/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const Immutable = require("devtools/client/shared/vendor/immutable"); const { immutableUpdate, assert } = require("devtools/shared/DevToolsUtils"); const { actions, diffingState, viewState } = require("../constants"); const { snapshotIsDiffable } = require("../utils"); const handlers = Object.create(null); handlers[actions.POP_VIEW] = function (diffing, { previousView }) { if (previousView.state === viewState.DIFFING) { assert(previousView.diffing, "Should have previousView.diffing"); return previousView.diffing; } return null; }; handlers[actions.CHANGE_VIEW] = function (diffing, { newViewState }) { if (newViewState === viewState.DIFFING) { assert(!diffing, "Should not switch to diffing view when already diffing"); return Object.freeze({ firstSnapshotId: null, secondSnapshotId: null, census: null, state: diffingState.SELECTING, }); } return null; }; handlers[actions.SELECT_SNAPSHOT_FOR_DIFFING] = function (diffing, { snapshot }) { assert(diffing, "Should never select a snapshot for diffing when we aren't diffing " + "anything"); assert(diffing.state === diffingState.SELECTING, "Can't select when not in SELECTING state"); assert(snapshotIsDiffable(snapshot), "snapshot must be in a diffable state"); if (!diffing.firstSnapshotId) { return immutableUpdate(diffing, { firstSnapshotId: snapshot.id }); } assert(!diffing.secondSnapshotId, "If we aren't selecting the first, then we must be selecting the " + "second"); if (snapshot.id === diffing.firstSnapshotId) { // Ignore requests to select the same snapshot. return diffing; } return immutableUpdate(diffing, { secondSnapshotId: snapshot.id }); }; handlers[actions.TAKE_CENSUS_DIFF_START] = function (diffing, action) { assert(diffing, "Should be diffing when starting a census diff"); assert(action.first.id === diffing.firstSnapshotId, "First snapshot's id should match"); assert(action.second.id === diffing.secondSnapshotId, "Second snapshot's id should match"); return immutableUpdate(diffing, { state: diffingState.TAKING_DIFF, census: { report: null, inverted: action.inverted, filter: action.filter, display: action.display, } }); }; handlers[actions.TAKE_CENSUS_DIFF_END] = function (diffing, action) { assert(diffing, "Should be diffing when ending a census diff"); assert(action.first.id === diffing.firstSnapshotId, "First snapshot's id should match"); assert(action.second.id === diffing.secondSnapshotId, "Second snapshot's id should match"); return immutableUpdate(diffing, { state: diffingState.TOOK_DIFF, census: { report: action.report, parentMap: action.parentMap, expanded: Immutable.Set(), inverted: action.inverted, filter: action.filter, display: action.display, } }); }; handlers[actions.DIFFING_ERROR] = function (diffing, action) { return { state: diffingState.ERROR, error: action.error }; }; handlers[actions.EXPAND_DIFFING_CENSUS_NODE] = function (diffing, { node }) { assert(diffing, "Should be diffing if expanding diffing's census nodes"); assert(diffing.state === diffingState.TOOK_DIFF, "Should have taken the census diff if expanding nodes"); assert(diffing.census, "Should have a census"); assert(diffing.census.report, "Should have a census report"); assert(diffing.census.expanded, "Should have a census's expanded set"); const expanded = diffing.census.expanded.add(node.id); const census = immutableUpdate(diffing.census, { expanded }); return immutableUpdate(diffing, { census }); }; handlers[actions.COLLAPSE_DIFFING_CENSUS_NODE] = function (diffing, { node }) { assert(diffing, "Should be diffing if expanding diffing's census nodes"); assert(diffing.state === diffingState.TOOK_DIFF, "Should have taken the census diff if expanding nodes"); assert(diffing.census, "Should have a census"); assert(diffing.census.report, "Should have a census report"); assert(diffing.census.expanded, "Should have a census's expanded set"); const expanded = diffing.census.expanded.delete(node.id); const census = immutableUpdate(diffing.census, { expanded }); return immutableUpdate(diffing, { census }); }; handlers[actions.FOCUS_DIFFING_CENSUS_NODE] = function (diffing, { node }) { assert(diffing, "Should be diffing."); assert(diffing.census, "Should have a census"); const census = immutableUpdate(diffing.census, { focused: node }); return immutableUpdate(diffing, { census }); }; module.exports = function (diffing = null, action) { const handler = handlers[action.type]; return handler ? handler(diffing, action) : diffing; };