/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
 * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

"use strict";

// Options passed to MemoryFront's startRecordingAllocations never change.
  probability: 1,
  maxLogLength: 1

// If TREE_ROW_HEIGHT changes, be sure to change `var(--heap-tree-row-height)`
// in `devtools/client/themes/memory.css`
exports.TREE_ROW_HEIGHT = 18;

/** * Actions ******************************************************************/

const actions = exports.actions = {};

// Fired by UI to request a snapshot from the actor.
actions.TAKE_SNAPSHOT_START = "take-snapshot-start";
actions.TAKE_SNAPSHOT_END = "take-snapshot-end";

// When a heap snapshot is read into memory -- only fired
// once per snapshot.
actions.READ_SNAPSHOT_START = "read-snapshot-start";
actions.READ_SNAPSHOT_END = "read-snapshot-end";

// When a census is being performed on a heap snapshot
actions.TAKE_CENSUS_START = "take-census-start";
actions.TAKE_CENSUS_END = "take-census-end";
actions.TAKE_CENSUS_ERROR = "take-census-error";

// When a tree map is being calculated on a heap snapshot
actions.TAKE_TREE_MAP_START = "take-tree-map-start";
actions.TAKE_TREE_MAP_END = "take-tree-map-end";
actions.TAKE_TREE_MAP_ERROR = "take-tree-map-error";

// When requesting that the server start/stop recording allocation stacks.
actions.TOGGLE_RECORD_ALLOCATION_STACKS_START = "toggle-record-allocation-stacks-start";
actions.TOGGLE_RECORD_ALLOCATION_STACKS_END = "toggle-record-allocation-stacks-end";

// When a heap snapshot is being saved to a user-specified
// location on disk.
actions.EXPORT_SNAPSHOT_START = "export-snapshot-start";
actions.EXPORT_SNAPSHOT_END = "export-snapshot-end";
actions.EXPORT_SNAPSHOT_ERROR = "export-snapshot-error";

// When a heap snapshot is being read from a user selected file,
// and represents the entire state until the census is available.
actions.IMPORT_SNAPSHOT_START = "import-snapshot-start";
actions.IMPORT_SNAPSHOT_END = "import-snapshot-end";
actions.IMPORT_SNAPSHOT_ERROR = "import-snapshot-error";

// Fired by UI to select a snapshot to view.
actions.SELECT_SNAPSHOT = "select-snapshot";

// Fired to delete a provided list of snapshots
actions.DELETE_SNAPSHOTS_START = "delete-snapshots-start";
actions.DELETE_SNAPSHOTS_END = "delete-snapshots-end";

// Fired to toggle tree inversion on or off.
actions.TOGGLE_INVERTED = "toggle-inverted";

// Fired when a snapshot is selected for diffing.
actions.SELECT_SNAPSHOT_FOR_DIFFING = "select-snapshot-for-diffing";

// Fired when taking a census diff.
actions.TAKE_CENSUS_DIFF_START = "take-census-diff-start";
actions.TAKE_CENSUS_DIFF_END = "take-census-diff-end";
actions.DIFFING_ERROR = "diffing-error";

// Fired to set a new census display.
actions.SET_CENSUS_DISPLAY = "set-census-display";

// Fired to change the display that controls the dominator tree labels.
actions.SET_LABEL_DISPLAY = "set-label-display";

// Fired to set a tree map display
actions.SET_TREE_MAP_DISPLAY = "set-tree-map-display";

// Fired when changing between census or dominators view.
actions.CHANGE_VIEW = "change-view";
actions.POP_VIEW = "pop-view";

// Fired when there is an error processing a snapshot or taking a census.
actions.SNAPSHOT_ERROR = "snapshot-error";

// Fired when there is a new filter string set.
actions.SET_FILTER_STRING = "set-filter-string";

// Fired to expand or collapse nodes in census reports.
actions.EXPAND_CENSUS_NODE = "expand-census-node";
actions.EXPAND_DIFFING_CENSUS_NODE = "expand-diffing-census-node";
actions.COLLAPSE_CENSUS_NODE = "collapse-census-node";
actions.COLLAPSE_DIFFING_CENSUS_NODE = "collapse-diffing-census-node";

// Fired when nodes in various trees are focused.
actions.FOCUS_CENSUS_NODE = "focus-census-node";
actions.FOCUS_DIFFING_CENSUS_NODE = "focus-diffing-census-node";
actions.FOCUS_DOMINATOR_TREE_NODE = "focus-dominator-tree-node";

actions.FOCUS_INDIVIDUAL = "focus-individual";
actions.FETCH_INDIVIDUALS_START = "fetch-individuals-start";
actions.FETCH_INDIVIDUALS_END = "fetch-individuals-end";
actions.INDIVIDUALS_ERROR = "individuals-error";

actions.COMPUTE_DOMINATOR_TREE_START = "compute-dominator-tree-start";
actions.COMPUTE_DOMINATOR_TREE_END = "compute-dominator-tree-end";
actions.FETCH_DOMINATOR_TREE_START = "fetch-dominator-tree-start";
actions.FETCH_DOMINATOR_TREE_END = "fetch-dominator-tree-end";
actions.DOMINATOR_TREE_ERROR = "dominator-tree-error";
actions.FETCH_IMMEDIATELY_DOMINATED_START = "fetch-immediately-dominated-start";
actions.FETCH_IMMEDIATELY_DOMINATED_END = "fetch-immediately-dominated-end";
actions.EXPAND_DOMINATOR_TREE_NODE = "expand-dominator-tree-node";
actions.COLLAPSE_DOMINATOR_TREE_NODE = "collapse-dominator-tree-node";

actions.RESIZE_SHORTEST_PATHS = "resize-shortest-paths";

/** * Census Displays ***************************************************************/

const COUNT = Object.freeze({ by: "count", count: true, bytes: true });
const INTERNAL_TYPE = Object.freeze({ by: "internalType", then: COUNT });
const ALLOCATION_STACK = Object.freeze({ by: "allocationStack", then: COUNT, noStack: COUNT });
const OBJECT_CLASS = Object.freeze({ by: "objectClass", then: COUNT, other: COUNT });
const COARSE_TYPE = Object.freeze({
  by: "coarseType",
  objects: OBJECT_CLASS,
  strings: COUNT,
  scripts: {
    by: "filename",
    then: INTERNAL_TYPE,
    noFilename: INTERNAL_TYPE

exports.censusDisplays = Object.freeze({
  coarseType: Object.freeze({
    displayName: "Type",
    get tooltip() {
      // Importing down here is necessary because of the circular dependency
      // this introduces with `./utils.js`.
      const { L10N } = require("./utils");
      return L10N.getStr("censusDisplays.coarseType.tooltip");
    inverted: true,
    breakdown: COARSE_TYPE

  allocationStack: Object.freeze({
    displayName: "Call Stack",
    get tooltip() {
      const { L10N } = require("./utils");
      return L10N.getStr("censusDisplays.allocationStack.tooltip");
    inverted: false,
    breakdown: ALLOCATION_STACK,

  invertedAllocationStack: Object.freeze({
    displayName: "Inverted Call Stack",
    get tooltip() {
      const { L10N } = require("./utils");
      return L10N.getStr("censusDisplays.invertedAllocationStack.tooltip");
    inverted: true,
    breakdown: ALLOCATION_STACK,

  by: "coarseType",
  objects: OBJECT_CLASS,
  scripts: Object.freeze({
    by: "internalType",
    then: Object.freeze({
      by: "filename",
      then: COUNT,
      noFilename: COUNT,
  strings: INTERNAL_TYPE,

exports.labelDisplays = Object.freeze({
  coarseType: Object.freeze({
    displayName: "Type",
    get tooltip() {
      const { L10N } = require("./utils");
      return L10N.getStr("dominatorTreeDisplays.coarseType.tooltip");

  allocationStack: Object.freeze({
    displayName: "Call Stack",
    get tooltip() {
      const { L10N } = require("./utils");
      return L10N.getStr("dominatorTreeDisplays.allocationStack.tooltip");
    breakdown: Object.freeze({
      by: "allocationStack",

exports.treeMapDisplays = Object.freeze({
  coarseType: Object.freeze({
    displayName: "Type",
    get tooltip() {
      const { L10N } = require("./utils");
      return L10N.getStr("treeMapDisplays.coarseType.tooltip");
    breakdown: COARSE_TYPE,
    inverted: false,

/** * View States **************************************************************/

 * The various main views that the tool can be in.
const viewState = exports.viewState = Object.create(null);
viewState.CENSUS = "view-state-census";
viewState.DIFFING = "view-state-diffing";
viewState.DOMINATOR_TREE = "view-state-dominator-tree";
viewState.TREE_MAP = "view-state-tree-map";
viewState.INDIVIDUALS = "view-state-individuals";

/** * Snapshot States **********************************************************/

const snapshotState = exports.snapshotState = Object.create(null);

 * Various states a snapshot can be in.
 * An FSM describing snapshot states:
 *                       ↗
 *              IMPORTING
 * Any of these states may go to the ERROR state, from which they can never
 * leave (mwah ha ha ha!)
snapshotState.ERROR = "snapshot-state-error";
snapshotState.IMPORTING = "snapshot-state-importing";
snapshotState.SAVING = "snapshot-state-saving";
snapshotState.SAVED = "snapshot-state-saved";
snapshotState.READING = "snapshot-state-reading";
snapshotState.READ = "snapshot-state-read";

 * Various states the census model can be in.
 *     SAVING <-> SAVED
 *       |
 *       V
 *     ERROR

const censusState = exports.censusState = Object.create(null);

censusState.SAVING = "census-state-saving";
censusState.SAVED = "census-state-saved";
censusState.ERROR = "census-state-error";

 * Various states the tree map model can be in.
 *     SAVING <-> SAVED
 *       |
 *       V
 *     ERROR

const treeMapState = exports.treeMapState = Object.create(null);

treeMapState.SAVING = "tree-map-state-saving";
treeMapState.SAVED = "tree-map-state-saved";
treeMapState.ERROR = "tree-map-state-error";

/** * Diffing States ***********************************************************/

 * Various states the diffing model can be in.
 *                       |
 *                       V
 *                     ERROR
const diffingState = exports.diffingState = Object.create(null);

// Selecting the two snapshots to diff.
diffingState.SELECTING = "diffing-state-selecting";

// Currently computing the diff between the two selected snapshots.
diffingState.TAKING_DIFF = "diffing-state-taking-diff";

// Have the diff between the two selected snapshots.
diffingState.TOOK_DIFF = "diffing-state-took-diff";

// An error occurred while computing the diff.
diffingState.ERROR = "diffing-state-error";

/** * Dominator Tree States ****************************************************/

 * Various states the dominator tree model can be in.
 * Any state may lead to the ERROR state, from which it can never leave.
const dominatorTreeState = exports.dominatorTreeState = Object.create(null);
dominatorTreeState.COMPUTING = "dominator-tree-state-computing";
dominatorTreeState.COMPUTED = "dominator-tree-state-computed";
dominatorTreeState.FETCHING = "dominator-tree-state-fetching";
dominatorTreeState.LOADED = "dominator-tree-state-loaded";
dominatorTreeState.INCREMENTAL_FETCHING = "dominator-tree-state-incremental-fetching";
dominatorTreeState.ERROR = "dominator-tree-state-error";

/** * States for Individuals Model *********************************************/

 * Various states the individuals model can be in.
 * Any state may lead to the ERROR state, from which it can never leave.
const individualsState = exports.individualsState = Object.create(null);
individualsState.COMPUTING_DOMINATOR_TREE = "individuals-state-computing-dominator-tree";
individualsState.FETCHING = "individuals-state-fetching";
individualsState.FETCHED = "individuals-state-fetched";
individualsState.ERROR = "individuals-state-error";