/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* import-globals-from helper_inplace_editor.js */ "use strict"; const { InplaceEditor } = require("devtools/client/shared/inplace-editor"); const { AutocompletePopup } = require("devtools/client/shared/autocomplete-popup"); loadHelperScript("helper_inplace_editor.js"); // Test the inplace-editor autocomplete popup for CSS values suggestions. // Using a mocked list of CSS properties to avoid test failures linked to // engine changes (new property, removed property, ...). // format : // [ // what key to press, // expected input box value after keypress, // selected suggestion index (-1 if popup is hidden), // number of suggestions in the popup (0 if popup is hidden), // ] const testData = [ ["b", "block", -1, 0], ["VK_BACK_SPACE", "b", -1, 0], ["VK_BACK_SPACE", "", -1, 0], ["i", "inline", 0, 2], ["VK_DOWN", "inline-block", 1, 2], ["VK_DOWN", "inline", 0, 2], ["VK_LEFT", "inline", -1, 0], ]; const mockGetCSSValuesForPropertyName = function (propertyName) { let values = { "display": [ "block", "flex", "inline", "inline-block", "none", ] }; return values[propertyName] || []; }; add_task(function* () { yield addTab("data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + "inplace editor CSS value autocomplete"); let [host, win, doc] = yield createHost(); let xulDocument = win.top.document; let popup = new AutocompletePopup(xulDocument, { autoSelect: true }); yield new Promise(resolve => { createInplaceEditorAndClick({ start: runAutocompletionTest, contentType: InplaceEditor.CONTENT_TYPES.CSS_VALUE, property: { name: "display" }, done: resolve, popup: popup }, doc); }); popup.destroy(); host.destroy(); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); }); let runAutocompletionTest = Task.async(function* (editor) { info("Starting to test for css property completion"); editor._getCSSValuesForPropertyName = mockGetCSSValuesForPropertyName; for (let data of testData) { yield testCompletion(data, editor); } EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {}, editor.input.defaultView); });