/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // // Whitelisting this test. // As part of bug 1077403, the leaking uncaught rejection should be fixed. // thisTestLeaksUncaughtRejectionsAndShouldBeFixed("destroy"); loadHelperScript("helper_edits.js"); // Test ProjectEditor basic functionality add_task(function* () { let projecteditor = yield addProjectEditorTabForTempDirectory(); let TEMP_PATH = projecteditor.project.allPaths()[0]; is(getTempFile("").path, TEMP_PATH, "Temp path is set correctly."); ok(projecteditor.currentEditor, "There is an editor for projecteditor"); let resources = projecteditor.project.allResources(); for (let data of helperEditData) { info("Processing " + data.path); let resource = resources.filter(r=>r.basename === data.basename)[0]; yield selectFile(projecteditor, resource); yield testEditFile(projecteditor, getTempFile(data.path).path, data.newContent); } }); function* testEditFile(projecteditor, filePath, newData) { info("Testing file editing for: " + filePath); let initialData = yield getFileData(filePath); let editor = projecteditor.currentEditor; let resource = projecteditor.resourceFor(editor); let viewContainer = projecteditor.projectTree.getViewContainer(resource); let originalTreeLabel = viewContainer.label.textContent; is(resource.path, filePath, "Resource path is set correctly"); is(editor.editor.getText(), initialData, "Editor is loaded with correct file contents"); info("Setting text in the editor and doing checks before saving"); editor.editor.undo(); editor.editor.undo(); is(editor.editor.getText(), initialData, "Editor is still loaded with correct contents after undo"); editor.editor.setText(newData); is(editor.editor.getText(), newData, "Editor has been filled with new data"); is(viewContainer.label.textContent, "*" + originalTreeLabel, "Label is marked as changed"); info("Saving the editor and checking to make sure the file gets saved on disk"); editor.save(resource); let savedResource = yield onceEditorSave(projecteditor); is(viewContainer.label.textContent, originalTreeLabel, "Label is unmarked as changed"); is(savedResource.path, filePath, "The saved resouce path matches the original file path"); is(savedResource, resource, "The saved resource is the same as the original resource"); let savedData = yield getFileData(filePath); is(savedData, newData, "Data has been correctly saved to disk"); info("Finished checking saving for " + filePath); }