/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test that the breadcrumbs widget refreshes correctly when there are markup // mutations (and that it doesn't refresh when those mutations don't change its // output). const TEST_URI = URL_ROOT + "doc_inspector_breadcrumbs.html"; // Each item in the TEST_DATA array is a test case that should contain the // following properties: // - desc {String} A description of this test case (will be logged). // - setup {Function*} A generator function (can yield promises) that sets up // the test case. Useful for selecting a node before starting the test. // - run {Function*} A generator function (can yield promises) that runs the // actual test case, i.e, mutates the content DOM to cause the breadcrumbs // to refresh, or not. // - shouldRefresh {Boolean} Once the `run` function has completed, and the test // has detected that the page has changed, this boolean instructs the test to // verify if the breadcrumbs has refreshed or not. // - output {Array} A list of strings for the text that should be found in each // button after the test has run. const TEST_DATA = [{ desc: "Adding a child at the end of the chain shouldn't change anything", setup: function* (inspector) { yield selectNode("#i1111", inspector); }, run: function* ({walker, selection}) { yield walker.setInnerHTML(selection.nodeFront, "test"); }, shouldRefresh: false, output: ["html", "body", "article#i1", "div#i11", "div#i111", "div#i1111"] }, { desc: "Updating an ID to an displayed element should refresh", setup: function* () {}, run: function* ({walker}) { let node = yield walker.querySelector(walker.rootNode, "#i1"); yield node.modifyAttributes([{ attributeName: "id", newValue: "i1-changed" }]); }, shouldRefresh: true, output: ["html", "body", "article#i1-changed", "div#i11", "div#i111", "div#i1111"] }, { desc: "Updating an class to a displayed element should refresh", setup: function* () {}, run: function* ({walker}) { let node = yield walker.querySelector(walker.rootNode, "body"); yield node.modifyAttributes([{ attributeName: "class", newValue: "test-class" }]); }, shouldRefresh: true, output: ["html", "body.test-class", "article#i1-changed", "div#i11", "div#i111", "div#i1111"] }, { desc: "Updating a non id/class attribute to a displayed element should not " + "refresh", setup: function* () {}, run: function* ({walker}) { let node = yield walker.querySelector(walker.rootNode, "#i11"); yield node.modifyAttributes([{ attributeName: "name", newValue: "value" }]); }, shouldRefresh: false, output: ["html", "body.test-class", "article#i1-changed", "div#i11", "div#i111", "div#i1111"] }, { desc: "Moving a child in an element that's not displayed should not refresh", setup: function* () {}, run: function* ({walker}) { // Re-append #i1211 as a last child of #i2. let parent = yield walker.querySelector(walker.rootNode, "#i2"); let child = yield walker.querySelector(walker.rootNode, "#i211"); yield walker.insertBefore(child, parent); }, shouldRefresh: false, output: ["html", "body.test-class", "article#i1-changed", "div#i11", "div#i111", "div#i1111"] }, { desc: "Moving an undisplayed child in a displayed element should not refresh", setup: function* () {}, run: function* ({walker}) { // Re-append #i2 in body (move it to the end). let parent = yield walker.querySelector(walker.rootNode, "body"); let child = yield walker.querySelector(walker.rootNode, "#i2"); yield walker.insertBefore(child, parent); }, shouldRefresh: false, output: ["html", "body.test-class", "article#i1-changed", "div#i11", "div#i111", "div#i1111"] }, { desc: "Updating attributes on an element that's not displayed should not " + "refresh", setup: function* () {}, run: function* ({walker}) { let node = yield walker.querySelector(walker.rootNode, "#i2"); yield node.modifyAttributes([{ attributeName: "id", newValue: "i2-changed" }, { attributeName: "class", newValue: "test-class" }]); }, shouldRefresh: false, output: ["html", "body.test-class", "article#i1-changed", "div#i11", "div#i111", "div#i1111"] }, { desc: "Removing the currently selected node should refresh", setup: function* (inspector) { yield selectNode("#i2-changed", inspector); }, run: function* ({walker, selection}) { yield walker.removeNode(selection.nodeFront); }, shouldRefresh: true, output: ["html", "body.test-class"] }, { desc: "Changing the class of the currently selected node should refresh", setup: function* () {}, run: function* ({selection}) { yield selection.nodeFront.modifyAttributes([{ attributeName: "class", newValue: "test-class-changed" }]); }, shouldRefresh: true, output: ["html", "body.test-class-changed"] }, { desc: "Changing the id of the currently selected node should refresh", setup: function* () {}, run: function* ({selection}) { yield selection.nodeFront.modifyAttributes([{ attributeName: "id", newValue: "new-id" }]); }, shouldRefresh: true, output: ["html", "body#new-id.test-class-changed"] }]; add_task(function* () { let {inspector} = yield openInspectorForURL(TEST_URI); let breadcrumbs = inspector.panelDoc.getElementById("inspector-breadcrumbs"); let container = breadcrumbs.querySelector(".html-arrowscrollbox-inner"); let win = container.ownerDocument.defaultView; for (let {desc, setup, run, shouldRefresh, output} of TEST_DATA) { info("Running test case: " + desc); info("Listen to markupmutation events from the inspector to know when a " + "test case has completed"); let onContentMutation = inspector.once("markupmutation"); info("Running setup"); yield setup(inspector); info("Listen to mutations on the breadcrumbs container"); let hasBreadcrumbsMutated = false; let observer = new win.MutationObserver(mutations => { // Only consider childList changes or tooltiptext/checked attributes // changes. The rest may be mutations caused by the overflowing arrowbox. for (let {type, attributeName} of mutations) { let isChildList = type === "childList"; let isAttributes = type === "attributes" && (attributeName === "checked" || attributeName === "tooltiptext"); if (isChildList || isAttributes) { hasBreadcrumbsMutated = true; break; } } }); observer.observe(container, { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true }); info("Running the test case"); yield run(inspector); info("Wait until the page has mutated"); yield onContentMutation; if (shouldRefresh) { info("The breadcrumbs is expected to refresh, so wait for it"); yield inspector.once("inspector-updated"); } else { ok(!inspector._updateProgress, "The breadcrumbs widget is not currently updating"); } is(shouldRefresh, hasBreadcrumbsMutated, "Has the breadcrumbs refreshed?"); observer.disconnect(); info("Check the output of the breadcrumbs widget"); is(container.childNodes.length, output.length, "Correct number of buttons"); for (let i = 0; i < container.childNodes.length; i++) { is(output[i], container.childNodes[i].textContent, "Text content for button " + i + " is correct"); } } });