"use strict"; /** * Predicates used when filtering items. * * @param object item * The filtered item. * @return boolean * True if the item should be visible, false otherwise. */ function all() { return true; } function isHtml({ mimeType }) { return mimeType && mimeType.includes("/html"); } function isCss({ mimeType }) { return mimeType && mimeType.includes("/css"); } function isJs({ mimeType }) { return mimeType && ( mimeType.includes("/ecmascript") || mimeType.includes("/javascript") || mimeType.includes("/x-javascript")); } function isXHR(item) { // Show the request it is XHR, except if the request is a WS upgrade return item.isXHR && !isWS(item); } function isFont({ url, mimeType }) { // Fonts are a mess. return (mimeType && ( mimeType.includes("font/") || mimeType.includes("/font"))) || url.includes(".eot") || url.includes(".ttf") || url.includes(".otf") || url.includes(".woff"); } function isImage({ mimeType }) { return mimeType && mimeType.includes("image/"); } function isMedia({ mimeType }) { // Not including images. return mimeType && ( mimeType.includes("audio/") || mimeType.includes("video/") || mimeType.includes("model/")); } function isFlash({ url, mimeType }) { // Flash is a mess. return (mimeType && ( mimeType.includes("/x-flv") || mimeType.includes("/x-shockwave-flash"))) || url.includes(".swf") || url.includes(".flv"); } function isWS({ requestHeaders, responseHeaders }) { // Detect a websocket upgrade if request has an Upgrade header with value 'websocket' if (!requestHeaders || !Array.isArray(requestHeaders.headers)) { return false; } // Find the 'upgrade' header. let upgradeHeader = requestHeaders.headers.find(header => { return (header.name == "Upgrade"); }); // If no header found on request, check response - mainly to get // something we can unit test, as it is impossible to set // the Upgrade header on outgoing XHR as per the spec. if (!upgradeHeader && responseHeaders && Array.isArray(responseHeaders.headers)) { upgradeHeader = responseHeaders.headers.find(header => { return (header.name == "Upgrade"); }); } // Return false if there is no such header or if its value isn't 'websocket'. if (!upgradeHeader || upgradeHeader.value != "websocket") { return false; } return true; } function isOther(item) { let tests = [isHtml, isCss, isJs, isXHR, isFont, isImage, isMedia, isFlash, isWS]; return tests.every(is => !is(item)); } function isFreetextMatch({ url }, text) { let lowerCaseUrl = url.toLowerCase(); let lowerCaseText = text.toLowerCase(); let textLength = text.length; // Support negative filtering if (text.startsWith("-") && textLength > 1) { lowerCaseText = lowerCaseText.substring(1, textLength); return !lowerCaseUrl.includes(lowerCaseText); } // no text is a positive match return !text || lowerCaseUrl.includes(lowerCaseText); } exports.Filters = { all: all, html: isHtml, css: isCss, js: isJs, xhr: isXHR, fonts: isFont, images: isImage, media: isMedia, flash: isFlash, ws: isWS, other: isOther, }; exports.isFreetextMatch = isFreetextMatch;