/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; // Test that the keybindings for Picker work alright const IS_OSX = Services.appinfo.OS === "Darwin"; const TEST_URL = URL_ROOT + "doc_inspector_highlighter_dom.html"; add_task(function* () { let {inspector, toolbox, testActor} = yield openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL); yield startPicker(toolbox); yield moveMouseOver("#another"); info("Testing enter/return key as pick-node command"); yield doKeyPick({key: "VK_RETURN", options: {}}); is(inspector.selection.nodeFront.id, "another", "The #another node was selected. Passed."); info("Testing escape key as cancel-picker command"); yield startPicker(toolbox); yield moveMouseOver("#ahoy"); yield doKeyStop({key: "VK_ESCAPE", options: {}}); is(inspector.selection.nodeFront.id, "another", "The #another DIV is still selected. Passed."); info("Testing Ctrl+Shift+C shortcut as cancel-picker command"); yield startPicker(toolbox); yield moveMouseOver("#ahoy"); let shortcutOpts = {key: "VK_C", options: {}}; if (IS_OSX) { shortcutOpts.options.metaKey = true; shortcutOpts.options.altKey = true; } else { shortcutOpts.options.ctrlKey = true; shortcutOpts.options.shiftKey = true; } yield doKeyStop(shortcutOpts); is(inspector.selection.nodeFront.id, "another", "The #another DIV is still selected. Passed."); function doKeyPick(args) { info("Key pressed. Waiting for element to be picked"); testActor.synthesizeKey(args); return promise.all([ inspector.selection.once("new-node-front"), inspector.once("inspector-updated") ]); } function doKeyStop(args) { info("Key pressed. Waiting for picker to be canceled"); testActor.synthesizeKey(args); return inspector.toolbox.once("picker-stopped"); } function moveMouseOver(selector) { info("Waiting for element " + selector + " to be highlighted"); let onHighlighterReady = toolbox.once("highlighter-ready"); let onPickerNodeHovered = inspector.toolbox.once("picker-node-hovered"); testActor.synthesizeMouse({ options: {type: "mousemove"}, center: true, selector: selector }); return promise.all([onHighlighterReady, onPickerNodeHovered]); } });