/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test that menu bar appends to the correct document. add_task(function* () { let projecteditor = yield addProjectEditorTabForTempDirectory({ menubar: false }); ok(projecteditor, "ProjectEditor has loaded"); let fileMenu = projecteditor.document.getElementById("file-menu"); let editMenu = projecteditor.document.getElementById("edit-menu"); ok(fileMenu, "The menu has loaded in the projecteditor document"); ok(editMenu, "The menu has loaded in the projecteditor document"); let projecteditor2 = yield addProjectEditorTabForTempDirectory(); let menubar = projecteditor2.menubar; fileMenu = projecteditor2.document.getElementById("file-menu"); editMenu = projecteditor2.document.getElementById("edit-menu"); ok(!fileMenu, "The menu has NOT loaded in the projecteditor document"); ok(!editMenu, "The menu has NOT loaded in the projecteditor document"); ok(content.document.querySelector("#file-menu"), "The menu has loaded in the specified element"); ok(content.document.querySelector("#edit-menu"), "The menu has loaded in the specified element"); });