/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test cycling color types in the rule view. const TEST_URI = ` Test cycling color types in the rule view! `; add_task(function* () { yield addTab("data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(TEST_URI)); let {inspector, view} = yield openRuleView(); let container = getRuleViewProperty(view, "body", "color").valueSpan; yield checkColorCycling(container, view); yield checkAlphaColorCycling(inspector, view); yield checkColorCyclingPersist(inspector, view); }); function* checkColorCycling(container, view) { let valueNode = container.querySelector(".ruleview-color"); let win = view.styleWindow; // Hex is(valueNode.textContent, "#f00", "Color displayed as a hex value."); let tests = [{ value: "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)", comment: "Color displayed as an HSL value." }, { value: "rgb(255, 0, 0)", comment: "Color displayed as an RGB value." }, { value: "red", comment: "Color displayed as a color name." }, { value: "#f00", comment: "Color displayed as an authored value." }, { value: "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)", comment: "Color displayed as an HSL value again." }]; for (let test of tests) { yield checkSwatchShiftClick(container, win, test.value, test.comment); } } function* checkAlphaColorCycling(inspector, view) { yield selectNode("span", inspector); let container = getRuleViewProperty(view, "span", "border-color").valueSpan; let valueNode = container.querySelector(".ruleview-color"); let win = view.styleWindow; is(valueNode.textContent, "#ff000080", "Color displayed as an alpha hex value."); let tests = [{ value: "hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 0.5)", comment: "Color displayed as an HSLa value." }, { value: "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)", comment: "Color displayed as an RGBa value." }, { value: "#ff000080", comment: "Color displayed as an alpha hex value again." }]; for (let test of tests) { yield checkSwatchShiftClick(container, win, test.value, test.comment); } } function* checkColorCyclingPersist(inspector, view) { yield selectNode("span", inspector); let container = getRuleViewProperty(view, "span", "color").valueSpan; let valueNode = container.querySelector(".ruleview-color"); let win = view.styleWindow; is(valueNode.textContent, "blue", "Color displayed as a color name."); yield checkSwatchShiftClick(container, win, "#00f", "Color displayed as a hex value."); // Select the body and reselect the span to see // if the new color unit persisted yield selectNode("body", inspector); yield selectNode("span", inspector); // We have to query for the container and the swatch because // they've been re-generated container = getRuleViewProperty(view, "span", "color").valueSpan; valueNode = container.querySelector(".ruleview-color"); is(valueNode.textContent, "#00f", "Color is still displayed as a hex value."); } function* checkSwatchShiftClick(container, win, expectedValue, comment) { let swatch = container.querySelector(".ruleview-colorswatch"); let valueNode = container.querySelector(".ruleview-color"); let onUnitChange = swatch.once("unit-change"); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(swatch, { type: "mousedown", shiftKey: true }, win); yield onUnitChange; is(valueNode.textContent, expectedValue, comment); }