/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; define(function (require, exports, module) { const { DOM: dom, createFactory, createClass, PropTypes } = require("devtools/client/shared/vendor/react"); const { createFactories } = require("devtools/client/shared/components/reps/rep-utils"); const TreeView = createFactory(require("devtools/client/shared/components/tree/tree-view")); const { Rep } = createFactories(require("devtools/client/shared/components/reps/rep")); const { SearchBox } = createFactories(require("./search-box")); const { Toolbar, ToolbarButton } = createFactories(require("./reps/toolbar")); const { div } = dom; const AUTO_EXPAND_MAX_SIZE = 100 * 1024; const AUTO_EXPAND_MAX_LEVEL = 7; /** * This template represents the 'JSON' panel. The panel is * responsible for rendering an expandable tree that allows simple * inspection of JSON structure. */ let JsonPanel = createClass({ displayName: "JsonPanel", propTypes: { data: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.string, PropTypes.array, PropTypes.object ]), jsonTextLength: PropTypes.number, searchFilter: PropTypes.string, actions: PropTypes.object, }, getInitialState: function () { return {}; }, componentDidMount: function () { document.addEventListener("keypress", this.onKeyPress, true); }, componentWillUnmount: function () { document.removeEventListener("keypress", this.onKeyPress, true); }, onKeyPress: function (e) { // XXX shortcut for focusing the Filter field (see Bug 1178771). }, onFilter: function (object) { if (!this.props.searchFilter) { return true; } let json = JSON.stringify(object).toLowerCase(); return json.indexOf(this.props.searchFilter.toLowerCase()) >= 0; }, getExpandedNodes: function (object, path = "", level = 0) { if (typeof object != "object") { return null; } if (level > AUTO_EXPAND_MAX_LEVEL) { return null; } let expandedNodes = new Set(); for (let prop in object) { let nodePath = path + "/" + prop; expandedNodes.add(nodePath); let nodes = this.getExpandedNodes(object[prop], nodePath, level + 1); if (nodes) { expandedNodes = new Set([...expandedNodes, ...nodes]); } } return expandedNodes; }, renderValue: props => { let member = props.member; // Hide object summary when object is expanded (bug 1244912). if (typeof member.value == "object" && member.open) { return null; } // Render the value (summary) using Reps library. return Rep(Object.assign({}, props, { cropLimit: 50, })); }, renderTree: function () { // Append custom column for displaying values. This column // Take all available horizontal space. let columns = [{ id: "value", width: "100%" }]; // Expand the document by default if its size isn't bigger than 100KB. let expandedNodes = new Set(); if (this.props.jsonTextLength <= AUTO_EXPAND_MAX_SIZE) { expandedNodes = this.getExpandedNodes(this.props.data); } // Render tree component. return TreeView({ object: this.props.data, mode: "tiny", onFilter: this.onFilter, columns: columns, renderValue: this.renderValue, expandedNodes: expandedNodes, }); }, render: function () { let content; let data = this.props.data; try { if (typeof data == "object") { content = this.renderTree(); } else { content = div({className: "jsonParseError"}, data + "" ); } } catch (err) { content = div({className: "jsonParseError"}, err + "" ); } return ( div({className: "jsonPanelBox"}, JsonToolbar({actions: this.props.actions}), div({className: "panelContent"}, content ) ) ); } }); /** * This template represents a toolbar within the 'JSON' panel. */ let JsonToolbar = createFactory(createClass({ displayName: "JsonToolbar", propTypes: { actions: PropTypes.object, }, // Commands onSave: function (event) { this.props.actions.onSaveJson(); }, onCopy: function (event) { this.props.actions.onCopyJson(); }, render: function () { return ( Toolbar({}, ToolbarButton({className: "btn save", onClick: this.onSave}, Locale.$STR("jsonViewer.Save") ), ToolbarButton({className: "btn copy", onClick: this.onCopy}, Locale.$STR("jsonViewer.Copy") ), SearchBox({ actions: this.props.actions }) ) ); }, })); // Exports from this module exports.JsonPanel = JsonPanel; });