/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test that the inspector toggled panel is visible by default, is hidden after // clicking on the toggle button and remains expanded/collapsed when switching // hosts. add_task(function* () { info("Open the inspector in a side toolbox host"); let {toolbox, inspector} = yield openInspectorForURL("about:blank", "side"); let panel = inspector.panelDoc.querySelector("#inspector-splitter-box .controlled"); let button = inspector.panelDoc.querySelector(".sidebar-toggle"); ok(!panel.classList.contains("pane-collapsed"), "The panel is in expanded state"); info("Listen to the end of the animation on the sidebar panel"); let onTransitionEnd = once(panel, "transitionend"); info("Click on the toggle button"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(button, {}, inspector.panelDoc.defaultView); yield onTransitionEnd; ok(panel.classList.contains("pane-collapsed"), "The panel is in collapsed state"); ok(!panel.hasAttribute("animated"), "The collapsed panel will not perform unwanted animations"); info("Switch the host to bottom type"); yield toolbox.switchHost("bottom"); ok(panel.classList.contains("pane-collapsed"), "The panel is in collapsed state"); info("Click on the toggle button to expand the panel again"); onTransitionEnd = once(panel, "transitionend"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(button, {}, inspector.panelDoc.defaultView); yield onTransitionEnd; ok(!panel.classList.contains("pane-collapsed"), "The panel is in expanded state"); });