/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
"use strict";
add_task(function* () {
let tab = yield addTab("data:text/html,mop");
let {rdm, manager} = yield openRDM(tab, "menu");
let container = gBrowser.getBrowserContainer();
is(container.getAttribute("responsivemode"), "true",
"Should be in responsive mode.");
"true", "Menu item should be checked");
ok(rdm, "An instance of the RDM should be attached to the tab.");
let originalWidth = (yield getSizing()).width;
let documentLoaded = waitForDocLoadComplete();
gBrowser.loadURI("data:text/html;charset=utf-8,mop" +
yield documentLoaded;
let newWidth = (yield getSizing()).width;
is(originalWidth, newWidth, "Floating scrollbars shouldn't change the width");
yield testPresets(rdm, manager);
info("Testing mouse resizing");
yield testManualMouseResize(rdm, manager);
info("Testing mouse resizing with shift key");
yield testManualMouseResize(rdm, manager, "shift");
info("Testing mouse resizing with ctrl key");
yield testManualMouseResize(rdm, manager, "ctrl");
info("Testing resizing with user custom keyboard input");
yield testResizeUsingCustomInput(rdm, manager);
info("Testing invalid keyboard input");
yield testInvalidUserInput(rdm);
info("Testing rotation");
yield testRotate(rdm, manager);
let {width: widthBeforeClose, height: heightBeforeClose} = yield getSizing();
info("Restarting responsive mode");
yield closeRDM(rdm);
let resized = waitForResizeTo(manager, widthBeforeClose, heightBeforeClose);
({rdm} = yield openRDM(tab, "keyboard"));
yield resized;
let currentSize = yield getSizing();
is(currentSize.width, widthBeforeClose, "width should be restored");
is(currentSize.height, heightBeforeClose, "height should be restored");
container = gBrowser.getBrowserContainer();
is(container.getAttribute("responsivemode"), "true", "In responsive mode.");
"true", "menu item should be checked");
let isWinXP = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 5.1") != -1;
if (!isWinXP) {
yield testScreenshot(rdm);
yield closeRDM(rdm);
"false", "menu item should be unchecked");
function* testPresets(rdm, manager) {
// Starting from length - 4 because last 3 items are not presets :
// the separator, the add button and the remove button
for (let c = rdm.menulist.firstChild.childNodes.length - 4; c >= 0; c--) {
let item = rdm.menulist.firstChild.childNodes[c];
let [width, height] = extractSizeFromString(item.getAttribute("label"));
yield setPresetIndex(rdm, manager, c);
let {width: contentWidth, height: contentHeight} = yield getSizing();
is(contentWidth, width, "preset" + c + ": the width should be changed");
is(contentHeight, height, "preset" + c + ": the height should be changed");
function* testManualMouseResize(rdm, manager, pressedKey) {
yield setSize(rdm, manager, 100, 100);
let {width: initialWidth, height: initialHeight} = yield getSizing();
is(initialWidth, 100, "Width should be reset to 100");
is(initialHeight, 100, "Height should be reset to 100");
let x = 2, y = 2;
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(rdm.resizer, x, y, {type: "mousedown"}, window);
let mouseMoveParams = {type: "mousemove"};
if (pressedKey == "shift") {
x += 23; y += 10;
mouseMoveParams.shiftKey = true;
} else if (pressedKey == "ctrl") {
x += 120; y += 60;
mouseMoveParams.ctrlKey = true;
} else {
x += 20; y += 10;
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(rdm.resizer, x, y, mouseMoveParams, window);
EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(rdm.resizer, x, y, {type: "mouseup"}, window);
yield once(manager, "content-resize");
let expectedWidth = initialWidth + 20;
let expectedHeight = initialHeight + 10;
info("initial width: " + initialWidth);
info("initial height: " + initialHeight);
yield verifyResize(rdm, expectedWidth, expectedHeight);
function* testResizeUsingCustomInput(rdm, manager) {
let {width: initialWidth, height: initialHeight} = yield getSizing();
let expectedWidth = initialWidth - 20, expectedHeight = initialHeight - 10;
let userInput = expectedWidth + " x " + expectedHeight;
rdm.menulist.inputField.value = "";
// While typing, the size should not change
let currentSize = yield getSizing();
is(currentSize.width, initialWidth, "Typing shouldn't change the width");
is(currentSize.height, initialHeight, "Typing shouldn't change the height");
// Only the `change` event must change the size
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {});
yield once(manager, "content-resize");
yield verifyResize(rdm, expectedWidth, expectedHeight);
function* testInvalidUserInput(rdm) {
let {width: initialWidth, height: initialHeight} = yield getSizing();
let index = rdm.menulist.selectedIndex;
let expectedValue = initialWidth + "\u00D7" + initialHeight;
let expectedLabel = rdm.menulist.firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("label");
let userInput = "I'm wrong";
rdm.menulist.inputField.value = "";
EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {});
let currentSize = yield getSizing();
is(currentSize.width, initialWidth, "Width should not change");
is(currentSize.height, initialHeight, "Height should not change");
is(rdm.menulist.selectedIndex, index, "Selected item should not change.");
is(rdm.menulist.value, expectedValue, "Value should be reset");
let label = rdm.menulist.firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("label");
is(label, expectedLabel, "Custom menuitem's label should not change");
function* testRotate(rdm, manager) {
yield setSize(rdm, manager, 100, 200);
let {width: initialWidth, height: initialHeight} = yield getSizing();
yield once(manager, "content-resize");
let newSize = yield getSizing();
is(newSize.width, initialHeight, "The width should now be the height.");
is(newSize.height, initialWidth, "The height should now be the width.");
let label = rdm.menulist.firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("label");
let [width, height] = extractSizeFromString(label);
is(width, initialHeight, "Width in label should be updated");
is(height, initialWidth, "Height in label should be updated");
function* verifyResize(rdm, expectedWidth, expectedHeight) {
let currentSize = yield getSizing();
is(currentSize.width, expectedWidth, "Width should now change");
is(currentSize.height, expectedHeight, "Height should now change");
is(rdm.menulist.selectedIndex, -1, "Custom menuitem cannot be selected");
let label = rdm.menulist.firstChild.firstChild.getAttribute("label");
let value = rdm.menulist.value;
isnot(label, value,
"The menulist item label should be different than the menulist value");
let [width, height] = extractSizeFromString(label);
is(width, expectedWidth, "Width in label should be updated");
is(height, expectedHeight, "Height in label should be updated");
[width, height] = extractSizeFromString(value);
is(width, expectedWidth, "Value should be updated with new width");
is(height, expectedHeight, "Value should be updated with new height");
function* testScreenshot(rdm) {
info("Testing screenshot");
let {FileUtils} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.jsm", {});
while (true) {
// while(true) until we find the file.
// no need for a timeout, the test will get killed anyway.
let file = FileUtils.getFile("DfltDwnld", [ "responsiveui.png" ]);
if (file.exists()) {
ok(true, "Screenshot file exists");
info("checking if file exists in 200ms");
yield wait(200);
function* getSizing() {
let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
let sizing = yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, {}, function* () {
return {
width: content.innerWidth,
height: content.innerHeight
return sizing;
function extractSizeFromString(str) {
let numbers = str.match(/(\d+)[^\d]*(\d+)/);
if (numbers) {
return [numbers[1], numbers[2]];
return [null, null];
function processStringAsKey(str) {
for (let i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++) {
EventUtils.synthesizeKey(str.charAt(i), {});