/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /* Tests both Copy URL and Copy Data URL context menu items */ const TEST_DATA_URI = ""; // Invalid URL still needs to be reachable otherwise getImageDataUrl will // timeout. DevTools chrome:// URLs aren't content accessible, so use some // random resource:// URL here. const INVALID_IMAGE_URI = "resource://devtools/client/definitions.js"; const ERROR_MESSAGE = STYLE_INSPECTOR_L10N.getStr("styleinspector.copyImageDataUrlError"); add_task(function* () { const TEST_URI = `
Valid background image
Invalid background image
`; yield addTab("data:text/html;charset=utf8," + encodeURIComponent(TEST_URI)); yield startTest(); }); function* startTest() { info("Opening rule view"); let {inspector, view} = yield openRuleView(); info("Test valid background image URL in rule view"); yield testCopyUrlToClipboard({view, inspector}, "data-uri", ".valid-background", TEST_DATA_URI); yield testCopyUrlToClipboard({view, inspector}, "url", ".valid-background", TEST_DATA_URI); info("Test invalid background image URL in rue view"); yield testCopyUrlToClipboard({view, inspector}, "data-uri", ".invalid-background", ERROR_MESSAGE); yield testCopyUrlToClipboard({view, inspector}, "url", ".invalid-background", INVALID_IMAGE_URI); info("Opening computed view"); view = selectComputedView(inspector); info("Test valid background image URL in computed view"); yield testCopyUrlToClipboard({view, inspector}, "data-uri", ".valid-background", TEST_DATA_URI); yield testCopyUrlToClipboard({view, inspector}, "url", ".valid-background", TEST_DATA_URI); info("Test invalid background image URL in computed view"); yield testCopyUrlToClipboard({view, inspector}, "data-uri", ".invalid-background", ERROR_MESSAGE); yield testCopyUrlToClipboard({view, inspector}, "url", ".invalid-background", INVALID_IMAGE_URI); } function* testCopyUrlToClipboard({view, inspector}, type, selector, expected) { info("Select node in inspector panel"); yield selectNode(selector, inspector); info("Retrieve background-image link for selected node in current " + "styleinspector view"); let property = getBackgroundImageProperty(view, selector); let imageLink = property.valueSpan.querySelector(".theme-link"); ok(imageLink, "Background-image link element found"); info("Simulate right click on the background-image URL"); let allMenuItems = openStyleContextMenuAndGetAllItems(view, imageLink); let menuitemCopyUrl = allMenuItems.find(item => item.label === STYLE_INSPECTOR_L10N.getStr("styleinspector.contextmenu.copyUrl")); let menuitemCopyImageDataUrl = allMenuItems.find(item => item.label === STYLE_INSPECTOR_L10N.getStr("styleinspector.contextmenu.copyImageDataUrl")); info("Context menu is displayed"); ok(menuitemCopyUrl.visible, "\"Copy URL\" menu entry is displayed"); ok(menuitemCopyImageDataUrl.visible, "\"Copy Image Data-URL\" menu entry is displayed"); if (type == "data-uri") { info("Click Copy Data URI and wait for clipboard"); yield waitForClipboardPromise(() => { return menuitemCopyImageDataUrl.click(); }, expected); } else { info("Click Copy URL and wait for clipboard"); yield waitForClipboardPromise(() => { return menuitemCopyUrl.click(); }, expected); } info("Hide context menu"); } function getBackgroundImageProperty(view, selector) { let isRuleView = view instanceof CssRuleView; if (isRuleView) { return getRuleViewProperty(view, selector, "background-image"); } return getComputedViewProperty(view, "background-image"); }