/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Tests that the overview graphs share the exact same width and scaling. */ const { SIMPLE_URL } = require("devtools/client/performance/test/helpers/urls"); const { UI_ENABLE_MEMORY_PREF } = require("devtools/client/performance/test/helpers/prefs"); const { initPerformanceInNewTab, teardownToolboxAndRemoveTab } = require("devtools/client/performance/test/helpers/panel-utils"); const { startRecording, stopRecording } = require("devtools/client/performance/test/helpers/actions"); const { waitUntil } = require("devtools/client/performance/test/helpers/wait-utils"); add_task(function* () { let { panel } = yield initPerformanceInNewTab({ url: SIMPLE_URL, win: window }); let { PerformanceController, OverviewView } = panel.panelWin; // Enable memory to test. Services.prefs.setBoolPref(UI_ENABLE_MEMORY_PREF, true); let doChecks = () => { let markers = OverviewView.graphs.get("timeline"); let framerate = OverviewView.graphs.get("framerate"); let memory = OverviewView.graphs.get("memory"); ok(markers.width > 0, "The overview's markers graph has a width."); ok(markers.dataScaleX > 0, "The overview's markers graph has a data scale factor."); ok(memory.width > 0, "The overview's memory graph has a width."); ok(memory.dataDuration > 0, "The overview's memory graph has a data duration."); ok(memory.dataScaleX > 0, "The overview's memory graph has a data scale factor."); ok(framerate.width > 0, "The overview's framerate graph has a width."); ok(framerate.dataDuration > 0, "The overview's framerate graph has a data duration."); ok(framerate.dataScaleX > 0, "The overview's framerate graph has a data scale factor."); is(markers.width, memory.width, "The markers and memory graphs widths are the same."); is(markers.width, framerate.width, "The markers and framerate graphs widths are the same."); is(memory.dataDuration, framerate.dataDuration, "The memory and framerate graphs data duration are the same."); is(markers.dataScaleX, memory.dataScaleX, "The markers and memory graphs data scale are the same."); is(markers.dataScaleX, framerate.dataScaleX, "The markers and framerate graphs data scale are the same."); }; yield startRecording(panel); doChecks(); yield waitUntil(() => PerformanceController.getCurrentRecording().getMarkers().length); yield waitUntil(() => PerformanceController.getCurrentRecording().getMemory().length); yield waitUntil(() => PerformanceController.getCurrentRecording().getTicks().length); doChecks(); yield stopRecording(panel); doChecks(); yield teardownToolboxAndRemoveTab(panel); });