/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Tests that when displaying only content nodes, platform nodes are generalized. */ var { CATEGORY_MASK } = require("devtools/client/performance/modules/categories"); function run_test() { run_next_test(); } add_task(function test() { let { ThreadNode } = require("devtools/client/performance/modules/logic/tree-model"); let url = (n) => `http://content/${n}`; // Create a root node from a given samples array. let root = getFrameNodePath(new ThreadNode(gThread, { startTime: 5, endTime: 30, contentOnly: true }), "(root)"); /* * should have a tree like: * root * - (JS) * - A * - (GC) * - B * - C * - D * - E * - F * - (JS) */ // Test the root node. equal(root.calls.length, 2, "root has 2 children"); ok(getFrameNodePath(root, url("A")), "root has content child"); ok(getFrameNodePath(root, "64"), "root has platform generalized child"); equal(getFrameNodePath(root, "64").calls.length, 0, "platform generalized child is a leaf."); ok(getFrameNodePath(root, `${url("A")} > 128`), "A has platform generalized child of another type"); equal(getFrameNodePath(root, `${url("A")} > 128`).calls.length, 0, "second generalized type is a leaf."); ok(getFrameNodePath(root, `${url("A")} > ${url("E")} > ${url("F")} > 64`), "a second leaf of the first generalized type exists deep in the tree."); ok(getFrameNodePath(root, `${url("A")} > 128`), "A has platform generalized child of another type"); equal(getFrameNodePath(root, "64").category, getFrameNodePath(root, `${url("A")} > ${url("E")} > ${url("F")} > 64`).category, "generalized frames of same type are duplicated in top-down view"); }); var gThread = synthesizeProfileForTest([{ time: 5, frames: [ { location: "(root)" }, { location: "http://content/A" }, { location: "http://content/B" }, { location: "http://content/C" } ] }, { time: 5 + 6, frames: [ { location: "(root)" }, { location: "http://content/A" }, { location: "http://content/B" }, { location: "contentY", category: CATEGORY_MASK("css") }, { location: "http://content/D" } ] }, { time: 5 + 6 + 7, frames: [ { location: "(root)" }, { location: "http://content/A" }, { location: "contentY", category: CATEGORY_MASK("css") }, { location: "http://content/E" }, { location: "http://content/F" }, { location: "contentY", category: CATEGORY_MASK("js") }, ] }, { time: 5 + 20, frames: [ { location: "(root)" }, { location: "contentX", category: CATEGORY_MASK("js") }, ] }, { time: 5 + 25, frames: [ { location: "(root)" }, { location: "http://content/A" }, { location: "contentZ", category: CATEGORY_MASK("gc", 1) }, ] }]);