/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // Tests getAdjustedQuads works properly in a variety of use cases including // iframes, scroll and zoom "use strict"; const {getAdjustedQuads} = require("devtools/shared/layout/utils"); const TEST_URI = TEST_URI_ROOT + "browser_layoutHelpers-getBoxQuads.html"; add_task(function* () { let tab = yield addTab(TEST_URI); let doc = tab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument; ok(typeof getAdjustedQuads === "function", "getAdjustedQuads is defined"); info("Running tests"); returnsTheRightDataStructure(doc); isEmptyForMissingNode(doc); isEmptyForHiddenNodes(doc); defaultsToBorderBoxIfNoneProvided(doc); returnsLikeGetBoxQuadsInSimpleCase(doc); takesIframesOffsetsIntoAccount(doc); takesScrollingIntoAccount(doc); yield takesZoomIntoAccount(doc); returnsMultipleItemsForWrappingInlineElements(doc); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); }); function returnsTheRightDataStructure(doc) { info("Checks that the returned data contains bounds and 4 points"); let node = doc.querySelector("body"); let [res] = getAdjustedQuads(doc.defaultView, node, "content"); ok("bounds" in res, "The returned data has a bounds property"); ok("p1" in res, "The returned data has a p1 property"); ok("p2" in res, "The returned data has a p2 property"); ok("p3" in res, "The returned data has a p3 property"); ok("p4" in res, "The returned data has a p4 property"); for (let boundProp of ["bottom", "top", "right", "left", "width", "height", "x", "y"]) { ok(boundProp in res.bounds, "The bounds has a " + boundProp + " property"); } for (let point of ["p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"]) { for (let pointProp of ["x", "y", "z", "w"]) { ok(pointProp in res[point], point + " has a " + pointProp + " property"); } } } function isEmptyForMissingNode(doc) { info("Checks that null is returned for invalid nodes"); for (let input of [null, undefined, "", 0]) { is(getAdjustedQuads(doc.defaultView, input).length, 0, "A 0-length array is returned for input " + input); } } function isEmptyForHiddenNodes(doc) { info("Checks that null is returned for nodes that aren't rendered"); let style = doc.querySelector("#styles"); is(getAdjustedQuads(doc.defaultView, style).length, 0, "null is returned for a <style> node"); let hidden = doc.querySelector("#hidden-node"); is(getAdjustedQuads(doc.defaultView, hidden).length, 0, "null is returned for a hidden node"); } function defaultsToBorderBoxIfNoneProvided(doc) { info("Checks that if no boxtype is passed, then border is the default one"); let node = doc.querySelector("#simple-node-with-margin-padding-border"); let [withBoxType] = getAdjustedQuads(doc.defaultView, node, "border"); let [withoutBoxType] = getAdjustedQuads(doc.defaultView, node); for (let boundProp of ["bottom", "top", "right", "left", "width", "height", "x", "y"]) { is(withBoxType.bounds[boundProp], withoutBoxType.bounds[boundProp], boundProp + " bound is equal with or without the border box type"); } for (let point of ["p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"]) { for (let pointProp of ["x", "y", "z", "w"]) { is(withBoxType[point][pointProp], withoutBoxType[point][pointProp], point + "." + pointProp + " is equal with or without the border box type"); } } } function returnsLikeGetBoxQuadsInSimpleCase(doc) { info("Checks that for an element in the main frame, without scroll nor zoom" + "that the returned value is similar to the returned value of getBoxQuads"); let node = doc.querySelector("#simple-node-with-margin-padding-border"); for (let region of ["content", "padding", "border", "margin"]) { let expected = node.getBoxQuads({ box: region })[0]; let [actual] = getAdjustedQuads(doc.defaultView, node, region); for (let boundProp of ["bottom", "top", "right", "left", "width", "height", "x", "y"]) { is(actual.bounds[boundProp], expected.bounds[boundProp], boundProp + " bound is equal to the one returned by getBoxQuads for " + region + " box"); } for (let point of ["p1", "p2", "p3", "p4"]) { for (let pointProp of ["x", "y", "z", "w"]) { is(actual[point][pointProp], expected[point][pointProp], point + "." + pointProp + " is equal to the one returned by getBoxQuads for " + region + " box"); } } } } function takesIframesOffsetsIntoAccount(doc) { info("Checks that the quad returned for a node inside iframes that have " + "margins takes those offsets into account"); let rootIframe = doc.querySelector("iframe"); let subIframe = rootIframe.contentDocument.querySelector("iframe"); let innerNode = subIframe.contentDocument.querySelector("#inner-node"); let [quad] = getAdjustedQuads(doc.defaultView, innerNode, "content"); // rootIframe margin + subIframe margin + node margin + node border + node padding let p1x = 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10; is(quad.p1.x, p1x, "The inner node's p1 x position is correct"); // Same as p1x + the inner node width let p2x = p1x + 100; is(quad.p2.x, p2x, "The inner node's p2 x position is correct"); } function takesScrollingIntoAccount(doc) { info("Checks that the quad returned for a node inside multiple scrolled " + "containers takes the scroll values into account"); // For info, the container being tested here is absolutely positioned at 0 0 // to simplify asserting the coordinates info("Scroll the container nodes down"); let scrolledNode = doc.querySelector("#scrolled-node"); scrolledNode.scrollTop = 100; let subScrolledNode = doc.querySelector("#sub-scrolled-node"); subScrolledNode.scrollTop = 200; let innerNode = doc.querySelector("#inner-scrolled-node"); let [quad] = getAdjustedQuads(doc.defaultView, innerNode, "content"); is(quad.p1.x, 0, "p1.x of the scrolled node is correct after scrolling down"); is(quad.p1.y, -300, "p1.y of the scrolled node is correct after scrolling down"); info("Scrolling back up"); scrolledNode.scrollTop = 0; subScrolledNode.scrollTop = 0; [quad] = getAdjustedQuads(doc.defaultView, innerNode, "content"); is(quad.p1.x, 0, "p1.x of the scrolled node is correct after scrolling up"); is(quad.p1.y, 0, "p1.y of the scrolled node is correct after scrolling up"); } function* takesZoomIntoAccount(doc) { info("Checks that if the page is zoomed in/out, the quad returned is correct"); // Hard-coding coordinates in this zoom test is a bad idea as it can vary // depending on the platform, so we simply test that zooming in produces a // bigger quad and zooming out produces a smaller quad let node = doc.querySelector("#simple-node-with-margin-padding-border"); let [defaultQuad] = getAdjustedQuads(doc.defaultView, node); info("Zoom in"); window.FullZoom.enlarge(); let [zoomedInQuad] = getAdjustedQuads(doc.defaultView, node); ok(zoomedInQuad.bounds.width > defaultQuad.bounds.width, "The zoomed in quad is bigger than the default one"); ok(zoomedInQuad.bounds.height > defaultQuad.bounds.height, "The zoomed in quad is bigger than the default one"); info("Zoom out"); yield window.FullZoom.reset(); window.FullZoom.reduce(); let [zoomedOutQuad] = getAdjustedQuads(doc.defaultView, node); ok(zoomedOutQuad.bounds.width < defaultQuad.bounds.width, "The zoomed out quad is smaller than the default one"); ok(zoomedOutQuad.bounds.height < defaultQuad.bounds.height, "The zoomed out quad is smaller than the default one"); yield window.FullZoom.reset(); } function returnsMultipleItemsForWrappingInlineElements(doc) { info("Checks that several quads are returned " + "for inline elements that span line-breaks"); let node = doc.querySelector("#inline"); let quads = getAdjustedQuads(doc.defaultView, node, "content"); // At least 3 because of the 2 <br />, maybe more depending on the window size. ok(quads.length >= 3, "Multiple quads were returned"); is(quads.length, node.getBoxQuads().length, "The same number of boxes as getBoxQuads was returned"); }