/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Tests that properties can be selected and copied from the rule view const osString = Services.appinfo.OS; const TEST_URI = `

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I am a test-case. This text exists solely to provide some things to highlight and count style list-items in the box at right. If you are reading this, you should go do something else instead. Maybe read a book. Or better yet, write some test-cases for another bit of code. some text

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`; add_task(function* () { yield addTab("data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(TEST_URI)); let {inspector, view} = yield openRuleView(); yield selectNode("div", inspector); yield checkCopySelection(view); yield checkSelectAll(view); yield checkCopyEditorValue(view); }); function* checkCopySelection(view) { info("Testing selection copy"); let contentDoc = view.styleDocument; let win = view.styleWindow; let prop = contentDoc.querySelector(".ruleview-property"); let values = contentDoc.querySelectorAll(".ruleview-propertyvaluecontainer"); let range = contentDoc.createRange(); range.setStart(prop, 0); range.setEnd(values[4], 2); win.getSelection().addRange(range); info("Checking that _Copy() returns the correct clipboard value"); let expectedPattern = " margin: 10em;[\\r\\n]+" + " font-size: 14pt;[\\r\\n]+" + " font-family: helvetica, sans-serif;[\\r\\n]+" + " color: #AAA;[\\r\\n]+" + "}[\\r\\n]+" + "html {[\\r\\n]+" + " color: #000000;[\\r\\n]*"; let allMenuItems = openStyleContextMenuAndGetAllItems(view, prop); let menuitemCopy = allMenuItems.find(item => item.label === STYLE_INSPECTOR_L10N.getStr("styleinspector.contextmenu.copy")); ok(menuitemCopy.visible, "Copy menu item is displayed as expected"); try { yield waitForClipboardPromise(() => menuitemCopy.click(), () => checkClipboardData(expectedPattern)); } catch (e) { failedClipboard(expectedPattern); } } function* checkSelectAll(view) { info("Testing select-all copy"); let contentDoc = view.styleDocument; let prop = contentDoc.querySelector(".ruleview-property"); info("Checking that _SelectAll() then copy returns the correct " + "clipboard value"); view._contextmenu._onSelectAll(); let expectedPattern = "element {[\\r\\n]+" + " margin: 10em;[\\r\\n]+" + " font-size: 14pt;[\\r\\n]+" + " font-family: helvetica, sans-serif;[\\r\\n]+" + " color: #AAA;[\\r\\n]+" + "}[\\r\\n]+" + "html {[\\r\\n]+" + " color: #000000;[\\r\\n]+" + "}[\\r\\n]*"; let allMenuItems = openStyleContextMenuAndGetAllItems(view, prop); let menuitemCopy = allMenuItems.find(item => item.label === STYLE_INSPECTOR_L10N.getStr("styleinspector.contextmenu.copy")); ok(menuitemCopy.visible, "Copy menu item is displayed as expected"); try { yield waitForClipboardPromise(() => menuitemCopy.click(), () => checkClipboardData(expectedPattern)); } catch (e) { failedClipboard(expectedPattern); } } function* checkCopyEditorValue(view) { info("Testing CSS property editor value copy"); let ruleEditor = getRuleViewRuleEditor(view, 0); let propEditor = ruleEditor.rule.textProps[0].editor; let editor = yield focusEditableField(view, propEditor.valueSpan); info("Checking that copying a css property value editor returns the correct" + " clipboard value"); let expectedPattern = "10em"; let allMenuItems = openStyleContextMenuAndGetAllItems(view, editor.input); let menuitemCopy = allMenuItems.find(item => item.label === STYLE_INSPECTOR_L10N.getStr("styleinspector.contextmenu.copy")); ok(menuitemCopy.visible, "Copy menu item is displayed as expected"); try { yield waitForClipboardPromise(() => menuitemCopy.click(), () => checkClipboardData(expectedPattern)); } catch (e) { failedClipboard(expectedPattern); } } function checkClipboardData(expectedPattern) { let actual = SpecialPowers.getClipboardData("text/unicode"); let expectedRegExp = new RegExp(expectedPattern, "g"); return expectedRegExp.test(actual); } function failedClipboard(expectedPattern) { // Format expected text for comparison let terminator = osString == "WINNT" ? "\r\n" : "\n"; expectedPattern = expectedPattern.replace(/\[\\r\\n\][+*]/g, terminator); expectedPattern = expectedPattern.replace(/\\\(/g, "("); expectedPattern = expectedPattern.replace(/\\\)/g, ")"); let actual = SpecialPowers.getClipboardData("text/unicode"); // Trim the right hand side of our strings. This is because expectedPattern // accounts for windows sometimes adding a newline to our copied data. expectedPattern = expectedPattern.trimRight(); actual = actual.trimRight(); dump("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | Clipboard text does not match expected ... " + "results (escaped for accurate comparison):\n"); info("Actual: " + escape(actual)); info("Expected: " + escape(expectedPattern)); }