/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* globals window, document, NetMonitorView, gStore, Actions */ /* exported loader */ "use strict"; var { utils: Cu } = Components; // Descriptions for what this frontend is currently doing. const ACTIVITY_TYPE = { // Standing by and handling requests normally. NONE: 0, // Forcing the target to reload with cache enabled or disabled. RELOAD: { WITH_CACHE_ENABLED: 1, WITH_CACHE_DISABLED: 2, WITH_CACHE_DEFAULT: 3 }, // Enabling or disabling the cache without triggering a reload. ENABLE_CACHE: 3, DISABLE_CACHE: 4 }; var BrowserLoaderModule = {}; Cu.import("resource://devtools/client/shared/browser-loader.js", BrowserLoaderModule); var { loader, require } = BrowserLoaderModule.BrowserLoader({ baseURI: "resource://devtools/client/netmonitor/", window }); const promise = require("promise"); const Services = require("Services"); /* eslint-disable mozilla/reject-some-requires */ const {XPCOMUtils} = require("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); const EventEmitter = require("devtools/shared/event-emitter"); const Editor = require("devtools/client/sourceeditor/editor"); const {TimelineFront} = require("devtools/shared/fronts/timeline"); const {Task} = require("devtools/shared/task"); const {Prefs} = require("./prefs"); const {EVENTS} = require("./events"); const Actions = require("./actions/index"); XPCOMUtils.defineConstant(this, "EVENTS", EVENTS); XPCOMUtils.defineConstant(this, "ACTIVITY_TYPE", ACTIVITY_TYPE); XPCOMUtils.defineConstant(this, "Editor", Editor); XPCOMUtils.defineConstant(this, "Prefs", Prefs); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Chart", "resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/Chart.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "clipboardHelper", "@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1", "nsIClipboardHelper"); Object.defineProperty(this, "NetworkHelper", { get: function () { return require("devtools/shared/webconsole/network-helper"); }, configurable: true, enumerable: true }); /** * Object defining the network monitor controller components. */ var NetMonitorController = { /** * Initializes the view and connects the monitor client. * * @return object * A promise that is resolved when the monitor finishes startup. */ startupNetMonitor: Task.async(function* () { if (this._startup) { return this._startup.promise; } this._startup = promise.defer(); { NetMonitorView.initialize(); yield this.connect(); } this._startup.resolve(); return undefined; }), /** * Destroys the view and disconnects the monitor client from the server. * * @return object * A promise that is resolved when the monitor finishes shutdown. */ shutdownNetMonitor: Task.async(function* () { if (this._shutdown) { return this._shutdown.promise; } this._shutdown = promise.defer(); { NetMonitorView.destroy(); this.TargetEventsHandler.disconnect(); this.NetworkEventsHandler.disconnect(); yield this.disconnect(); } this._shutdown.resolve(); return undefined; }), /** * Initiates remote or chrome network monitoring based on the current target, * wiring event handlers as necessary. Since the TabTarget will have already * started listening to network requests by now, this is largely * netmonitor-specific initialization. * * @return object * A promise that is resolved when the monitor finishes connecting. */ connect: Task.async(function* () { if (this._connection) { return this._connection.promise; } this._connection = promise.defer(); // Some actors like AddonActor or RootActor for chrome debugging // aren't actual tabs. if (this._target.isTabActor) { this.tabClient = this._target.activeTab; } let connectTimeline = () => { // Don't start up waiting for timeline markers if the server isn't // recent enough to emit the markers we're interested in. if (this._target.getTrait("documentLoadingMarkers")) { this.timelineFront = new TimelineFront(this._target.client, this._target.form); return this.timelineFront.start({ withDocLoadingEvents: true }); } return undefined; }; this.webConsoleClient = this._target.activeConsole; yield connectTimeline(); this.TargetEventsHandler.connect(); this.NetworkEventsHandler.connect(); window.emit(EVENTS.CONNECTED); this._connection.resolve(); this._connected = true; return undefined; }), /** * Disconnects the debugger client and removes event handlers as necessary. */ disconnect: Task.async(function* () { if (this._disconnection) { return this._disconnection.promise; } this._disconnection = promise.defer(); // Wait for the connection to finish first. if (!this.isConnected()) { yield this._connection.promise; } // When debugging local or a remote instance, the connection is closed by // the RemoteTarget. The webconsole actor is stopped on disconnect. this.tabClient = null; this.webConsoleClient = null; // The timeline front wasn't initialized and started if the server wasn't // recent enough to emit the markers we were interested in. if (this._target.getTrait("documentLoadingMarkers")) { yield this.timelineFront.destroy(); this.timelineFront = null; } this._disconnection.resolve(); this._connected = false; return undefined; }), /** * Checks whether the netmonitor connection is active. * @return boolean */ isConnected: function () { return !!this._connected; }, /** * Gets the activity currently performed by the frontend. * @return number */ getCurrentActivity: function () { return this._currentActivity || ACTIVITY_TYPE.NONE; }, /** * Triggers a specific "activity" to be performed by the frontend. * This can be, for example, triggering reloads or enabling/disabling cache. * * @param number type * The activity type. See the ACTIVITY_TYPE const. * @return object * A promise resolved once the activity finishes and the frontend * is back into "standby" mode. */ triggerActivity: function (type) { // Puts the frontend into "standby" (when there's no particular activity). let standBy = () => { this._currentActivity = ACTIVITY_TYPE.NONE; }; // Waits for a series of "navigation start" and "navigation stop" events. let waitForNavigation = () => { let deferred = promise.defer(); this._target.once("will-navigate", () => { this._target.once("navigate", () => { deferred.resolve(); }); }); return deferred.promise; }; // Reconfigures the tab, optionally triggering a reload. let reconfigureTab = options => { let deferred = promise.defer(); this._target.activeTab.reconfigure(options, deferred.resolve); return deferred.promise; }; // Reconfigures the tab and waits for the target to finish navigating. let reconfigureTabAndWaitForNavigation = options => { options.performReload = true; let navigationFinished = waitForNavigation(); return reconfigureTab(options).then(() => navigationFinished); }; if (type == ACTIVITY_TYPE.RELOAD.WITH_CACHE_DEFAULT) { return reconfigureTabAndWaitForNavigation({}).then(standBy); } if (type == ACTIVITY_TYPE.RELOAD.WITH_CACHE_ENABLED) { this._currentActivity = ACTIVITY_TYPE.ENABLE_CACHE; this._target.once("will-navigate", () => { this._currentActivity = type; }); return reconfigureTabAndWaitForNavigation({ cacheDisabled: false, performReload: true }).then(standBy); } if (type == ACTIVITY_TYPE.RELOAD.WITH_CACHE_DISABLED) { this._currentActivity = ACTIVITY_TYPE.DISABLE_CACHE; this._target.once("will-navigate", () => { this._currentActivity = type; }); return reconfigureTabAndWaitForNavigation({ cacheDisabled: true, performReload: true }).then(standBy); } if (type == ACTIVITY_TYPE.ENABLE_CACHE) { this._currentActivity = type; return reconfigureTab({ cacheDisabled: false, performReload: false }).then(standBy); } if (type == ACTIVITY_TYPE.DISABLE_CACHE) { this._currentActivity = type; return reconfigureTab({ cacheDisabled: true, performReload: false }).then(standBy); } this._currentActivity = ACTIVITY_TYPE.NONE; return promise.reject(new Error("Invalid activity type")); }, /** * Selects the specified request in the waterfall and opens the details view. * * @param string requestId * The actor ID of the request to inspect. * @return object * A promise resolved once the task finishes. */ inspectRequest: function (requestId) { // Look for the request in the existing ones or wait for it to appear, if // the network monitor is still loading. let deferred = promise.defer(); let request = null; let inspector = function () { let predicate = i => i.value === requestId; request = NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.getItemForPredicate(predicate); if (!request) { // Reset filters so that the request is visible. gStore.dispatch(Actions.toggleFilterType("all")); request = NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.getItemForPredicate(predicate); } // If the request was found, select it. Otherwise this function will be // called again once new requests arrive. if (request) { window.off(EVENTS.REQUEST_ADDED, inspector); NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.selectedItem = request; deferred.resolve(); } }; inspector(); if (!request) { window.on(EVENTS.REQUEST_ADDED, inspector); } return deferred.promise; }, /** * Getter that tells if the server supports sending custom network requests. * @type boolean */ get supportsCustomRequest() { return this.webConsoleClient && (this.webConsoleClient.traits.customNetworkRequest || !this._target.isApp); }, /** * Getter that tells if the server includes the transferred (compressed / * encoded) response size. * @type boolean */ get supportsTransferredResponseSize() { return this.webConsoleClient && this.webConsoleClient.traits.transferredResponseSize; }, /** * Getter that tells if the server can do network performance statistics. * @type boolean */ get supportsPerfStats() { return this.tabClient && (this.tabClient.traits.reconfigure || !this._target.isApp); }, /** * Open a given source in Debugger */ viewSourceInDebugger(sourceURL, sourceLine) { return this._toolbox.viewSourceInDebugger(sourceURL, sourceLine); } }; /** * Functions handling target-related lifetime events. */ function TargetEventsHandler() { this._onTabNavigated = this._onTabNavigated.bind(this); this._onTabDetached = this._onTabDetached.bind(this); } TargetEventsHandler.prototype = { get target() { return NetMonitorController._target; }, /** * Listen for events emitted by the current tab target. */ connect: function () { dumpn("TargetEventsHandler is connecting..."); this.target.on("close", this._onTabDetached); this.target.on("navigate", this._onTabNavigated); this.target.on("will-navigate", this._onTabNavigated); }, /** * Remove events emitted by the current tab target. */ disconnect: function () { if (!this.target) { return; } dumpn("TargetEventsHandler is disconnecting..."); this.target.off("close", this._onTabDetached); this.target.off("navigate", this._onTabNavigated); this.target.off("will-navigate", this._onTabNavigated); }, /** * Called for each location change in the monitored tab. * * @param string type * Packet type. * @param object packet * Packet received from the server. */ _onTabNavigated: function (type, packet) { switch (type) { case "will-navigate": { // Reset UI. if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("devtools.webconsole.persistlog")) { NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.reset(); NetMonitorView.Sidebar.toggle(false); } else { // If the log is persistent, just clear some informations. NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.resetNotPersistent(); } // Switch to the default network traffic inspector view. if (NetMonitorController.getCurrentActivity() == ACTIVITY_TYPE.NONE) { NetMonitorView.showNetworkInspectorView(); } // Clear any accumulated markers. NetMonitorController.NetworkEventsHandler.clearMarkers(); gStore.dispatch(Actions.clearTimingMarkers()); window.emit(EVENTS.TARGET_WILL_NAVIGATE); break; } case "navigate": { window.emit(EVENTS.TARGET_DID_NAVIGATE); break; } } }, /** * Called when the monitored tab is closed. */ _onTabDetached: function () { NetMonitorController.shutdownNetMonitor(); } }; /** * Functions handling target network events. */ function NetworkEventsHandler() { this._markers = []; this._onNetworkEvent = this._onNetworkEvent.bind(this); this._onNetworkEventUpdate = this._onNetworkEventUpdate.bind(this); this._onDocLoadingMarker = this._onDocLoadingMarker.bind(this); this._onRequestHeaders = this._onRequestHeaders.bind(this); this._onRequestCookies = this._onRequestCookies.bind(this); this._onRequestPostData = this._onRequestPostData.bind(this); this._onResponseHeaders = this._onResponseHeaders.bind(this); this._onResponseCookies = this._onResponseCookies.bind(this); this._onResponseContent = this._onResponseContent.bind(this); this._onEventTimings = this._onEventTimings.bind(this); } NetworkEventsHandler.prototype = { get client() { return NetMonitorController._target.client; }, get webConsoleClient() { return NetMonitorController.webConsoleClient; }, get timelineFront() { return NetMonitorController.timelineFront; }, get firstDocumentDOMContentLoadedTimestamp() { let marker = this._markers.filter(e => { return e.name == "document::DOMContentLoaded"; })[0]; return marker ? marker.unixTime / 1000 : -1; }, get firstDocumentLoadTimestamp() { let marker = this._markers.filter(e => e.name == "document::Load")[0]; return marker ? marker.unixTime / 1000 : -1; }, /** * Connect to the current target client. */ connect: function () { dumpn("NetworkEventsHandler is connecting..."); this.webConsoleClient.on("networkEvent", this._onNetworkEvent); this.webConsoleClient.on("networkEventUpdate", this._onNetworkEventUpdate); if (this.timelineFront) { this.timelineFront.on("doc-loading", this._onDocLoadingMarker); } this._displayCachedEvents(); }, /** * Disconnect from the client. */ disconnect: function () { if (!this.client) { return; } dumpn("NetworkEventsHandler is disconnecting..."); this.webConsoleClient.off("networkEvent", this._onNetworkEvent); this.webConsoleClient.off("networkEventUpdate", this._onNetworkEventUpdate); if (this.timelineFront) { this.timelineFront.off("doc-loading", this._onDocLoadingMarker); } }, /** * Display any network events already in the cache. */ _displayCachedEvents: function () { for (let cachedEvent of this.webConsoleClient.getNetworkEvents()) { // First add the request to the timeline. this._onNetworkEvent("networkEvent", cachedEvent); // Then replay any updates already received. for (let update of cachedEvent.updates) { this._onNetworkEventUpdate("networkEventUpdate", { packet: { updateType: update }, networkInfo: cachedEvent }); } } }, /** * The "DOMContentLoaded" and "Load" events sent by the timeline actor. * @param object marker */ _onDocLoadingMarker: function (marker) { window.emit(EVENTS.TIMELINE_EVENT, marker); this._markers.push(marker); gStore.dispatch(Actions.addTimingMarker(marker)); }, /** * The "networkEvent" message type handler. * * @param string type * Message type. * @param object networkInfo * The network request information. */ _onNetworkEvent: function (type, networkInfo) { let { actor, startedDateTime, request: { method, url }, isXHR, cause, fromCache, fromServiceWorker } = networkInfo; NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.addRequest( actor, startedDateTime, method, url, isXHR, cause, fromCache, fromServiceWorker ); window.emit(EVENTS.NETWORK_EVENT, actor); }, /** * The "networkEventUpdate" message type handler. * * @param string type * Message type. * @param object packet * The message received from the server. * @param object networkInfo * The network request information. */ _onNetworkEventUpdate: function (type, { packet, networkInfo }) { let { actor } = networkInfo; switch (packet.updateType) { case "requestHeaders": this.webConsoleClient.getRequestHeaders(actor, this._onRequestHeaders); window.emit(EVENTS.UPDATING_REQUEST_HEADERS, actor); break; case "requestCookies": this.webConsoleClient.getRequestCookies(actor, this._onRequestCookies); window.emit(EVENTS.UPDATING_REQUEST_COOKIES, actor); break; case "requestPostData": this.webConsoleClient.getRequestPostData(actor, this._onRequestPostData); window.emit(EVENTS.UPDATING_REQUEST_POST_DATA, actor); break; case "securityInfo": NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(actor, { securityState: networkInfo.securityInfo, }); this.webConsoleClient.getSecurityInfo(actor, this._onSecurityInfo); window.emit(EVENTS.UPDATING_SECURITY_INFO, actor); break; case "responseHeaders": this.webConsoleClient.getResponseHeaders(actor, this._onResponseHeaders); window.emit(EVENTS.UPDATING_RESPONSE_HEADERS, actor); break; case "responseCookies": this.webConsoleClient.getResponseCookies(actor, this._onResponseCookies); window.emit(EVENTS.UPDATING_RESPONSE_COOKIES, actor); break; case "responseStart": NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(actor, { httpVersion: networkInfo.response.httpVersion, remoteAddress: networkInfo.response.remoteAddress, remotePort: networkInfo.response.remotePort, status: networkInfo.response.status, statusText: networkInfo.response.statusText, headersSize: networkInfo.response.headersSize }); window.emit(EVENTS.STARTED_RECEIVING_RESPONSE, actor); break; case "responseContent": NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(actor, { contentSize: networkInfo.response.bodySize, transferredSize: networkInfo.response.transferredSize, mimeType: networkInfo.response.content.mimeType }); this.webConsoleClient.getResponseContent(actor, this._onResponseContent); window.emit(EVENTS.UPDATING_RESPONSE_CONTENT, actor); break; case "eventTimings": NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(actor, { totalTime: networkInfo.totalTime }); this.webConsoleClient.getEventTimings(actor, this._onEventTimings); window.emit(EVENTS.UPDATING_EVENT_TIMINGS, actor); break; } }, /** * Handles additional information received for a "requestHeaders" packet. * * @param object response * The message received from the server. */ _onRequestHeaders: function (response) { NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(response.from, { requestHeaders: response }, () => { window.emit(EVENTS.RECEIVED_REQUEST_HEADERS, response.from); }); }, /** * Handles additional information received for a "requestCookies" packet. * * @param object response * The message received from the server. */ _onRequestCookies: function (response) { NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(response.from, { requestCookies: response }, () => { window.emit(EVENTS.RECEIVED_REQUEST_COOKIES, response.from); }); }, /** * Handles additional information received for a "requestPostData" packet. * * @param object response * The message received from the server. */ _onRequestPostData: function (response) { NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(response.from, { requestPostData: response }, () => { window.emit(EVENTS.RECEIVED_REQUEST_POST_DATA, response.from); }); }, /** * Handles additional information received for a "securityInfo" packet. * * @param object response * The message received from the server. */ _onSecurityInfo: function (response) { NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(response.from, { securityInfo: response.securityInfo }, () => { window.emit(EVENTS.RECEIVED_SECURITY_INFO, response.from); }); }, /** * Handles additional information received for a "responseHeaders" packet. * * @param object response * The message received from the server. */ _onResponseHeaders: function (response) { NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(response.from, { responseHeaders: response }, () => { window.emit(EVENTS.RECEIVED_RESPONSE_HEADERS, response.from); }); }, /** * Handles additional information received for a "responseCookies" packet. * * @param object response * The message received from the server. */ _onResponseCookies: function (response) { NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(response.from, { responseCookies: response }, () => { window.emit(EVENTS.RECEIVED_RESPONSE_COOKIES, response.from); }); }, /** * Handles additional information received for a "responseContent" packet. * * @param object response * The message received from the server. */ _onResponseContent: function (response) { NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(response.from, { responseContent: response }, () => { window.emit(EVENTS.RECEIVED_RESPONSE_CONTENT, response.from); }); }, /** * Handles additional information received for a "eventTimings" packet. * * @param object response * The message received from the server. */ _onEventTimings: function (response) { NetMonitorView.RequestsMenu.updateRequest(response.from, { eventTimings: response }, () => { window.emit(EVENTS.RECEIVED_EVENT_TIMINGS, response.from); }); }, /** * Clears all accumulated markers. */ clearMarkers: function () { this._markers.length = 0; }, /** * Fetches the full text of a LongString. * * @param object | string stringGrip * The long string grip containing the corresponding actor. * If you pass in a plain string (by accident or because you're lazy), * then a promise of the same string is simply returned. * @return object Promise * A promise that is resolved when the full string contents * are available, or rejected if something goes wrong. */ getString: function (stringGrip) { return this.webConsoleClient.getString(stringGrip); } }; /** * Returns true if this is document is in RTL mode. * @return boolean */ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(window, "isRTL", function () { return window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement, null) .direction == "rtl"; }); /** * Convenient way of emitting events from the panel window. */ EventEmitter.decorate(this); /** * Preliminary setup for the NetMonitorController object. */ NetMonitorController.TargetEventsHandler = new TargetEventsHandler(); NetMonitorController.NetworkEventsHandler = new NetworkEventsHandler(); /** * Export some properties to the global scope for easier access. */ Object.defineProperties(window, { "gNetwork": { get: function () { return NetMonitorController.NetworkEventsHandler; }, configurable: true } }); /** * Helper method for debugging. * @param string */ function dumpn(str) { if (wantLogging) { dump("NET-FRONTEND: " + str + "\n"); } } var wantLogging = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("devtools.debugger.log");