/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /** * This module contains a small element attribute value parser. It's primary * goal is to extract link information from attribute values (like the href in * <a href="/some/link.html"> for example). * * There are several types of linkable attribute values: * - TYPE_URI: a URI (e.g. <a href="uri">). * - TYPE_URI_LIST: a space separated list of URIs (e.g. <a ping="uri1 uri2">). * - TYPE_IDREF: a reference to an other element in the same document via its id * (e.g. <label for="input-id"> or <key command="command-id">). * - TYPE_IDREF_LIST: a space separated list of IDREFs (e.g. * <output for="id1 id2">). * - TYPE_JS_RESOURCE_URI: a URI to a javascript resource that can be opened in * the devtools (e.g. <script src="uri">). * - TYPE_CSS_RESOURCE_URI: a URI to a css resource that can be opened in the * devtools (e.g. <link href="uri">). * * parseAttribute is the parser entry function, exported on this module. */ const TYPE_STRING = "string"; const TYPE_URI = "uri"; const TYPE_URI_LIST = "uriList"; const TYPE_IDREF = "idref"; const TYPE_IDREF_LIST = "idrefList"; const TYPE_JS_RESOURCE_URI = "jsresource"; const TYPE_CSS_RESOURCE_URI = "cssresource"; const XUL_NS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"; const HTML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; /* eslint-disable max-len */ const ATTRIBUTE_TYPES = [ {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "action", tagName: "form", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "background", tagName: "body", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "cite", tagName: "blockquote", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "cite", tagName: "q", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "cite", tagName: "del", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "cite", tagName: "ins", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "classid", tagName: "object", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "codebase", tagName: "object", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "codebase", tagName: "applet", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "command", tagName: "menuitem", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: "*", attributeName: "contextmenu", tagName: "*", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "data", tagName: "object", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "for", tagName: "label", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "for", tagName: "output", type: TYPE_IDREF_LIST}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "form", tagName: "button", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "form", tagName: "fieldset", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "form", tagName: "input", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "form", tagName: "keygen", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "form", tagName: "label", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "form", tagName: "object", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "form", tagName: "output", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "form", tagName: "select", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "form", tagName: "textarea", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "formaction", tagName: "button", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "formaction", tagName: "input", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "headers", tagName: "td", type: TYPE_IDREF_LIST}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "headers", tagName: "th", type: TYPE_IDREF_LIST}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "href", tagName: "a", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "href", tagName: "area", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: "*", attributeName: "href", tagName: "link", type: TYPE_CSS_RESOURCE_URI, /* eslint-enable */ isValid: (namespaceURI, tagName, attributes) => { return getAttribute(attributes, "rel") === "stylesheet"; }}, /* eslint-disable max-len */ {namespaceURI: "*", attributeName: "href", tagName: "link", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "href", tagName: "base", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "icon", tagName: "menuitem", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "list", tagName: "input", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "longdesc", tagName: "img", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "longdesc", tagName: "frame", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "longdesc", tagName: "iframe", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "manifest", tagName: "html", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "menu", tagName: "button", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "ping", tagName: "a", type: TYPE_URI_LIST}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "ping", tagName: "area", type: TYPE_URI_LIST}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "poster", tagName: "video", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "profile", tagName: "head", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: "*", attributeName: "src", tagName: "script", type: TYPE_JS_RESOURCE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "src", tagName: "input", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "src", tagName: "frame", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "src", tagName: "iframe", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "src", tagName: "img", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "src", tagName: "audio", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "src", tagName: "embed", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "src", tagName: "source", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "src", tagName: "track", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "src", tagName: "video", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "usemap", tagName: "img", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "usemap", tagName: "input", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: HTML_NS, attributeName: "usemap", tagName: "object", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: "*", attributeName: "xmlns", tagName: "*", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: XUL_NS, attributeName: "command", tagName: "key", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: XUL_NS, attributeName: "containment", tagName: "*", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: XUL_NS, attributeName: "context", tagName: "*", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: XUL_NS, attributeName: "datasources", tagName: "*", type: TYPE_URI_LIST}, {namespaceURI: XUL_NS, attributeName: "insertafter", tagName: "*", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: XUL_NS, attributeName: "insertbefore", tagName: "*", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: XUL_NS, attributeName: "menu", tagName: "*", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: XUL_NS, attributeName: "observes", tagName: "*", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: XUL_NS, attributeName: "popup", tagName: "*", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: XUL_NS, attributeName: "ref", tagName: "*", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: XUL_NS, attributeName: "removeelement", tagName: "*", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: XUL_NS, attributeName: "sortResource", tagName: "*", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: XUL_NS, attributeName: "sortResource2", tagName: "*", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: XUL_NS, attributeName: "src", tagName: "stringbundle", type: TYPE_URI}, {namespaceURI: XUL_NS, attributeName: "template", tagName: "*", type: TYPE_IDREF}, {namespaceURI: XUL_NS, attributeName: "tooltip", tagName: "*", type: TYPE_IDREF}, /* eslint-enable */ // SVG links aren't handled yet, see bug 1158831. // {namespaceURI: SVG_NS, attributeName: "fill", tagName: "*", type: }, // {namespaceURI: SVG_NS, attributeName: "stroke", tagName: "*", type: }, // {namespaceURI: SVG_NS, attributeName: "markerstart", tagName: "*", type: }, // {namespaceURI: SVG_NS, attributeName: "markermid", tagName: "*", type: }, // {namespaceURI: SVG_NS, attributeName: "markerend", tagName: "*", type: }, // {namespaceURI: SVG_NS, attributeName: "xlink:href", tagName: "*", type: } ]; var parsers = { [TYPE_URI]: function (attributeValue) { return [{ type: TYPE_URI, value: attributeValue }]; }, [TYPE_URI_LIST]: function (attributeValue) { let data = splitBy(attributeValue, " "); for (let token of data) { if (!token.type) { token.type = TYPE_URI; } } return data; }, [TYPE_JS_RESOURCE_URI]: function (attributeValue) { return [{ type: TYPE_JS_RESOURCE_URI, value: attributeValue }]; }, [TYPE_CSS_RESOURCE_URI]: function (attributeValue) { return [{ type: TYPE_CSS_RESOURCE_URI, value: attributeValue }]; }, [TYPE_IDREF]: function (attributeValue) { return [{ type: TYPE_IDREF, value: attributeValue }]; }, [TYPE_IDREF_LIST]: function (attributeValue) { let data = splitBy(attributeValue, " "); for (let token of data) { if (!token.type) { token.type = TYPE_IDREF; } } return data; } }; /** * Parse an attribute value. * @param {String} namespaceURI The namespaceURI of the node that has the * attribute. * @param {String} tagName The tagName of the node that has the attribute. * @param {Array} attributes The list of all attributes of the node. This should * be an array of {name, value} objects. * @param {String} attributeName The name of the attribute to parse. * @return {Array} An array of tokens that represents the value. Each token is * an object {type: [string|uri|jsresource|cssresource|idref], value}. * For instance parsing the ping attribute in <a ping="uri1 uri2"> returns: * [ * {type: "uri", value: "uri2"}, * {type: "string", value: " "}, * {type: "uri", value: "uri1"} * ] */ function parseAttribute(namespaceURI, tagName, attributes, attributeName) { if (!hasAttribute(attributes, attributeName)) { throw new Error(`Attribute ${attributeName} isn't part of the ` + "provided attributes"); } let type = getType(namespaceURI, tagName, attributes, attributeName); if (!type) { return [{ type: TYPE_STRING, value: getAttribute(attributes, attributeName) }]; } return parsers[type](getAttribute(attributes, attributeName)); } /** * Get the type for links in this attribute if any. * @param {String} namespaceURI The node's namespaceURI. * @param {String} tagName The node's tagName. * @param {Array} attributes The node's attributes, as a list of {name, value} * objects. * @param {String} attributeName The name of the attribute to get the type for. * @return {Object} null if no type exist for this attribute on this node, the * type object otherwise. */ function getType(namespaceURI, tagName, attributes, attributeName) { for (let typeData of ATTRIBUTE_TYPES) { let containsAttribute = attributeName === typeData.attributeName || typeData.attributeName === "*"; let hasNamespace = namespaceURI === typeData.namespaceURI || typeData.namespaceURI === "*"; let hasTagName = tagName.toLowerCase() === typeData.tagName || typeData.tagName === "*"; let isValid = typeData.isValid ? typeData.isValid(namespaceURI, tagName, attributes, attributeName) : true; if (containsAttribute && hasNamespace && hasTagName && isValid) { return typeData.type; } } return null; } function getAttribute(attributes, attributeName) { for (let {name, value} of attributes) { if (name === attributeName) { return value; } } return null; } function hasAttribute(attributes, attributeName) { for (let {name} of attributes) { if (name === attributeName) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Split a string by a given character and return an array of objects parts. * The array will contain objects for the split character too, marked with * TYPE_STRING type. * @param {String} value The string to parse. * @param {String} splitChar A 1 length split character. * @return {Array} */ function splitBy(value, splitChar) { let data = [], i = 0, buffer = ""; while (i <= value.length) { if (i === value.length && buffer) { data.push({value: buffer}); } if (value[i] === splitChar) { if (buffer) { data.push({value: buffer}); } data.push({ type: TYPE_STRING, value: splitChar }); buffer = ""; } else { buffer += value[i]; } i++; } return data; } exports.parseAttribute = parseAttribute; // Exported for testing only. exports.splitBy = splitBy;