/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /* import-globals-from ../../framework/test/shared-head.js */ // shared-head.js handles imports, constants, and utility functions Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/framework/test/shared-head.js", this); var NetworkHelper = require("devtools/shared/webconsole/network-helper"); var { Toolbox } = require("devtools/client/framework/toolbox"); const EXAMPLE_URL = "http://example.com/browser/devtools/client/netmonitor/test/"; const HTTPS_EXAMPLE_URL = "https://example.com/browser/devtools/client/netmonitor/test/"; const API_CALLS_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_api-calls-test-page.html"; const SIMPLE_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_simple-test-page.html"; const NAVIGATE_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_navigate-test-page.html"; const CONTENT_TYPE_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_content-type-test-page.html"; const CONTENT_TYPE_WITHOUT_CACHE_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_content-type-without-cache-test-page.html"; const CONTENT_TYPE_WITHOUT_CACHE_REQUESTS = 8; const CYRILLIC_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_cyrillic-test-page.html"; const STATUS_CODES_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_status-codes-test-page.html"; const POST_DATA_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_post-data-test-page.html"; const POST_JSON_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_post-json-test-page.html"; const POST_RAW_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_post-raw-test-page.html"; const POST_RAW_WITH_HEADERS_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_post-raw-with-headers-test-page.html"; const PARAMS_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_params-test-page.html"; const JSONP_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_jsonp-test-page.html"; const JSON_LONG_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_json-long-test-page.html"; const JSON_MALFORMED_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_json-malformed-test-page.html"; const JSON_CUSTOM_MIME_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_json-custom-mime-test-page.html"; const JSON_TEXT_MIME_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_json-text-mime-test-page.html"; const SORTING_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_sorting-test-page.html"; const FILTERING_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_filter-test-page.html"; const INFINITE_GET_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_infinite-get-page.html"; const CUSTOM_GET_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_custom-get-page.html"; const SINGLE_GET_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_single-get-page.html"; const STATISTICS_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_statistics-test-page.html"; const CURL_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_copy-as-curl.html"; const CURL_UTILS_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_curl-utils.html"; const SEND_BEACON_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_send-beacon.html"; const CORS_URL = EXAMPLE_URL + "html_cors-test-page.html"; const SIMPLE_SJS = EXAMPLE_URL + "sjs_simple-test-server.sjs"; const CONTENT_TYPE_SJS = EXAMPLE_URL + "sjs_content-type-test-server.sjs"; const HTTPS_CONTENT_TYPE_SJS = HTTPS_EXAMPLE_URL + "sjs_content-type-test-server.sjs"; const STATUS_CODES_SJS = EXAMPLE_URL + "sjs_status-codes-test-server.sjs"; const SORTING_SJS = EXAMPLE_URL + "sjs_sorting-test-server.sjs"; const HTTPS_REDIRECT_SJS = EXAMPLE_URL + "sjs_https-redirect-test-server.sjs"; const CORS_SJS_PATH = "/browser/devtools/client/netmonitor/test/sjs_cors-test-server.sjs"; const HSTS_SJS = EXAMPLE_URL + "sjs_hsts-test-server.sjs"; const HSTS_BASE_URL = EXAMPLE_URL; const HSTS_PAGE_URL = CUSTOM_GET_URL; const TEST_IMAGE = EXAMPLE_URL + "test-image.png"; const TEST_IMAGE_DATA_URI = ""; const FRAME_SCRIPT_UTILS_URL = "chrome://devtools/content/shared/frame-script-utils.js"; // All tests are asynchronous. waitForExplicitFinish(); const gEnableLogging = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("devtools.debugger.log"); // To enable logging for try runs, just set the pref to true. Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.debugger.log", false); // Uncomment this pref to dump all devtools emitted events to the console. // Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.dump.emit", true); // Always reset some prefs to their original values after the test finishes. const gDefaultFilters = Services.prefs.getCharPref("devtools.netmonitor.filters"); registerCleanupFunction(() => { info("finish() was called, cleaning up..."); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.debugger.log", gEnableLogging); Services.prefs.setCharPref("devtools.netmonitor.filters", gDefaultFilters); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("devtools.cache.disabled"); }); function waitForNavigation(aTarget) { let deferred = promise.defer(); aTarget.once("will-navigate", () => { aTarget.once("navigate", () => { deferred.resolve(); }); }); return deferred.promise; } function reconfigureTab(aTarget, aOptions) { let deferred = promise.defer(); aTarget.activeTab.reconfigure(aOptions, deferred.resolve); return deferred.promise; } function toggleCache(aTarget, aDisabled) { let options = { cacheDisabled: aDisabled, performReload: true }; let navigationFinished = waitForNavigation(aTarget); // Disable the cache for any toolbox that it is opened from this point on. Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.cache.disabled", aDisabled); return reconfigureTab(aTarget, options).then(() => navigationFinished); } function initNetMonitor(aUrl, aWindow, aEnableCache) { info("Initializing a network monitor pane."); return Task.spawn(function* () { let tab = yield addTab(aUrl); info("Net tab added successfully: " + aUrl); let target = TargetFactory.forTab(tab); yield target.makeRemote(); info("Target remoted."); if (!aEnableCache) { info("Disabling cache and reloading page."); yield toggleCache(target, true); info("Cache disabled when the current and all future toolboxes are open."); // Remove any requests generated by the reload while toggling the cache to // avoid interfering with the test. isnot([...target.activeConsole.getNetworkEvents()].length, 0, "Request to reconfigure the tab was recorded."); target.activeConsole.clearNetworkRequests(); } let toolbox = yield gDevTools.showToolbox(target, "netmonitor"); info("Network monitor pane shown successfully."); let monitor = toolbox.getCurrentPanel(); return {tab, monitor}; }); } function restartNetMonitor(monitor, newUrl) { info("Restarting the specified network monitor."); return Task.spawn(function* () { let tab = monitor.target.tab; let url = newUrl || tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec; let onDestroyed = monitor.once("destroyed"); yield removeTab(tab); yield onDestroyed; return initNetMonitor(url); }); } function teardown(monitor) { info("Destroying the specified network monitor."); return Task.spawn(function* () { let tab = monitor.target.tab; let onDestroyed = monitor.once("destroyed"); yield removeTab(tab); yield onDestroyed; }); } function waitForNetworkEvents(aMonitor, aGetRequests, aPostRequests = 0) { let deferred = promise.defer(); let panel = aMonitor.panelWin; let events = panel.EVENTS; let progress = {}; let genericEvents = 0; let postEvents = 0; let awaitedEventsToListeners = [ ["UPDATING_REQUEST_HEADERS", onGenericEvent], ["RECEIVED_REQUEST_HEADERS", onGenericEvent], ["UPDATING_REQUEST_COOKIES", onGenericEvent], ["RECEIVED_REQUEST_COOKIES", onGenericEvent], ["UPDATING_REQUEST_POST_DATA", onPostEvent], ["RECEIVED_REQUEST_POST_DATA", onPostEvent], ["UPDATING_RESPONSE_HEADERS", onGenericEvent], ["RECEIVED_RESPONSE_HEADERS", onGenericEvent], ["UPDATING_RESPONSE_COOKIES", onGenericEvent], ["RECEIVED_RESPONSE_COOKIES", onGenericEvent], ["STARTED_RECEIVING_RESPONSE", onGenericEvent], ["UPDATING_RESPONSE_CONTENT", onGenericEvent], ["RECEIVED_RESPONSE_CONTENT", onGenericEvent], ["UPDATING_EVENT_TIMINGS", onGenericEvent], ["RECEIVED_EVENT_TIMINGS", onGenericEvent] ]; function initProgressForURL(url) { if (progress[url]) return; progress[url] = {}; awaitedEventsToListeners.forEach(([e]) => progress[url][e] = 0); } function updateProgressForURL(url, event) { initProgressForURL(url); progress[url][Object.keys(events).find(e => events[e] == event)] = 1; } function onGenericEvent(event, actor) { genericEvents++; maybeResolve(event, actor); } function onPostEvent(event, actor) { postEvents++; maybeResolve(event, actor); } function maybeResolve(event, actor) { info("> Network events progress: " + genericEvents + "/" + ((aGetRequests + aPostRequests) * 13) + ", " + postEvents + "/" + (aPostRequests * 2) + ", " + "got " + event + " for " + actor); let networkInfo = panel.NetMonitorController.webConsoleClient.getNetworkRequest(actor); let url = networkInfo.request.url; updateProgressForURL(url, event); // Uncomment this to get a detailed progress logging (when debugging a test) // info("> Current state: " + JSON.stringify(progress, null, 2)); // There are 15 updates which need to be fired for a request to be // considered finished. The "requestPostData" packet isn't fired for // non-POST requests. if (genericEvents >= (aGetRequests + aPostRequests) * 13 && postEvents >= aPostRequests * 2) { awaitedEventsToListeners.forEach(([e, l]) => panel.off(events[e], l)); executeSoon(deferred.resolve); } } awaitedEventsToListeners.forEach(([e, l]) => panel.on(events[e], l)); return deferred.promise; } function verifyRequestItemTarget(aRequestItem, aMethod, aUrl, aData = {}) { info("> Verifying: " + aMethod + " " + aUrl + " " + aData.toSource()); // This bloats log sizes significantly in automation (bug 992485) // info("> Request: " + aRequestItem.attachment.toSource()); let requestsMenu = aRequestItem.ownerView; let widgetIndex = requestsMenu.indexOfItem(aRequestItem); let visibleIndex = requestsMenu.visibleItems.indexOf(aRequestItem); info("Widget index of item: " + widgetIndex); info("Visible index of item: " + visibleIndex); let { fuzzyUrl, status, statusText, cause, type, fullMimeType, transferred, size, time, displayedStatus } = aData; let { attachment, target } = aRequestItem; let uri = Services.io.newURI(aUrl, null, null).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIURL); let unicodeUrl = NetworkHelper.convertToUnicode(unescape(aUrl)); let name = NetworkHelper.convertToUnicode(unescape(uri.fileName || uri.filePath || "/")); let query = NetworkHelper.convertToUnicode(unescape(uri.query)); let hostPort = uri.hostPort; let remoteAddress = attachment.remoteAddress; if (fuzzyUrl) { ok(attachment.method.startsWith(aMethod), "The attached method is correct."); ok(attachment.url.startsWith(aUrl), "The attached url is correct."); } else { is(attachment.method, aMethod, "The attached method is correct."); is(attachment.url, aUrl, "The attached url is correct."); } is(target.querySelector(".requests-menu-method").getAttribute("value"), aMethod, "The displayed method is correct."); if (fuzzyUrl) { ok(target.querySelector(".requests-menu-file").getAttribute("value").startsWith( name + (query ? "?" + query : "")), "The displayed file is correct."); ok(target.querySelector(".requests-menu-file").getAttribute("tooltiptext").startsWith(unicodeUrl), "The tooltip file is correct."); } else { is(target.querySelector(".requests-menu-file").getAttribute("value"), name + (query ? "?" + query : ""), "The displayed file is correct."); is(target.querySelector(".requests-menu-file").getAttribute("tooltiptext"), unicodeUrl, "The tooltip file is correct."); } is(target.querySelector(".requests-menu-domain").getAttribute("value"), hostPort, "The displayed domain is correct."); let domainTooltip = hostPort + (remoteAddress ? " (" + remoteAddress + ")" : ""); is(target.querySelector(".requests-menu-domain").getAttribute("tooltiptext"), domainTooltip, "The tooltip domain is correct."); if (status !== undefined) { let value = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-status-icon").getAttribute("code"); let codeValue = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-status-code").getAttribute("value"); let tooltip = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-status").getAttribute("tooltiptext"); info("Displayed status: " + value); info("Displayed code: " + codeValue); info("Tooltip status: " + tooltip); is(value, displayedStatus ? displayedStatus : status, "The displayed status is correct."); is(codeValue, status, "The displayed status code is correct."); is(tooltip, status + " " + statusText, "The tooltip status is correct."); } if (cause !== undefined) { let causeLabel = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-cause-label"); let value = causeLabel.getAttribute("value"); let tooltip = causeLabel.getAttribute("tooltiptext"); info("Displayed cause: " + value); info("Tooltip cause: " + tooltip); is(value, cause.type, "The displayed cause is correct."); is(tooltip, cause.loadingDocumentUri, "The tooltip cause is correct.") } if (type !== undefined) { let value = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-type").getAttribute("value"); let tooltip = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-type").getAttribute("tooltiptext"); info("Displayed type: " + value); info("Tooltip type: " + tooltip); is(value, type, "The displayed type is correct."); is(tooltip, fullMimeType, "The tooltip type is correct."); } if (transferred !== undefined) { let value = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-transferred").getAttribute("value"); let tooltip = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-transferred").getAttribute("tooltiptext"); info("Displayed transferred size: " + value); info("Tooltip transferred size: " + tooltip); is(value, transferred, "The displayed transferred size is correct."); is(tooltip, transferred, "The tooltip transferred size is correct."); } if (size !== undefined) { let value = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-size").getAttribute("value"); let tooltip = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-size").getAttribute("tooltiptext"); info("Displayed size: " + value); info("Tooltip size: " + tooltip); is(value, size, "The displayed size is correct."); is(tooltip, size, "The tooltip size is correct."); } if (time !== undefined) { let value = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-timings-total").getAttribute("value"); let tooltip = target.querySelector(".requests-menu-timings-total").getAttribute("tooltiptext"); info("Displayed time: " + value); info("Tooltip time: " + tooltip); ok(~~(value.match(/[0-9]+/)) >= 0, "The displayed time is correct."); ok(~~(tooltip.match(/[0-9]+/)) >= 0, "The tooltip time is correct."); } if (visibleIndex != -1) { if (visibleIndex % 2 == 0) { ok(aRequestItem.target.hasAttribute("even"), aRequestItem.value + " should have 'even' attribute."); ok(!aRequestItem.target.hasAttribute("odd"), aRequestItem.value + " shouldn't have 'odd' attribute."); } else { ok(!aRequestItem.target.hasAttribute("even"), aRequestItem.value + " shouldn't have 'even' attribute."); ok(aRequestItem.target.hasAttribute("odd"), aRequestItem.value + " should have 'odd' attribute."); } } } /** * Helper function for waiting for an event to fire before resolving a promise. * Example: waitFor(aMonitor.panelWin, aMonitor.panelWin.EVENTS.TAB_UPDATED); * * @param object subject * The event emitter object that is being listened to. * @param string eventName * The name of the event to listen to. * @return object * Returns a promise that resolves upon firing of the event. */ function waitFor(subject, eventName) { let deferred = promise.defer(); subject.once(eventName, deferred.resolve); return deferred.promise; } /** * Tests if a button for a filter of given type is the only one checked. * * @param string filterType * The type of the filter that should be the only one checked. */ function testFilterButtons(monitor, filterType) { let doc = monitor.panelWin.document; let target = doc.querySelector("#requests-menu-filter-" + filterType + "-button"); ok(target, `Filter button '${filterType}' was found`); let buttons = [...doc.querySelectorAll(".menu-filter-button")]; ok(buttons.length > 0, "More than zero filter buttons were found"); // Only target should be checked. let checkStatus = buttons.map(button => button == target ? 1 : 0); testFilterButtonsCustom(monitor, checkStatus); } /** * Tests if filter buttons have 'checked' attributes set correctly. * * @param array aIsChecked * An array specifying if a button at given index should have a * 'checked' attribute. For example, if the third item of the array * evaluates to true, the third button should be checked. */ function testFilterButtonsCustom(aMonitor, aIsChecked) { let doc = aMonitor.panelWin.document; let buttons = doc.querySelectorAll(".menu-filter-button"); for (let i = 0; i < aIsChecked.length; i++) { let button = buttons[i]; if (aIsChecked[i]) { is(button.classList.contains("checked"), true, "The " + button.id + " button should have a 'checked' class."); } else { is(button.classList.contains("checked"), false, "The " + button.id + " button should not have a 'checked' class."); } } } /** * Loads shared/frame-script-utils.js in the specified tab. * * @param tab * Optional tab to load the frame script in. Defaults to the current tab. */ function loadCommonFrameScript(tab) { let browser = tab ? tab.linkedBrowser : gBrowser.selectedBrowser; browser.messageManager.loadFrameScript(FRAME_SCRIPT_UTILS_URL, false); } /** * Perform the specified requests in the context of the page content. * * @param Array requests * An array of objects specifying the requests to perform. See * shared/frame-script-utils.js for more information. * * @return A promise that resolves once the requests complete. */ function performRequestsInContent(requests) { info("Performing requests in the context of the content."); return executeInContent("devtools:test:xhr", requests); } /** * Send an async message to the frame script (chrome -> content) and wait for a * response message with the same name (content -> chrome). * * @param String name * The message name. Should be one of the messages defined * shared/frame-script-utils.js * @param Object data * Optional data to send along * @param Object objects * Optional CPOW objects to send along * @param Boolean expectResponse * If set to false, don't wait for a response with the same name from the * content script. Defaults to true. * * @return Promise * Resolves to the response data if a response is expected, immediately * resolves otherwise */ function executeInContent(name, data = {}, objects = {}, expectResponse = true) { let mm = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.messageManager; mm.sendAsyncMessage(name, data, objects); if (expectResponse) { return waitForContentMessage(name); } else { return promise.resolve(); } } /** * Wait for a content -> chrome message on the message manager (the window * messagemanager is used). * @param {String} name The message name * @return {Promise} A promise that resolves to the response data when the * message has been received */ function waitForContentMessage(name) { let mm = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.messageManager; let def = promise.defer(); mm.addMessageListener(name, function onMessage(msg) { mm.removeMessageListener(name, onMessage); def.resolve(msg); }); return def.promise; } /** * Open the requestMenu menu and return all of it's items in a flat array * @param {netmonitorPanel} netmonitor * @param {Event} event mouse event with screenX and screenX coordinates * @return An array of MenuItems */ function openContextMenuAndGetAllItems(netmonitor, event) { let menu = netmonitor.RequestsMenu.contextMenu.open(event); // Flatten all menu items into a single array to make searching through it easier let allItems = [].concat.apply([], menu.items.map(function addItem(item) { if (item.submenu) { return addItem(item.submenu.items); } return item; })); return allItems; }