/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; // Test the position of the eyedropper label. // It should move around when the eyedropper is close to the edges of the viewport so as // to always stay visible. const HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE = "EyeDropper"; const ID = "eye-dropper-"; const HTML = ` Eyedropper label position test `; const TEST_PAGE = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURI(HTML); const TEST_DATA = [{ desc: "Move the mouse to the center of the screen", getCoordinates: (width, height) => { return {x: width / 2, y: height / 2}; }, expectedPositions: {top: false, right: false, left: false} }, { desc: "Move the mouse to the center left", getCoordinates: (width, height) => { return {x: 0, y: height / 2}; }, expectedPositions: {top: false, right: true, left: false} }, { desc: "Move the mouse to the center right", getCoordinates: (width, height) => { return {x: width, y: height / 2}; }, expectedPositions: {top: false, right: false, left: true} }, { desc: "Move the mouse to the bottom center", getCoordinates: (width, height) => { return {x: width / 2, y: height}; }, expectedPositions: {top: true, right: false, left: false} }, { desc: "Move the mouse to the bottom left", getCoordinates: (width, height) => { return {x: 0, y: height}; }, expectedPositions: {top: true, right: true, left: false} }, { desc: "Move the mouse to the bottom right", getCoordinates: (width, height) => { return {x: width, y: height}; }, expectedPositions: {top: true, right: false, left: true} }, { desc: "Move the mouse to the top left", getCoordinates: (width, height) => { return {x: 0, y: 0}; }, expectedPositions: {top: false, right: true, left: false} }, { desc: "Move the mouse to the top right", getCoordinates: (width, height) => { return {x: width, y: 0}; }, expectedPositions: {top: false, right: false, left: true} }]; add_task(function* () { let {inspector, testActor} = yield openInspectorForURL(TEST_PAGE); let helper = yield getHighlighterHelperFor(HIGHLIGHTER_TYPE)({inspector, testActor}); helper.prefix = ID; let {mouse, show, hide, finalize} = helper; let {width, height} = yield testActor.getBoundingClientRect("html"); // This test fails in non-e10s windows if we use width and height. For some reasons, the // mouse events can't be dispatched/handled properly when we try to move the eyedropper // to the far right and/or bottom of the screen. So just removing 10px from each side // fixes it. width -= 10; height -= 10; info("Show the eyedropper on the page"); yield show("html"); info("Move the eyedropper around and check that the label appears at the right place"); for (let {desc, getCoordinates, expectedPositions} of TEST_DATA) { info(desc); let {x, y} = getCoordinates(width, height); info(`Moving the mouse to ${x} ${y}`); yield mouse.move(x, y); yield checkLabelPositionAttributes(helper, expectedPositions); } info("Hide the eyedropper"); yield hide(); finalize(); }); function* checkLabelPositionAttributes(helper, positions) { for (let position in positions) { is((yield hasAttribute(helper, position)), positions[position], `The label was ${positions[position] ? "" : "not "}moved to the ${position}`); } } function* hasAttribute({getElementAttribute}, name) { let value = yield getElementAttribute("root", name); return value !== null; }