/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* Bug 740948 */ var DEVTOOLS_CHROME_ENABLED = "devtools.chrome.enabled"; var EDITOR_TEXT = [ "var evt = new CustomEvent('foo', { bubbles: true });", "document.body.innerHTML = 'Modified text';", "window.dispatchEvent(evt);" ].join("\n"); function test() { requestLongerTimeout(2); waitForExplicitFinish(); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(DEVTOOLS_CHROME_ENABLED, true); gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(); gBrowser.selectedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function onLoad() { gBrowser.selectedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", onLoad, true); openScratchpad(runTests); }, true); content.location = "data:text/html,Scratchpad test for bug 740948"; } function runTests() { let sp = gScratchpadWindow.Scratchpad; ok(sp, "Scratchpad object exists in new window"); // Test that Reload And Run command is enabled in the content // context and disabled in the browser context. let reloadAndRun = gScratchpadWindow.document. getElementById("sp-cmd-reloadAndRun"); ok(reloadAndRun, "Reload And Run command exists"); ok(!reloadAndRun.hasAttribute("disabled"), "Reload And Run command is enabled"); sp.setBrowserContext(); ok(reloadAndRun.hasAttribute("disabled"), "Reload And Run command is disabled in the browser context."); // Switch back to the content context and run our predefined // code. This code modifies the body of our document and dispatches // a custom event 'foo'. We listen to that event and check the // body to make sure that the page has been reloaded and Scratchpad // code has been executed. sp.setContentContext(); sp.setText(EDITOR_TEXT); let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser; let deferred = promise.defer(); browser.addEventListener("DOMWindowCreated", function onWindowCreated() { browser.removeEventListener("DOMWindowCreated", onWindowCreated, true); browser.contentWindow.addEventListener("foo", function onFoo() { browser.contentWindow.removeEventListener("foo", onFoo, true); is(browser.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML, "Modified text", "After reloading, HTML is different."); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(DEVTOOLS_CHROME_ENABLED); deferred.resolve(); }, true); }, true); ok(browser.contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML !== "Modified text", "Before reloading, HTML is intact."); sp.reloadAndRun().then(deferred.promise).then(finish); }