/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /** * The tooltip overlays are tooltips that appear when hovering over property values and * editor tooltips that appear when clicking swatch based editors. */ const { Task } = require("devtools/shared/task"); const Services = require("Services"); const { VIEW_NODE_VALUE_TYPE, VIEW_NODE_IMAGE_URL_TYPE, } = require("devtools/client/inspector/shared/node-types"); const { getColor } = require("devtools/client/shared/theme"); const { getCssProperties } = require("devtools/shared/fronts/css-properties"); const CssDocsTooltip = require("devtools/client/shared/widgets/tooltip/CssDocsTooltip"); const { HTMLTooltip } = require("devtools/client/shared/widgets/tooltip/HTMLTooltip"); const { getImageDimensions, setImageTooltip, setBrokenImageTooltip, } = require("devtools/client/shared/widgets/tooltip/ImageTooltipHelper"); const SwatchColorPickerTooltip = require("devtools/client/shared/widgets/tooltip/SwatchColorPickerTooltip"); const SwatchCubicBezierTooltip = require("devtools/client/shared/widgets/tooltip/SwatchCubicBezierTooltip"); const SwatchFilterTooltip = require("devtools/client/shared/widgets/tooltip/SwatchFilterTooltip"); const PREF_IMAGE_TOOLTIP_SIZE = "devtools.inspector.imagePreviewTooltipSize"; // Types of existing tooltips const TOOLTIP_IMAGE_TYPE = "image"; const TOOLTIP_FONTFAMILY_TYPE = "font-family"; /** * Manages all tooltips in the style-inspector. * * @param {CssRuleView|CssComputedView} view * Either the rule-view or computed-view panel */ function TooltipsOverlay(view) { this.view = view; let {CssRuleView} = require("devtools/client/inspector/rules/rules"); this.isRuleView = view instanceof CssRuleView; this._cssProperties = getCssProperties(this.view.inspector.toolbox); this._onNewSelection = this._onNewSelection.bind(this); this.view.inspector.selection.on("new-node-front", this._onNewSelection); } TooltipsOverlay.prototype = { get isEditing() { return this.colorPicker.tooltip.isVisible() || this.colorPicker.eyedropperOpen || this.cubicBezier.tooltip.isVisible() || this.filterEditor.tooltip.isVisible(); }, /** * Add the tooltips overlay to the view. This will start tracking mouse * movements and display tooltips when needed */ addToView: function () { if (this._isStarted || this._isDestroyed) { return; } let { toolbox } = this.view.inspector; // Initializing the different tooltips that are used in the inspector. // These tooltips are attached to the toolbox document if they require a popup panel. // Otherwise, it is attached to the inspector panel document if it is an inline // editor. this.previewTooltip = new HTMLTooltip(toolbox.doc, { type: "arrow", useXulWrapper: true }); this.previewTooltip.startTogglingOnHover(this.view.element, this._onPreviewTooltipTargetHover.bind(this)); // MDN CSS help tooltip this.cssDocs = new CssDocsTooltip(toolbox.doc); if (this.isRuleView) { // Color picker tooltip this.colorPicker = new SwatchColorPickerTooltip(toolbox.doc, this.view.inspector); // Cubic bezier tooltip this.cubicBezier = new SwatchCubicBezierTooltip(toolbox.doc); // Filter editor tooltip this.filterEditor = new SwatchFilterTooltip(toolbox.doc, this._cssProperties.getValidityChecker(this.view.inspector.panelDoc)); } this._isStarted = true; }, /** * Remove the tooltips overlay from the view. This will stop tracking mouse * movements and displaying tooltips */ removeFromView: function () { if (!this._isStarted || this._isDestroyed) { return; } this.previewTooltip.stopTogglingOnHover(this.view.element); this.previewTooltip.destroy(); if (this.colorPicker) { this.colorPicker.destroy(); } if (this.cubicBezier) { this.cubicBezier.destroy(); } if (this.cssDocs) { this.cssDocs.destroy(); } if (this.filterEditor) { this.filterEditor.destroy(); } this._isStarted = false; }, /** * Given a hovered node info, find out which type of tooltip should be shown, * if any * * @param {Object} nodeInfo * @return {String} The tooltip type to be shown, or null */ _getTooltipType: function ({type, value: prop}) { let tooltipType = null; let inspector = this.view.inspector; // Image preview tooltip if (type === VIEW_NODE_IMAGE_URL_TYPE && inspector.hasUrlToImageDataResolver) { tooltipType = TOOLTIP_IMAGE_TYPE; } // Font preview tooltip if (type === VIEW_NODE_VALUE_TYPE && prop.property === "font-family") { let value = prop.value.toLowerCase(); if (value !== "inherit" && value !== "unset" && value !== "initial") { tooltipType = TOOLTIP_FONTFAMILY_TYPE; } } return tooltipType; }, /** * Executed by the tooltip when the pointer hovers over an element of the * view. Used to decide whether the tooltip should be shown or not and to * actually put content in it. * Checks if the hovered target is a css value we support tooltips for. * * @param {DOMNode} target The currently hovered node * @return {Promise} */ _onPreviewTooltipTargetHover: Task.async(function* (target) { let nodeInfo = this.view.getNodeInfo(target); if (!nodeInfo) { // The hovered node isn't something we care about return false; } let type = this._getTooltipType(nodeInfo); if (!type) { // There is no tooltip type defined for the hovered node return false; } if (this.isRuleView && this.colorPicker.tooltip.isVisible()) { this.colorPicker.revert(); this.colorPicker.hide(); } if (this.isRuleView && this.cubicBezier.tooltip.isVisible()) { this.cubicBezier.revert(); this.cubicBezier.hide(); } if (this.isRuleView && this.cssDocs.tooltip.isVisible()) { this.cssDocs.hide(); } if (this.isRuleView && this.filterEditor.tooltip.isVisible()) { this.filterEditor.revert(); this.filterEdtior.hide(); } let inspector = this.view.inspector; if (type === TOOLTIP_IMAGE_TYPE) { try { yield this._setImagePreviewTooltip(nodeInfo.value.url); } catch (e) { yield setBrokenImageTooltip(this.previewTooltip, this.view.inspector.panelDoc); } return true; } if (type === TOOLTIP_FONTFAMILY_TYPE) { let font = nodeInfo.value.value; let nodeFront = inspector.selection.nodeFront; yield this._setFontPreviewTooltip(font, nodeFront); return true; } return false; }), /** * Set the content of the preview tooltip to display an image preview. The image URL can * be relative, a call will be made to the debuggee to retrieve the image content as an * imageData URI. * * @param {String} imageUrl * The image url value (may be relative or absolute). * @return {Promise} A promise that resolves when the preview tooltip content is ready */ _setImagePreviewTooltip: Task.async(function* (imageUrl) { let doc = this.view.inspector.panelDoc; let maxDim = Services.prefs.getIntPref(PREF_IMAGE_TOOLTIP_SIZE); let naturalWidth, naturalHeight; if (imageUrl.startsWith("data:")) { // If the imageUrl already is a data-url, save ourselves a round-trip let size = yield getImageDimensions(doc, imageUrl); naturalWidth = size.naturalWidth; naturalHeight = size.naturalHeight; } else { let inspectorFront = this.view.inspector.inspector; let {data, size} = yield inspectorFront.getImageDataFromURL(imageUrl, maxDim); imageUrl = yield data.string(); naturalWidth = size.naturalWidth; naturalHeight = size.naturalHeight; } yield setImageTooltip(this.previewTooltip, doc, imageUrl, {maxDim, naturalWidth, naturalHeight}); }), /** * Set the content of the preview tooltip to display a font family preview. * * @param {String} font * The font family value. * @param {object} nodeFront * The NodeActor that will used to retrieve the dataURL for the font * family tooltip contents. * @return {Promise} A promise that resolves when the preview tooltip content is ready */ _setFontPreviewTooltip: Task.async(function* (font, nodeFront) { if (!font || !nodeFront || typeof nodeFront.getFontFamilyDataURL !== "function") { throw new Error("Unable to create font preview tooltip content."); } font = font.replace(/"/g, "'"); font = font.replace("!important", ""); font = font.trim(); let fillStyle = getColor("body-color"); let {data, size: maxDim} = yield nodeFront.getFontFamilyDataURL(font, fillStyle); let imageUrl = yield data.string(); let doc = this.view.inspector.panelDoc; let {naturalWidth, naturalHeight} = yield getImageDimensions(doc, imageUrl); yield setImageTooltip(this.previewTooltip, doc, imageUrl, {hideDimensionLabel: true, maxDim, naturalWidth, naturalHeight}); }), _onNewSelection: function () { if (this.previewTooltip) { this.previewTooltip.hide(); } if (this.colorPicker) { this.colorPicker.hide(); } if (this.cubicBezier) { this.cubicBezier.hide(); } if (this.cssDocs) { this.cssDocs.hide(); } if (this.filterEditor) { this.filterEditor.hide(); } }, /** * Destroy this overlay instance, removing it from the view */ destroy: function () { this.removeFromView(); this.view.inspector.selection.off("new-node-front", this._onNewSelection); this.view = null; this._isDestroyed = true; } }; module.exports = TooltipsOverlay;