/* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // FIXME: Whitelisting this test. // As part of bug 1077403, the leaking uncaught rejection should be fixed. thisTestLeaksUncaughtRejectionsAndShouldBeFixed("Error: Unknown sheet source"); // Test the links from the rule-view to the styleeditor const STYLESHEET_URL = "data:text/css," + encodeURIComponent( ["#first {", "color: blue", "}"].join("\n")); const EXTERNAL_STYLESHEET_FILE_NAME = "doc_style_editor_link.css"; const EXTERNAL_STYLESHEET_URL = URL_ROOT + EXTERNAL_STYLESHEET_FILE_NAME; const DOCUMENT_URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(` Rule view style editor link test

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I am a test-case. This text exists solely to provide some things to highlight and count style list-items in the box at right. If you are reading this, you should go do something else instead. Maybe read a book. Or better yet, write some test-cases for another bit of code. some text

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`); add_task(function* () { yield addTab(DOCUMENT_URL); let {toolbox, inspector, view, testActor} = yield openRuleView(); yield selectNode("div", inspector); yield testInlineStyle(view); yield testFirstInlineStyleSheet(view, toolbox, testActor); yield testSecondInlineStyleSheet(view, toolbox, testActor); yield testExternalStyleSheet(view, toolbox, testActor); yield testDisabledStyleEditor(view, toolbox); }); function* testInlineStyle(view) { info("Testing inline style"); let onTab = waitForTab(); info("Clicking on the first link in the rule-view"); clickLinkByIndex(view, 0); let tab = yield onTab; let tabURI = tab.linkedBrowser.documentURI.spec; ok(tabURI.startsWith("view-source:"), "View source tab is open"); info("Closing tab"); gBrowser.removeTab(tab); } function* testFirstInlineStyleSheet(view, toolbox, testActor) { info("Testing inline stylesheet"); info("Listening for toolbox switch to the styleeditor"); let onSwitch = waitForStyleEditor(toolbox); info("Clicking an inline stylesheet"); clickLinkByIndex(view, 4); let editor = yield onSwitch; ok(true, "Switched to the style-editor panel in the toolbox"); yield validateStyleEditorSheet(editor, 0, testActor); } function* testSecondInlineStyleSheet(view, toolbox, testActor) { info("Testing second inline stylesheet"); info("Waiting for the stylesheet editor to be selected"); let panel = toolbox.getCurrentPanel(); let onSelected = panel.UI.once("editor-selected"); info("Switching back to the inspector panel in the toolbox"); yield toolbox.selectTool("inspector"); info("Clicking on second inline stylesheet link"); testRuleViewLinkLabel(view); clickLinkByIndex(view, 3); let editor = yield onSelected; is(toolbox.currentToolId, "styleeditor", "The style editor is selected again"); yield validateStyleEditorSheet(editor, 1, testActor); } function* testExternalStyleSheet(view, toolbox, testActor) { info("Testing external stylesheet"); info("Waiting for the stylesheet editor to be selected"); let panel = toolbox.getCurrentPanel(); let onSelected = panel.UI.once("editor-selected"); info("Switching back to the inspector panel in the toolbox"); yield toolbox.selectTool("inspector"); info("Clicking on an external stylesheet link"); testRuleViewLinkLabel(view); clickLinkByIndex(view, 1); let editor = yield onSelected; is(toolbox.currentToolId, "styleeditor", "The style editor is selected again"); yield validateStyleEditorSheet(editor, 2, testActor); } function* validateStyleEditorSheet(editor, expectedSheetIndex, testActor) { info("validating style editor stylesheet"); is(editor.styleSheet.styleSheetIndex, expectedSheetIndex, "loaded stylesheet index matches document stylesheet"); let href = editor.styleSheet.href || editor.styleSheet.nodeHref; let expectedHref = yield testActor.eval( `content.document.styleSheets[${expectedSheetIndex}].href || content.document.location.href`); is(href, expectedHref, "loaded stylesheet href matches document stylesheet"); } function* testDisabledStyleEditor(view, toolbox) { info("Testing with the style editor disabled"); info("Switching to the inspector panel in the toolbox"); yield toolbox.selectTool("inspector"); info("Disabling the style editor"); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.styleeditor.enabled", false); gDevTools.emit("tool-unregistered", "styleeditor"); info("Clicking on a link"); testUnselectableRuleViewLink(view, 1); clickLinkByIndex(view, 1); is(toolbox.currentToolId, "inspector", "The click should have no effect"); info("Enabling the style editor"); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.styleeditor.enabled", true); gDevTools.emit("tool-registered", "styleeditor"); info("Clicking on a link"); let onStyleEditorSelected = toolbox.once("styleeditor-selected"); clickLinkByIndex(view, 1); yield onStyleEditorSelected; is(toolbox.currentToolId, "styleeditor", "Style Editor should be selected"); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("devtools.styleeditor.enabled"); } function testRuleViewLinkLabel(view) { let link = getRuleViewLinkByIndex(view, 2); let labelElem = link.querySelector(".ruleview-rule-source-label"); let value = labelElem.textContent; let tooltipText = labelElem.getAttribute("title"); is(value, EXTERNAL_STYLESHEET_FILE_NAME + ":1", "rule view stylesheet display value matches filename and line number"); is(tooltipText, EXTERNAL_STYLESHEET_URL + ":1", "rule view stylesheet tooltip text matches the full URI path"); } function testUnselectableRuleViewLink(view, index) { let link = getRuleViewLinkByIndex(view, index); let unselectable = link.hasAttribute("unselectable"); ok(unselectable, "Rule view is unselectable"); } function clickLinkByIndex(view, index) { let link = getRuleViewLinkByIndex(view, index); link.scrollIntoView(); link.click(); }