/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test that when a source map is missing/invalid, the rule view still loads // correctly. const TESTCASE_URI = URL_ROOT + "doc_invalid_sourcemap.html"; const PREF = "devtools.styleeditor.source-maps-enabled"; const CSS_LOC = "doc_invalid_sourcemap.css:1"; add_task(function* () { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(PREF, true); yield addTab(TESTCASE_URI); let {inspector, view} = yield openRuleView(); yield selectNode("div", inspector); let ruleEl = getRuleViewRule(view, "div"); ok(ruleEl, "The 'div' rule exists in the rule-view"); let prop = getRuleViewProperty(view, "div", "color"); ok(prop, "The 'color' property exists in this rule"); let value = getRuleViewPropertyValue(view, "div", "color"); is(value, "gold", "The 'color' property has the right value"); yield verifyLinkText(view, CSS_LOC); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF); }); function verifyLinkText(view, text) { info("Verifying that the rule-view stylesheet link is " + text); let label = getRuleViewLinkByIndex(view, 1) .querySelector(".ruleview-rule-source-label"); return waitForSuccess( () => label.textContent == text, "Link text changed to display correct location: " + text ); }