/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test that iframes are correctly highlighted. const IFRAME_SRC = "<style>" + "body {" + "margin:0;" + "height:100%;" + "background-color:red" + "}" + "</style><body>hello from iframe</body>"; const DOCUMENT_SRC = "<style>" + "iframe {" + "height:200px;" + "border: 11px solid black;" + "padding: 13px;" + "}" + "body,iframe {" + "margin:0" + "}" + "</style>" + "<body>" + "<iframe src='data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + IFRAME_SRC + "'></iframe>" + "</body>"; const TEST_URI = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + DOCUMENT_SRC; add_task(function* () { let { inspector, toolbox, testActor } = yield openInspectorForURL(TEST_URI); info("Waiting for box mode to show."); let body = yield getNodeFront("body", inspector); yield inspector.highlighter.showBoxModel(body); info("Waiting for element picker to become active."); yield startPicker(toolbox); info("Moving mouse over iframe padding."); yield moveMouseOver("iframe", 1, 1); info("Performing checks"); yield testActor.isNodeCorrectlyHighlighted("iframe", is); info("Scrolling the document"); yield testActor.setProperty("iframe", "style", "margin-bottom: 2000px"); yield testActor.eval("window.scrollBy(0, 40);"); // target the body within the iframe let iframeBodySelector = ["iframe", "body"]; info("Moving mouse over iframe body"); yield moveMouseOver("iframe", 40, 40); ok((yield testActor.assertHighlightedNode(iframeBodySelector)), "highlighter shows the right node"); yield testActor.isNodeCorrectlyHighlighted(iframeBodySelector, is); info("Waiting for the element picker to deactivate."); yield inspector.toolbox.highlighterUtils.stopPicker(); function moveMouseOver(selector, x, y) { info("Waiting for element " + selector + " to be highlighted"); testActor.synthesizeMouse({selector, x, y, options: {type: "mousemove"}}); return inspector.toolbox.once("picker-node-hovered"); } });