/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; var helperEditData = [ { basename: "styles.css", path: "css/styles.css", newContent: "body,html { color: orange; }" }, { basename: "index.html", path: "index.html", newContent: "

Changed Content Again

" }, { basename: "LICENSE", path: "LICENSE", newContent: "My new license" }, { basename: "README.md", path: "README.md", newContent: "My awesome readme" }, { basename: "script.js", path: "js/script.js", newContent: "alert('hi')" }, { basename: "vector.svg", path: "img/icons/vector.svg", newContent: "" }, ]; function* selectFile(projecteditor, resource) { ok(resource && resource.path, "A valid resource has been passed in for selection " + (resource && resource.path)); projecteditor.projectTree.selectResource(resource); if (resource.isDir) { return; } let [editorActivated] = yield promise.all([ onceEditorActivated(projecteditor) ]); is(editorActivated, projecteditor.currentEditor, "Editor has been activated for " + resource.path); }