-id='id4']"), "id4 row exists before removal"); table.remove("id4"); ok(!doc.querySelector("[data-id='id4']"), "id4 row does not exist after removal through id"); ok(doc.querySelector("[data-id='id6']"), "id6 row exists before removal"); table.remove({ col1: "id6", col2: "value15", col3: "value25", col4: "value37" }); ok(!doc.querySelector("[data-id='id6']"), "id6 row does not exist after removal through json"); table.push({ col1: "id4", col2: "value12", col3: "value26", col4: "value33" }); table.push({ col1: "id6", col2: "value15", col3: "value25", col4: "value37" }); // test if selectedIndex getter setter works table.selectedIndex = 2; ok(table.isSelected("id3"), "Correct row selected by selectedIndex setter"); table.selectedIndex = 4; ok(table.isSelected("id5"), "Correct row selected by selectedIndex setter"); table.selectRow("id8"); is(table.selectedIndex, 7, "Correct value of selectedIndex getter"); // testing if clear works table.clear(); // double because splitters is(table.tbody.children.length, 4 * 2, "4 columns exist even after clear"); for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { is(table.tbody.children[i * 2].firstChild.children.length, 1, `Only header in the column ${i} after clear call`); is(table.tbody.children[i * 2].firstChild.firstChild.value, `Column ${i + 1}`, "Correct column header value"); } // testing if setColumns work table.setColumns({ col1: "Foobar", col2: "Testing" }); // double because splitters is(table.tbody.children.length, 2 * 2, "2 columns exist after setColumn call"); is(table.tbody.children[0].firstChild.firstChild.value, "Foobar", "Correct column header value for first column"); is(table.tbody.children[2].firstChild.firstChild.value, "Testing", "Correct column header value for second column"); table.setColumns({ col1: "Column 1", col2: "Column 2", col3: "Column 3", col4: "Column 4" }); // double because splitters is(table.tbody.children.length, 4 * 2, "4 columns exist after second setColumn call"); populateTable(doc, table); // testing if update works is(doc.querySelectorAll("[data-id='id4']")[1].value, "value12", "Correct value before update"); table.update({ col1: "id4", col2: "UPDATED", col3: "value26", col4: "value33" }); is(doc.querySelectorAll("[data-id='id4']")[1].value, "UPDATED", "Correct value after update"); // testing if sorting works by calling it once on an already sorted column // should sort descending table.sortBy("col1"); for (let i = 1; i < 10; i++) { is(table.tbody.firstChild.firstChild.children[i].value, `id${10 - i}`, `Correct value in row ${i} after descending sort by on col1`); } // Calling it on an unsorted column should sort by it in ascending manner table.sortBy("col2"); let cell = table.tbody.children[2].firstChild.children[2]; checkAscendingOrder(cell); // Calling it again should sort by it in descending manner table.sortBy("col2"); cell = table.tbody.children[2].firstChild.lastChild.previousSibling; checkDescendingOrder(cell); // Calling it again should sort by it in ascending manner table.sortBy("col2"); cell = table.tbody.children[2].firstChild.children[2]; checkAscendingOrder(cell); table.clear(); populateTable(doc, table); // testing if sorting works should sort by ascending manner table.sortBy("col4"); cell = table.tbody.children[6].firstChild.children[1]; is(cell.textContent, "domnode", "DOMNode sorted correctly"); checkAscendingOrder(cell.nextSibling); // Calling it again should sort it in descending order table.sortBy("col4"); cell = table.tbody.children[6].firstChild.children[9]; is(cell.textContent, "domnode", "DOMNode sorted correctly"); checkDescendingOrder(cell.previousSibling); } function checkAscendingOrder(cell) { while (cell) { let currentCell = cell.value || cell.textContent; let prevCell = cell.previousSibling.value || cell.previousSibling.textContent; ok(currentCell >= prevCell, "Sorting is in ascending order"); cell = cell.nextSibling; } } function checkDescendingOrder(cell) { while (cell != cell.parentNode.firstChild) { let currentCell = cell.value || cell.textContent; let nextCell = cell.nextSibling.value || cell.nextSibling.textContent; ok(currentCell >= nextCell, "Sorting is in descending order"); cell = cell.previousSibling; } }