/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const { Cu } = require("chrome"); const { Class } = require("sdk/core/heritage"); const { emit } = require("sdk/event/core"); const { EventTarget } = require("sdk/event/target"); const { merge } = require("sdk/util/object"); const promise = require("promise"); const { InplaceEditor } = require("devtools/client/shared/inplace-editor"); const { on, forget } = require("devtools/client/projecteditor/lib/helpers/event"); const { OS } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", {}); const HTML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; /** * ResourceContainer is used as the view of a single Resource in * the tree. It is not exported. */ var ResourceContainer = Class({ /** * @param ProjectTreeView tree * @param Resource resource */ initialize: function (tree, resource) { this.tree = tree; this.resource = resource; this.elt = null; this.expander = null; this.children = null; let doc = tree.doc; this.elt = doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "li"); this.elt.classList.add("child"); this.line = doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); this.line.classList.add("child"); this.line.classList.add("entry"); this.line.setAttribute("theme", "dark"); this.line.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"); this.elt.appendChild(this.line); this.highlighter = doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "span"); this.highlighter.classList.add("highlighter"); this.line.appendChild(this.highlighter); this.expander = doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "span"); this.expander.className = "arrow expander"; this.expander.setAttribute("open", ""); this.line.appendChild(this.expander); this.label = doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "span"); this.label.className = "file-label"; this.line.appendChild(this.label); this.line.addEventListener("contextmenu", (ev) => { this.select(); this.openContextMenu(ev); }, false); this.children = doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "ul"); this.children.classList.add("children"); this.elt.appendChild(this.children); this.line.addEventListener("click", (evt) => { this.select(); this.toggleExpansion(); evt.stopPropagation(); }, false); this.expander.addEventListener("click", (evt) => { this.toggleExpansion(); this.select(); evt.stopPropagation(); }, true); if (!this.resource.isRoot) { this.expanded = false; } this.update(); }, toggleExpansion: function () { if (!this.resource.isRoot) { this.expanded = !this.expanded; } else { this.expanded = true; } }, destroy: function () { this.elt.remove(); this.expander.remove(); this.highlighter.remove(); this.children.remove(); this.label.remove(); this.elt = this.expander = this.highlighter = this.children = this.label = null; }, /** * Open the context menu when right clicking on the view. * XXX: We could pass this to plugins to allow themselves * to be register/remove items from the context menu if needed. * * @param Event e */ openContextMenu: function (ev) { ev.preventDefault(); let popup = this.tree.options.contextMenuPopup; popup.openPopupAtScreen(ev.screenX, ev.screenY, true); }, /** * Update the view based on the current state of the Resource. */ update: function () { let visible = this.tree.options.resourceVisible ? this.tree.options.resourceVisible(this.resource) : true; this.elt.hidden = !visible; this.tree.options.resourceFormatter(this.resource, this.label); this.expander.style.visibility = this.resource.hasChildren ? "visible" : "hidden"; }, /** * Select this view in the ProjectTreeView. */ select: function () { this.tree.selectContainer(this); }, /** * @returns Boolean * Is this view currently selected */ get selected() { return this.line.classList.contains("selected"); }, /** * Set the selected state in the UI. */ set selected(v) { if (v) { this.line.classList.add("selected"); } else { this.line.classList.remove("selected"); } }, /** * @returns Boolean * Are any children visible. */ get expanded() { return !this.elt.classList.contains("tree-collapsed"); }, /** * Set the visiblity state of children. */ set expanded(v) { if (v) { this.elt.classList.remove("tree-collapsed"); this.expander.setAttribute("open", ""); } else { this.expander.removeAttribute("open"); this.elt.classList.add("tree-collapsed"); } } }); /** * TreeView is a view managing a list of children. * It is not to be instantiated directly - only extended. * Use ProjectTreeView instead. */ var TreeView = Class({ extends: EventTarget, /** * @param Document document * @param Object options * - contextMenuPopup: a element * - resourceFormatter: a function(Resource, DOMNode) * that renders the resource into the view * - resourceVisible: a function(Resource) -> Boolean * that determines if the resource should show up. */ initialize: function (doc, options) { this.doc = doc; this.options = merge({ resourceFormatter: function (resource, elt) { elt.textContent = resource.toString(); } }, options); this.models = new Set(); this.roots = new Set(); this._containers = new Map(); this.elt = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); this.elt.tree = this; this.elt.className = "sources-tree"; this.elt.setAttribute("with-arrows", "true"); this.elt.setAttribute("theme", "dark"); this.elt.setAttribute("flex", "1"); this.children = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "ul"); this.elt.appendChild(this.children); this.resourceChildrenChanged = this.resourceChildrenChanged.bind(this); this.removeResource = this.removeResource.bind(this); this.updateResource = this.updateResource.bind(this); }, destroy: function () { this._destroyed = true; this.elt.remove(); }, /** * Helper function to create DOM elements for promptNew and promptEdit */ createInputContainer: function () { let inputholder = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); inputholder.className = "child entry"; let expander = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "span"); expander.className = "arrow expander"; expander.setAttribute("invisible", ""); inputholder.appendChild(expander); let placeholder = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); placeholder.className = "child"; inputholder.appendChild(placeholder); return {inputholder, placeholder}; }, /** * Prompt the user to create a new file in the tree. * * @param string initial * The suggested starting file name * @param Resource parent * @param Resource sibling * Which resource to put this next to. If not set, * it will be put in front of all other children. * * @returns Promise * Resolves once the prompt has been successful, * Rejected if it is cancelled */ promptNew: function (initial, parent, sibling = null) { let deferred = promise.defer(); let parentContainer = this._containers.get(parent); let item = this.doc.createElement("li"); item.className = "child"; let {inputholder, placeholder} = this.createInputContainer(); item.appendChild(inputholder); let children = parentContainer.children; sibling = sibling ? this._containers.get(sibling).elt : null; parentContainer.children.insertBefore(item, sibling ? sibling.nextSibling : children.firstChild); new InplaceEditor({ element: placeholder, initial: initial, preserveTextStyles: true, start: editor => { editor.input.select(); }, done: function (val, commit) { if (commit) { deferred.resolve(val); } else { deferred.reject(val); } parentContainer.line.focus(); }, destroy: () => { item.parentNode.removeChild(item); }, }); return deferred.promise; }, /** * Prompt the user to rename file in the tree. * * @param string initial * The suggested starting file name * @param resource * * @returns Promise * Resolves once the prompt has been successful, * Rejected if it is cancelled */ promptEdit: function (initial, resource) { let deferred = promise.defer(); let item = this._containers.get(resource).elt; let originalText = item.childNodes[0]; let {inputholder, placeholder} = this.createInputContainer(); item.insertBefore(inputholder, originalText); item.removeChild(originalText); new InplaceEditor({ element: placeholder, initial: initial, preserveTextStyles: true, start: editor => { editor.input.select(); }, done: function (val, commit) { if (val === initial) { item.insertBefore(originalText, inputholder); } item.removeChild(inputholder); if (commit) { deferred.resolve(val); } else { deferred.reject(val); } }, }); return deferred.promise; }, /** * Add a new Store into the TreeView * * @param Store model */ addModel: function (model) { if (this.models.has(model)) { // Requesting to add a model that already exists return; } this.models.add(model); let placeholder = this.doc.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "li"); placeholder.style.display = "none"; this.children.appendChild(placeholder); this.roots.add(model.root); model.root.refresh().then(root => { if (this._destroyed || !this.models.has(model)) { // model may have been removed during the initial refresh. // In this case, do not import the resource or add to DOM, just leave it be. return; } let container = this.importResource(root); container.line.classList.add("entry-group-title"); container.line.setAttribute("theme", "dark"); this.selectContainer(container); this.children.insertBefore(container.elt, placeholder); this.children.removeChild(placeholder); }); }, /** * Remove a Store from the TreeView * * @param Store model */ removeModel: function (model) { this.models.delete(model); this.removeResource(model.root); }, /** * Get the ResourceContainer. Used for testing the view. * * @param Resource resource * @returns ResourceContainer */ getViewContainer: function (resource) { return this._containers.get(resource); }, /** * Select a ResourceContainer in the tree. * * @param ResourceContainer container */ selectContainer: function (container) { if (this.selectedContainer === container) { return; } if (this.selectedContainer) { this.selectedContainer.selected = false; } this.selectedContainer = container; container.selected = true; emit(this, "selection", container.resource); }, /** * Select a Resource in the tree. * * @param Resource resource */ selectResource: function (resource) { this.selectContainer(this._containers.get(resource)); }, /** * Get the currently selected Resource * * @param Resource resource */ getSelectedResource: function () { return this.selectedContainer.resource; }, /** * Insert a Resource into the view. * Makes a new ResourceContainer if needed * * @param Resource resource */ importResource: function (resource) { if (!resource) { return null; } if (this._containers.has(resource)) { return this._containers.get(resource); } var container = ResourceContainer(this, resource); this._containers.set(resource, container); this._updateChildren(container); on(this, resource, "children-changed", this.resourceChildrenChanged); on(this, resource, "label-change", this.updateResource); on(this, resource, "deleted", this.removeResource); return container; }, /** * Remove a Resource (including children) from the view. * * @param Resource resource */ removeResource: function (resource) { let toRemove = resource.allDescendants(); toRemove.add(resource); for (let remove of toRemove) { this._removeResource(remove); } }, /** * Remove an individual Resource (but not children) from the view. * * @param Resource resource */ _removeResource: function (resource) { forget(this, resource); if (this._containers.get(resource)) { this._containers.get(resource).destroy(); this._containers.delete(resource); } emit(this, "resource-removed", resource); }, /** * Listener for when a resource has new children. * This can happen as files are being loaded in from FileSystem, for example. * * @param Resource resource */ resourceChildrenChanged: function (resource) { this.updateResource(resource); this._updateChildren(this._containers.get(resource)); }, /** * Listener for when a label in the view has been updated. * For example, the 'dirty' plugin marks changed files with an '*' * next to the filename, and notifies with this event. * * @param Resource resource */ updateResource: function (resource) { let container = this._containers.get(resource); container.update(); }, /** * Build necessary ResourceContainers for a Resource and its * children, then append them into the view. * * @param ResourceContainer container */ _updateChildren: function (container) { let resource = container.resource; let fragment = this.doc.createDocumentFragment(); if (resource.children) { for (let child of resource.childrenSorted) { let childContainer = this.importResource(child); fragment.appendChild(childContainer.elt); } } while (container.children.firstChild) { container.children.firstChild.remove(); } container.children.appendChild(fragment); }, }); /** * ProjectTreeView is the implementation of TreeView * that is exported. This is the class that is to be used * directly. */ var ProjectTreeView = Class({ extends: TreeView, /** * See TreeView.initialize * * @param Document document * @param Object options */ initialize: function (document, options) { TreeView.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }, destroy: function () { this.forgetProject(); TreeView.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * Remove current project and empty the tree */ forgetProject: function () { if (this.project) { forget(this, this.project); for (let store of this.project.allStores()) { this.removeModel(store); } } }, /** * Show a project in the tree * * @param Project project * The project to render into a tree */ setProject: function (project) { this.forgetProject(); this.project = project; if (this.project) { on(this, project, "store-added", this.addModel.bind(this)); on(this, project, "store-removed", this.removeModel.bind(this)); on(this, project, "project-saved", this.refresh.bind(this)); this.refresh(); } }, /** * Refresh the tree with all of the current project stores */ refresh: function () { for (let store of this.project.allStores()) { this.addModel(store); } } }); exports.ProjectTreeView = ProjectTreeView;