/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // only finish() when correct number of tests are done const expected = 4; var count = 0; var lastUniqueName = null; function done() { if (++count == expected) { finish(); } } function test() { waitForExplicitFinish(); testOpen(); testOpenWithState(); testOpenInvalidState(); testOpenTestFile(); } function testUniqueName(name) { ok(name, "Scratchpad has a uniqueName"); if (lastUniqueName === null) { lastUniqueName = name; return; } ok(name !== lastUniqueName, "Unique name for this instance differs from the last one."); } function testOpen() { openScratchpad(function (win) { is(win.Scratchpad.filename, undefined, "Default filename is undefined"); isnot(win.Scratchpad.getText(), null, "Default text should not be null"); is(win.Scratchpad.executionContext, win.SCRATCHPAD_CONTEXT_CONTENT, "Default execution context is content"); testUniqueName(win.Scratchpad.uniqueName); win.close(); done(); }, {noFocus: true}); } function testOpenWithState() { let state = { filename: "testfile", executionContext: 2, text: "test text" }; openScratchpad(function (win) { is(win.Scratchpad.filename, state.filename, "Filename loaded from state"); is(win.Scratchpad.executionContext, state.executionContext, "Execution context loaded from state"); is(win.Scratchpad.getText(), state.text, "Content loaded from state"); testUniqueName(win.Scratchpad.uniqueName); win.close(); done(); }, {state: state, noFocus: true}); } function testOpenInvalidState() { let win = openScratchpad(null, {state: 7}); ok(!win, "no scratchpad opened if state is not an object"); done(); } function testOpenTestFile() { let win = openScratchpad(function (win) { ok(win, "scratchpad opened for file open"); try { win.Scratchpad.importFromFile( "http://example.com/browser/devtools/client/scratchpad/test/NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INPUT.txt", "silent", function (aStatus, content) { let nb = win.document.querySelector("#scratchpad-notificationbox"); is(nb.querySelectorAll("notification").length, 1, "There is just one notification"); let cn = nb.currentNotification; is(cn.priority, nb.PRIORITY_WARNING_HIGH, "notification priority is correct"); is(cn.value, "file-import-convert-failed", "notification value is corrent"); is(cn.type, "warning", "notification type is correct"); done(); }); ok(true, "importFromFile does not cause exception"); } catch (exception) { ok(false, "importFromFile causes exception " + DevToolsUtils.safeErrorString(exception)); } }, {noFocus: true}); }