/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test ability to tab to and away from breadcrumbs using keyboard. const TEST_URL = URL_ROOT + "doc_inspector_breadcrumbs.html"; /** * Test data has the format of: * { * desc {String} description for better logging * focused {Boolean} flag, indicating if breadcrumbs contain focus * key {String} key event's key * options {?Object} optional event data such as shiftKey, etc * } */ const TEST_DATA = [ { desc: "Move the focus away from breadcrumbs to a next focusable element", focused: false, key: "VK_TAB", options: { } }, { desc: "Move the focus back to the breadcrumbs", focused: true, key: "VK_TAB", options: { shiftKey: true } }, { desc: "Move the focus back away from breadcrumbs to a previous focusable " + "element", focused: false, key: "VK_TAB", options: { shiftKey: true } }, { desc: "Move the focus back to the breadcrumbs", focused: true, key: "VK_TAB", options: { } } ]; add_task(function* () { let { toolbox, inspector } = yield openInspectorForURL(TEST_URL); let doc = inspector.panelDoc; let {breadcrumbs} = inspector; yield selectNode("#i2", inspector); info("Clicking on the corresponding breadcrumbs node to focus it"); let container = doc.getElementById("inspector-breadcrumbs"); let button = container.querySelector("button[checked]"); let onHighlight = toolbox.once("node-highlight"); button.click(); yield onHighlight; // Ensure a breadcrumb is focused. is(doc.activeElement, container, "Focus is on selected breadcrumb"); is(container.getAttribute("aria-activedescendant"), button.id, "aria-activedescendant is set correctly"); for (let { desc, focused, key, options } of TEST_DATA) { info(desc); EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, options); // Wait until the keyPromise promise resolves. yield breadcrumbs.keyPromise; if (focused) { is(doc.activeElement, container, "Focus is on selected breadcrumb"); } else { ok(!containsFocus(doc, container), "Focus is outside of breadcrumbs"); } is(container.getAttribute("aria-activedescendant"), button.id, "aria-activedescendant is set correctly"); } });