<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. --> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE This file contains the Style Editor window strings --> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : FILE Do not translate commandkeys --> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE : The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers. You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools. A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best documentation on web development on the web. --> <!ENTITY newButton.label "New"> <!ENTITY newButton.tooltip "Create and append a new style sheet to the document"> <!ENTITY newButton.accesskey "N"> <!ENTITY importButton.label "Import…"> <!ENTITY importButton.tooltip "Import and append an existing style sheet to the document"> <!ENTITY importButton.accesskey "I"> <!ENTITY visibilityToggle.tooltip "Toggle style sheet visibility"> <!ENTITY saveButton.label "Save"> <!ENTITY saveButton.tooltip "Save this style sheet to a file"> <!ENTITY saveButton.accesskey "S"> <!ENTITY optionsButton.tooltip "Style Editor options"> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (showOriginalSources.label): This is the label on the context menu item to toggle showing original sources in the editor. --> <!ENTITY showOriginalSources.label "Show original sources"> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (showOriginalSources.accesskey): This is the access key for the menu item to toggle showing original sources in the editor. --> <!ENTITY showOriginalSources.accesskey "o"> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (showMediaSidebar.label): This is the label on the context menu item to toggle showing @media rule shortcuts in a sidebar. --> <!ENTITY showMediaSidebar.label "Show @media sidebar"> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (showMediaSidebar.accesskey): This is the access key for the menu item to toggle showing the @media sidebar. --> <!ENTITY showMediaSidebar.accesskey "m"> <!-- LOCALICATION NOTE (mediaRules.label): This is shown above the list of @media rules in each stylesheet editor sidebar. --> <!ENTITY mediaRules.label "@media rules"> <!ENTITY editorTextbox.placeholder "Type CSS here."> <!-- LOCALICATION NOTE (noStyleSheet.label): This is shown when a page has no stylesheet. --> <!ENTITY noStyleSheet.label "This page has no style sheet."> <!-- LOCALICATION NOTE (noStyleSheet-tip-start.label): This is the start of a tip sentence shown when there is no stylesheet. It suggests to create a new stylesheet and provides an action link to do so. --> <!ENTITY noStyleSheet-tip-start.label "Perhaps you'd like to "> <!-- LOCALICATION NOTE (noStyleSheet-tip-action.label): This is text for the link that triggers creation of a new stylesheet. --> <!ENTITY noStyleSheet-tip-action.label "append a new style sheet"> <!-- LOCALICATION NOTE (noStyleSheet-tip-end.label): End of the tip sentence --> <!ENTITY noStyleSheet-tip-end.label "?"> <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (openLinkNewTab.label): This is the text for the context menu item that opens a stylesheet in a new tab --> <!ENTITY openLinkNewTab.label "Open Link in New Tab">