/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /* Bug 1014547 - CSS transforms highlighter Test that the highlighter elements created have the right size and coordinates. Note that instead of hard-coding values here, the assertions are made by comparing with the result of getAdjustedQuads. There's a separate test for checking that getAdjustedQuads actually returns sensible values (devtools/client/shared/test/browser_layoutHelpers-getBoxQuads.js), so the present test doesn't care about that, it just verifies that the css transform highlighter applies those values correctly to the SVG elements */ const TEST_URL = URL_ROOT + "doc_inspector_highlighter_csstransform.html"; add_task(function* () { let {inspector, testActor} = yield openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL); let front = inspector.inspector; let highlighter = yield front.getHighlighterByType("CssTransformHighlighter"); let nodeFront = yield getNodeFront("#test-node", inspector); info("Displaying the transform highlighter on test node"); yield highlighter.show(nodeFront); let data = yield testActor.getAllAdjustedQuads("#test-node"); let [expected] = data.border; let points = yield testActor.getHighlighterNodeAttribute( "css-transform-transformed", "points", highlighter); let polygonPoints = points.split(" ").map(p => { return { x: +p.substring(0, p.indexOf(",")), y: +p.substring(p.indexOf(",") + 1) }; }); for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++) { is(polygonPoints[i - 1].x, expected["p" + i].x, "p" + i + " x coordinate is correct"); is(polygonPoints[i - 1].y, expected["p" + i].y, "p" + i + " y coordinate is correct"); } info("Hiding the transform highlighter"); yield highlighter.hide(); yield highlighter.finalize(); });