/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* eslint no-unused-vars: [2, {"vars": "local"}] */ /* import-globals-from ../../test/head.js */ "use strict"; // Import the inspector's head.js first (which itself imports shared-head.js). Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/devtools/client/inspector/test/head.js", this); registerCleanupFunction(() => { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("devtools.defaultColorUnit"); }); var {getInplaceEditorForSpan: inplaceEditor} = require("devtools/client/shared/inplace-editor"); const ROOT_TEST_DIR = getRootDirectory(gTestPath); const FRAME_SCRIPT_URL = ROOT_TEST_DIR + "doc_frame_script.js"; const STYLE_INSPECTOR_L10N = new LocalizationHelper("devtools/shared/locales/styleinspector.properties"); registerCleanupFunction(() => { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("devtools.defaultColorUnit"); }); /** * The rule-view tests rely on a frame-script to be injected in the content test * page. So override the shared-head's addTab to load the frame script after the * tab was added. * FIXME: Refactor the rule-view tests to use the testActor instead of a frame * script, so they can run on remote targets too. */ var _addTab = addTab; addTab = function (url) { return _addTab(url).then(tab => { info("Loading the helper frame script " + FRAME_SCRIPT_URL); let browser = tab.linkedBrowser; browser.messageManager.loadFrameScript(FRAME_SCRIPT_URL, false); return tab; }); }; /** * Wait for a content -> chrome message on the message manager (the window * messagemanager is used). * * @param {String} name * The message name * @return {Promise} A promise that resolves to the response data when the * message has been received */ function waitForContentMessage(name) { info("Expecting message " + name + " from content"); let mm = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.messageManager; let def = defer(); mm.addMessageListener(name, function onMessage(msg) { mm.removeMessageListener(name, onMessage); def.resolve(msg.data); }); return def.promise; } /** * Send an async message to the frame script (chrome -> content) and wait for a * response message with the same name (content -> chrome). * * @param {String} name * The message name. Should be one of the messages defined * in doc_frame_script.js * @param {Object} data * Optional data to send along * @param {Object} objects * Optional CPOW objects to send along * @param {Boolean} expectResponse * If set to false, don't wait for a response with the same name * from the content script. Defaults to true. * @return {Promise} Resolves to the response data if a response is expected, * immediately resolves otherwise */ function executeInContent(name, data = {}, objects = {}, expectResponse = true) { info("Sending message " + name + " to content"); let mm = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.messageManager; mm.sendAsyncMessage(name, data, objects); if (expectResponse) { return waitForContentMessage(name); } return promise.resolve(); } /** * Send an async message to the frame script and get back the requested * computed style property. * * @param {String} selector * The selector used to obtain the element. * @param {String} pseudo * pseudo id to query, or null. * @param {String} name * name of the property. */ function* getComputedStyleProperty(selector, pseudo, propName) { return yield executeInContent("Test:GetComputedStylePropertyValue", {selector, pseudo, name: propName}); } /** * Get an element's inline style property value. * @param {TestActor} testActor * @param {String} selector * The selector used to obtain the element. * @param {String} name * name of the property. */ function getStyle(testActor, selector, propName) { return testActor.eval(` content.document.querySelector("${selector}") .style.getPropertyValue("${propName}"); `); } /** * Send an async message to the frame script and wait until the requested * computed style property has the expected value. * * @param {String} selector * The selector used to obtain the element. * @param {String} pseudo * pseudo id to query, or null. * @param {String} prop * name of the property. * @param {String} expected * expected value of property * @param {String} name * the name used in test message */ function* waitForComputedStyleProperty(selector, pseudo, name, expected) { return yield executeInContent("Test:WaitForComputedStylePropertyValue", {selector, pseudo, expected, name}); } /** * Given an inplace editable element, click to switch it to edit mode, wait for * focus * * @return a promise that resolves to the inplace-editor element when ready */ var focusEditableField = Task.async(function* (ruleView, editable, xOffset = 1, yOffset = 1, options = {}) { let onFocus = once(editable.parentNode, "focus", true); info("Clicking on editable field to turn to edit mode"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouse(editable, xOffset, yOffset, options, editable.ownerDocument.defaultView); yield onFocus; info("Editable field gained focus, returning the input field now"); let onEdit = inplaceEditor(editable.ownerDocument.activeElement); return onEdit; }); /** * When a tooltip is closed, this ends up "commiting" the value changed within * the tooltip (e.g. the color in case of a colorpicker) which, in turn, ends up * setting the value of the corresponding css property in the rule-view. * Use this function to close the tooltip and make sure the test waits for the * ruleview-changed event. * @param {SwatchBasedEditorTooltip} editorTooltip * @param {CSSRuleView} view */ function* hideTooltipAndWaitForRuleViewChanged(editorTooltip, view) { let onModified = view.once("ruleview-changed"); let onHidden = editorTooltip.tooltip.once("hidden"); editorTooltip.hide(); yield onModified; yield onHidden; } /** * Polls a given generator function waiting for it to return true. * * @param {Function} validatorFn * A validator generator function that returns a boolean. * This is called every few milliseconds to check if the result is true. * When it is true, the promise resolves. * @param {String} name * Optional name of the test. This is used to generate * the success and failure messages. * @return a promise that resolves when the function returned true or rejects * if the timeout is reached */ var waitForSuccess = Task.async(function* (validatorFn, desc = "untitled") { let i = 0; while (true) { info("Checking: " + desc); if (yield validatorFn()) { ok(true, "Success: " + desc); break; } i++; if (i > 10) { ok(false, "Failure: " + desc); break; } yield new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 200)); } }); /** * Get the DOMNode for a css rule in the rule-view that corresponds to the given * selector * * @param {CssRuleView} view * The instance of the rule-view panel * @param {String} selectorText * The selector in the rule-view for which the rule * object is wanted * @return {DOMNode} */ function getRuleViewRule(view, selectorText) { let rule; for (let r of view.styleDocument.querySelectorAll(".ruleview-rule")) { let selector = r.querySelector(".ruleview-selectorcontainer, " + ".ruleview-selector-matched"); if (selector && selector.textContent === selectorText) { rule = r; break; } } return rule; } /** * Get references to the name and value span nodes corresponding to a given * selector and property name in the rule-view * * @param {CssRuleView} view * The instance of the rule-view panel * @param {String} selectorText * The selector in the rule-view to look for the property in * @param {String} propertyName * The name of the property * @return {Object} An object like {nameSpan: DOMNode, valueSpan: DOMNode} */ function getRuleViewProperty(view, selectorText, propertyName) { let prop; let rule = getRuleViewRule(view, selectorText); if (rule) { // Look for the propertyName in that rule element for (let p of rule.querySelectorAll(".ruleview-property")) { let nameSpan = p.querySelector(".ruleview-propertyname"); let valueSpan = p.querySelector(".ruleview-propertyvalue"); if (nameSpan.textContent === propertyName) { prop = {nameSpan: nameSpan, valueSpan: valueSpan}; break; } } } return prop; } /** * Get the text value of the property corresponding to a given selector and name * in the rule-view * * @param {CssRuleView} view * The instance of the rule-view panel * @param {String} selectorText * The selector in the rule-view to look for the property in * @param {String} propertyName * The name of the property * @return {String} The property value */ function getRuleViewPropertyValue(view, selectorText, propertyName) { return getRuleViewProperty(view, selectorText, propertyName) .valueSpan.textContent; } /** * Get a reference to the selector DOM element corresponding to a given selector * in the rule-view * * @param {CssRuleView} view * The instance of the rule-view panel * @param {String} selectorText * The selector in the rule-view to look for * @return {DOMNode} The selector DOM element */ function getRuleViewSelector(view, selectorText) { let rule = getRuleViewRule(view, selectorText); return rule.querySelector(".ruleview-selector, .ruleview-selector-matched"); } /** * Get a reference to the selectorhighlighter icon DOM element corresponding to * a given selector in the rule-view * * @param {CssRuleView} view * The instance of the rule-view panel * @param {String} selectorText * The selector in the rule-view to look for * @return {DOMNode} The selectorhighlighter icon DOM element */ function getRuleViewSelectorHighlighterIcon(view, selectorText) { let rule = getRuleViewRule(view, selectorText); return rule.querySelector(".ruleview-selectorhighlighter"); } /** * Simulate a color change in a given color picker tooltip, and optionally wait * for a given element in the page to have its style changed as a result. * Note that this function assumes that the colorpicker popup is already open * and it won't close it after having selected the new color. * * @param {RuleView} ruleView * The related rule view instance * @param {SwatchColorPickerTooltip} colorPicker * @param {Array} newRgba * The new color to be set [r, g, b, a] * @param {Object} expectedChange * Optional object that needs the following props: * - {String} selector The selector to the element in the page that * will have its style changed. * - {String} name The style name that will be changed * - {String} value The expected style value * The style will be checked like so: getComputedStyle(element)[name] === value */ var simulateColorPickerChange = Task.async(function* (ruleView, colorPicker, newRgba, expectedChange) { let onComputedStyleChanged; if (expectedChange) { let {selector, name, value} = expectedChange; onComputedStyleChanged = waitForComputedStyleProperty(selector, null, name, value); } let onRuleViewChanged = ruleView.once("ruleview-changed"); info("Getting the spectrum colorpicker object"); let spectrum = colorPicker.spectrum; info("Setting the new color"); spectrum.rgb = newRgba; info("Applying the change"); spectrum.updateUI(); spectrum.onChange(); info("Waiting for rule-view to update"); yield onRuleViewChanged; if (expectedChange) { info("Waiting for the style to be applied on the page"); yield onComputedStyleChanged; } }); /** * Open the color picker popup for a given property in a given rule and * simulate a color change. Optionally wait for a given element in the page to * have its style changed as a result. * * @param {RuleView} view * The related rule view instance * @param {Number} ruleIndex * Which rule to target in the rule view * @param {Number} propIndex * Which property to target in the rule * @param {Array} newRgba * The new color to be set [r, g, b, a] * @param {Object} expectedChange * Optional object that needs the following props: * - {String} selector The selector to the element in the page that * will have its style changed. * - {String} name The style name that will be changed * - {String} value The expected style value * The style will be checked like so: getComputedStyle(element)[name] === value */ var openColorPickerAndSelectColor = Task.async(function* (view, ruleIndex, propIndex, newRgba, expectedChange) { let ruleEditor = getRuleViewRuleEditor(view, ruleIndex); let propEditor = ruleEditor.rule.textProps[propIndex].editor; let swatch = propEditor.valueSpan.querySelector(".ruleview-colorswatch"); let cPicker = view.tooltips.colorPicker; info("Opening the colorpicker by clicking the color swatch"); let onColorPickerReady = cPicker.once("ready"); swatch.click(); yield onColorPickerReady; yield simulateColorPickerChange(view, cPicker, newRgba, expectedChange); return {propEditor, swatch, cPicker}; }); /** * Open the cubicbezier popup for a given property in a given rule and * simulate a curve change. Optionally wait for a given element in the page to * have its style changed as a result. * * @param {RuleView} view * The related rule view instance * @param {Number} ruleIndex * Which rule to target in the rule view * @param {Number} propIndex * Which property to target in the rule * @param {Array} coords * The new coordinates to be used, e.g. [0.1, 2, 0.9, -1] * @param {Object} expectedChange * Optional object that needs the following props: * - {String} selector The selector to the element in the page that * will have its style changed. * - {String} name The style name that will be changed * - {String} value The expected style value * The style will be checked like so: getComputedStyle(element)[name] === value */ var openCubicBezierAndChangeCoords = Task.async(function* (view, ruleIndex, propIndex, coords, expectedChange) { let ruleEditor = getRuleViewRuleEditor(view, ruleIndex); let propEditor = ruleEditor.rule.textProps[propIndex].editor; let swatch = propEditor.valueSpan.querySelector(".ruleview-bezierswatch"); let bezierTooltip = view.tooltips.cubicBezier; info("Opening the cubicBezier by clicking the swatch"); let onBezierWidgetReady = bezierTooltip.once("ready"); swatch.click(); yield onBezierWidgetReady; let widget = yield bezierTooltip.widget; info("Simulating a change of curve in the widget"); let onRuleViewChanged = view.once("ruleview-changed"); widget.coordinates = coords; yield onRuleViewChanged; if (expectedChange) { info("Waiting for the style to be applied on the page"); let {selector, name, value} = expectedChange; yield waitForComputedStyleProperty(selector, null, name, value); } return {propEditor, swatch, bezierTooltip}; }); /** * Get a rule-link from the rule-view given its index * * @param {CssRuleView} view * The instance of the rule-view panel * @param {Number} index * The index of the link to get * @return {DOMNode} The link if any at this index */ function getRuleViewLinkByIndex(view, index) { let links = view.styleDocument.querySelectorAll(".ruleview-rule-source"); return links[index]; } /** * Get rule-link text from the rule-view given its index * * @param {CssRuleView} view * The instance of the rule-view panel * @param {Number} index * The index of the link to get * @return {String} The string at this index */ function getRuleViewLinkTextByIndex(view, index) { let link = getRuleViewLinkByIndex(view, index); return link.querySelector(".ruleview-rule-source-label").textContent; } /** * Simulate adding a new property in an existing rule in the rule-view. * * @param {CssRuleView} view * The instance of the rule-view panel * @param {Number} ruleIndex * The index of the rule to use. Note that if ruleIndex is 0, you might * want to also listen to markupmutation events in your test since * that's going to change the style attribute of the selected node. * @param {String} name * The name for the new property * @param {String} value * The value for the new property * @param {String} commitValueWith * Which key should be used to commit the new value. VK_RETURN is used by * default, but tests might want to use another key to test cancelling * for exemple. * @param {Boolean} blurNewProperty * After the new value has been added, a new property would have been * focused. This parameter is true by default, and that causes the new * property to be blurred. Set to false if you don't want this. * @return {TextProperty} The instance of the TextProperty that was added */ var addProperty = Task.async(function* (view, ruleIndex, name, value, commitValueWith = "VK_RETURN", blurNewProperty = true) { info("Adding new property " + name + ":" + value + " to rule " + ruleIndex); let ruleEditor = getRuleViewRuleEditor(view, ruleIndex); let editor = yield focusNewRuleViewProperty(ruleEditor); let numOfProps = ruleEditor.rule.textProps.length; info("Adding name " + name); editor.input.value = name; let onNameAdded = view.once("ruleview-changed"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {}, view.styleWindow); yield onNameAdded; // Focus has moved to the value inplace-editor automatically. editor = inplaceEditor(view.styleDocument.activeElement); let textProps = ruleEditor.rule.textProps; let textProp = textProps[textProps.length - 1]; is(ruleEditor.rule.textProps.length, numOfProps + 1, "A new test property was added"); is(editor, inplaceEditor(textProp.editor.valueSpan), "The inplace editor appeared for the value"); info("Adding value " + value); // Setting the input value schedules a preview to be shown in 10ms which // triggers a ruleview-changed event (see bug 1209295). let onPreview = view.once("ruleview-changed"); editor.input.value = value; view.throttle.flush(); yield onPreview; let onValueAdded = view.once("ruleview-changed"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey(commitValueWith, {}, view.styleWindow); yield onValueAdded; if (blurNewProperty) { view.styleDocument.activeElement.blur(); } return textProp; }); /** * Simulate changing the value of a property in a rule in the rule-view. * * @param {CssRuleView} view * The instance of the rule-view panel * @param {TextProperty} textProp * The instance of the TextProperty to be changed * @param {String} value * The new value to be used. If null is passed, then the value will be * deleted * @param {Boolean} blurNewProperty * After the value has been changed, a new property would have been * focused. This parameter is true by default, and that causes the new * property to be blurred. Set to false if you don't want this. */ var setProperty = Task.async(function* (view, textProp, value, blurNewProperty = true) { yield focusEditableField(view, textProp.editor.valueSpan); let onPreview = view.once("ruleview-changed"); if (value === null) { EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_DELETE", {}, view.styleWindow); } else { EventUtils.sendString(value, view.styleWindow); } view.throttle.flush(); yield onPreview; let onValueDone = view.once("ruleview-changed"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {}, view.styleWindow); yield onValueDone; if (blurNewProperty) { view.styleDocument.activeElement.blur(); } }); /** * Simulate removing a property from an existing rule in the rule-view. * * @param {CssRuleView} view * The instance of the rule-view panel * @param {TextProperty} textProp * The instance of the TextProperty to be removed * @param {Boolean} blurNewProperty * After the property has been removed, a new property would have been * focused. This parameter is true by default, and that causes the new * property to be blurred. Set to false if you don't want this. */ var removeProperty = Task.async(function* (view, textProp, blurNewProperty = true) { yield focusEditableField(view, textProp.editor.nameSpan); let onModifications = view.once("ruleview-changed"); info("Deleting the property name now"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_DELETE", {}, view.styleWindow); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {}, view.styleWindow); yield onModifications; if (blurNewProperty) { view.styleDocument.activeElement.blur(); } }); /** * Simulate clicking the enable/disable checkbox next to a property in a rule. * * @param {CssRuleView} view * The instance of the rule-view panel * @param {TextProperty} textProp * The instance of the TextProperty to be enabled/disabled */ var togglePropStatus = Task.async(function* (view, textProp) { let onRuleViewRefreshed = view.once("ruleview-changed"); textProp.editor.enable.click(); yield onRuleViewRefreshed; }); /** * Click on a rule-view's close brace to focus a new property name editor * * @param {RuleEditor} ruleEditor * An instance of RuleEditor that will receive the new property * @return a promise that resolves to the newly created editor when ready and * focused */ var focusNewRuleViewProperty = Task.async(function* (ruleEditor) { info("Clicking on a close ruleEditor brace to start editing a new property"); // Use bottom alignment to avoid scrolling out of the parent element area. ruleEditor.closeBrace.scrollIntoView(false); let editor = yield focusEditableField(ruleEditor.ruleView, ruleEditor.closeBrace); is(inplaceEditor(ruleEditor.newPropSpan), editor, "Focused editor is the new property editor."); return editor; }); /** * Create a new property name in the rule-view, focusing a new property editor * by clicking on the close brace, and then entering the given text. * Keep in mind that the rule-view knows how to handle strings with multiple * properties, so the input text may be like: "p1:v1;p2:v2;p3:v3". * * @param {RuleEditor} ruleEditor * The instance of RuleEditor that will receive the new property(ies) * @param {String} inputValue * The text to be entered in the new property name field * @return a promise that resolves when the new property name has been entered * and once the value field is focused */ var createNewRuleViewProperty = Task.async(function* (ruleEditor, inputValue) { info("Creating a new property editor"); let editor = yield focusNewRuleViewProperty(ruleEditor); info("Entering the value " + inputValue); editor.input.value = inputValue; info("Submitting the new value and waiting for value field focus"); let onFocus = once(ruleEditor.element, "focus", true); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_RETURN", {}, ruleEditor.element.ownerDocument.defaultView); yield onFocus; }); /** * Set the search value for the rule-view filter styles search box. * * @param {CssRuleView} view * The instance of the rule-view panel * @param {String} searchValue * The filter search value * @return a promise that resolves when the rule-view is filtered for the * search term */ var setSearchFilter = Task.async(function* (view, searchValue) { info("Setting filter text to \"" + searchValue + "\""); let win = view.styleWindow; let searchField = view.searchField; searchField.focus(); synthesizeKeys(searchValue, win); yield view.inspector.once("ruleview-filtered"); }); /** * Reload the current page and wait for the inspector to be initialized after * the navigation * * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector * The instance of InspectorPanel currently loaded in the toolbox * @param {TestActor} testActor * The current instance of the TestActor */ function* reloadPage(inspector, testActor) { let onNewRoot = inspector.once("new-root"); yield testActor.reload(); yield onNewRoot; yield inspector.markup._waitForChildren(); } /** * Create a new rule by clicking on the "add rule" button. * This will leave the selector inplace-editor active. * * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector * The instance of InspectorPanel currently loaded in the toolbox * @param {CssRuleView} view * The instance of the rule-view panel * @return a promise that resolves after the rule has been added */ function* addNewRule(inspector, view) { info("Adding the new rule using the button"); view.addRuleButton.click(); info("Waiting for rule view to change"); yield view.once("ruleview-changed"); } /** * Create a new rule by clicking on the "add rule" button, dismiss the editor field and * verify that the selector is correct. * * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector * The instance of InspectorPanel currently loaded in the toolbox * @param {CssRuleView} view * The instance of the rule-view panel * @param {String} expectedSelector * The value we expect the selector to have * @param {Number} expectedIndex * The index we expect the rule to have in the rule-view * @return a promise that resolves after the rule has been added */ function* addNewRuleAndDismissEditor(inspector, view, expectedSelector, expectedIndex) { yield addNewRule(inspector, view); info("Getting the new rule at index " + expectedIndex); let ruleEditor = getRuleViewRuleEditor(view, expectedIndex); let editor = ruleEditor.selectorText.ownerDocument.activeElement; is(editor.value, expectedSelector, "The editor for the new selector has the correct value: " + expectedSelector); info("Pressing escape to leave the editor"); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("VK_ESCAPE", {}); is(ruleEditor.selectorText.textContent, expectedSelector, "The new selector has the correct text: " + expectedSelector); } /** * Simulate a sequence of non-character keys (return, escape, tab) and wait for * a given element to receive the focus. * * @param {CssRuleView} view * The instance of the rule-view panel * @param {DOMNode} element * The element that should be focused * @param {Array} keys * Array of non-character keys, the part that comes after "DOM_VK_" eg. * "RETURN", "ESCAPE" * @return a promise that resolves after the element received the focus */ function* sendKeysAndWaitForFocus(view, element, keys) { let onFocus = once(element, "focus", true); for (let key of keys) { EventUtils.sendKey(key, view.styleWindow); } yield onFocus; } /** * Open the style editor context menu and return all of it's items in a flat array * @param {CssRuleView} view * The instance of the rule-view panel * @return An array of MenuItems */ function openStyleContextMenuAndGetAllItems(view, target) { let menu = view._contextmenu._openMenu({target: target}); // Flatten all menu items into a single array to make searching through it easier let allItems = [].concat.apply([], menu.items.map(function addItem(item) { if (item.submenu) { return addItem(item.submenu.items); } return item; })); return allItems; } /** * Wait for a markupmutation event on the inspector that is for a style modification. * @param {InspectorPanel} inspector * @return {Promise} */ function waitForStyleModification(inspector) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { function checkForStyleModification(name, mutations) { for (let mutation of mutations) { if (mutation.type === "attributes" && mutation.attributeName === "style") { inspector.off("markupmutation", checkForStyleModification); resolve(); return; } } } inspector.on("markupmutation", checkForStyleModification); }); } /** * Click on the selector icon * @param {DOMNode} icon * @param {CSSRuleView} view */ function* clickSelectorIcon(icon, view) { let onToggled = view.once("ruleview-selectorhighlighter-toggled"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(icon, {}, view.styleWindow); yield onToggled; } /** * Make sure window is properly focused before sending a key event. * @param {Window} win * @param {Event} key */ function focusAndSendKey(win, key) { win.document.documentElement.focus(); EventUtils.sendKey(key, win); }