/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const promise = require("promise"); const Services = require("Services"); const {Task} = require("devtools/shared/task"); const {Tools} = require("devtools/client/definitions"); const {l10n} = require("devtools/shared/inspector/css-logic"); const {ELEMENT_STYLE} = require("devtools/shared/specs/styles"); const {OutputParser} = require("devtools/client/shared/output-parser"); const {PrefObserver, PREF_ORIG_SOURCES} = require("devtools/client/styleeditor/utils"); const {ElementStyle} = require("devtools/client/inspector/rules/models/element-style"); const {Rule} = require("devtools/client/inspector/rules/models/rule"); const {RuleEditor} = require("devtools/client/inspector/rules/views/rule-editor"); const {gDevTools} = require("devtools/client/framework/devtools"); const {getCssProperties} = require("devtools/shared/fronts/css-properties"); const HighlightersOverlay = require("devtools/client/inspector/shared/highlighters-overlay"); const { VIEW_NODE_SELECTOR_TYPE, VIEW_NODE_PROPERTY_TYPE, VIEW_NODE_VALUE_TYPE, VIEW_NODE_IMAGE_URL_TYPE, VIEW_NODE_LOCATION_TYPE, } = require("devtools/client/inspector/shared/node-types"); const StyleInspectorMenu = require("devtools/client/inspector/shared/style-inspector-menu"); const TooltipsOverlay = require("devtools/client/inspector/shared/tooltips-overlay"); const {createChild, promiseWarn, throttle} = require("devtools/client/inspector/shared/utils"); const EventEmitter = require("devtools/shared/event-emitter"); const {KeyShortcuts} = require("devtools/client/shared/key-shortcuts"); const clipboardHelper = require("devtools/shared/platform/clipboard"); const {AutocompletePopup} = require("devtools/client/shared/autocomplete-popup"); const HTML_NS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; const PREF_UA_STYLES = "devtools.inspector.showUserAgentStyles"; const PREF_DEFAULT_COLOR_UNIT = "devtools.defaultColorUnit"; const PREF_ENABLE_MDN_DOCS_TOOLTIP = "devtools.inspector.mdnDocsTooltip.enabled"; const FILTER_CHANGED_TIMEOUT = 150; // This is used to parse user input when filtering. const FILTER_PROP_RE = /\s*([^:\s]*)\s*:\s*(.*?)\s*;?$/; // This is used to parse the filter search value to see if the filter // should be strict or not const FILTER_STRICT_RE = /\s*`(.*?)`\s*$/; /** * Our model looks like this: * * ElementStyle: * Responsible for keeping track of which properties are overridden. * Maintains a list of Rule objects that apply to the element. * Rule: * Manages a single style declaration or rule. * Responsible for applying changes to the properties in a rule. * Maintains a list of TextProperty objects. * TextProperty: * Manages a single property from the authoredText attribute of the * relevant declaration. * Maintains a list of computed properties that come from this * property declaration. * Changes to the TextProperty are sent to its related Rule for * application. * * View hierarchy mostly follows the model hierarchy. * * CssRuleView: * Owns an ElementStyle and creates a list of RuleEditors for its * Rules. * RuleEditor: * Owns a Rule object and creates a list of TextPropertyEditors * for its TextProperties. * Manages creation of new text properties. * TextPropertyEditor: * Owns a TextProperty object. * Manages changes to the TextProperty. * Can be expanded to display computed properties. * Can mark a property disabled or enabled. */ /** * CssRuleView is a view of the style rules and declarations that * apply to a given element. After construction, the 'element' * property will be available with the user interface. * * @param {Inspector} inspector * Inspector toolbox panel * @param {Document} document * The document that will contain the rule view. * @param {Object} store * The CSS rule view can use this object to store metadata * that might outlast the rule view, particularly the current * set of disabled properties. * @param {PageStyleFront} pageStyle * The PageStyleFront for communicating with the remote server. */ function CssRuleView(inspector, document, store, pageStyle) { this.inspector = inspector; this.styleDocument = document; this.styleWindow = this.styleDocument.defaultView; this.store = store || {}; this.pageStyle = pageStyle; // Allow tests to override throttling behavior, as this can cause intermittents. this.throttle = throttle; this.cssProperties = getCssProperties(inspector.toolbox); this._outputParser = new OutputParser(document, this.cssProperties); this._onAddRule = this._onAddRule.bind(this); this._onContextMenu = this._onContextMenu.bind(this); this._onCopy = this._onCopy.bind(this); this._onFilterStyles = this._onFilterStyles.bind(this); this._onClearSearch = this._onClearSearch.bind(this); this._onTogglePseudoClassPanel = this._onTogglePseudoClassPanel.bind(this); this._onTogglePseudoClass = this._onTogglePseudoClass.bind(this); let doc = this.styleDocument; this.element = doc.getElementById("ruleview-container-focusable"); this.addRuleButton = doc.getElementById("ruleview-add-rule-button"); this.searchField = doc.getElementById("ruleview-searchbox"); this.searchClearButton = doc.getElementById("ruleview-searchinput-clear"); this.pseudoClassPanel = doc.getElementById("pseudo-class-panel"); this.pseudoClassToggle = doc.getElementById("pseudo-class-panel-toggle"); this.hoverCheckbox = doc.getElementById("pseudo-hover-toggle"); this.activeCheckbox = doc.getElementById("pseudo-active-toggle"); this.focusCheckbox = doc.getElementById("pseudo-focus-toggle"); this.searchClearButton.hidden = true; this.shortcuts = new KeyShortcuts({ window: this.styleWindow }); this._onShortcut = this._onShortcut.bind(this); this.shortcuts.on("Escape", this._onShortcut); this.shortcuts.on("Return", this._onShortcut); this.shortcuts.on("Space", this._onShortcut); this.shortcuts.on("CmdOrCtrl+F", this._onShortcut); this.element.addEventListener("copy", this._onCopy); this.element.addEventListener("contextmenu", this._onContextMenu); this.addRuleButton.addEventListener("click", this._onAddRule); this.searchField.addEventListener("input", this._onFilterStyles); this.searchField.addEventListener("contextmenu", this.inspector.onTextBoxContextMenu); this.searchClearButton.addEventListener("click", this._onClearSearch); this.pseudoClassToggle.addEventListener("click", this._onTogglePseudoClassPanel); this.hoverCheckbox.addEventListener("click", this._onTogglePseudoClass); this.activeCheckbox.addEventListener("click", this._onTogglePseudoClass); this.focusCheckbox.addEventListener("click", this._onTogglePseudoClass); this._handlePrefChange = this._handlePrefChange.bind(this); this._onSourcePrefChanged = this._onSourcePrefChanged.bind(this); this._prefObserver = new PrefObserver("devtools."); this._prefObserver.on(PREF_ORIG_SOURCES, this._onSourcePrefChanged); this._prefObserver.on(PREF_UA_STYLES, this._handlePrefChange); this._prefObserver.on(PREF_DEFAULT_COLOR_UNIT, this._handlePrefChange); this._prefObserver.on(PREF_ENABLE_MDN_DOCS_TOOLTIP, this._handlePrefChange); this.showUserAgentStyles = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_UA_STYLES); this.enableMdnDocsTooltip = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_ENABLE_MDN_DOCS_TOOLTIP); // The popup will be attached to the toolbox document. this.popup = new AutocompletePopup(inspector._toolbox.doc, { autoSelect: true, theme: "auto" }); this._showEmpty(); this._contextmenu = new StyleInspectorMenu(this, { isRuleView: true }); // Add the tooltips and highlighters to the view this.tooltips = new TooltipsOverlay(this); this.tooltips.addToView(); this.highlighters = new HighlightersOverlay(this); this.highlighters.addToView(); EventEmitter.decorate(this); } CssRuleView.prototype = { // The element that we're inspecting. _viewedElement: null, // Used for cancelling timeouts in the style filter. _filterChangedTimeout: null, // Empty, unconnected element of the same type as this node, used // to figure out how shorthand properties will be parsed. _dummyElement: null, // Get the dummy elemenet. get dummyElement() { return this._dummyElement; }, // Get the filter search value. get searchValue() { return this.searchField.value.toLowerCase(); }, /** * Get an instance of SelectorHighlighter (used to highlight nodes that match * selectors in the rule-view). A new instance is only created the first time * this function is called. The same instance will then be returned. * * @return {Promise} Resolves to the instance of the highlighter. */ getSelectorHighlighter: Task.async(function* () { let utils = this.inspector.toolbox.highlighterUtils; if (!utils.supportsCustomHighlighters()) { return null; } if (this.selectorHighlighter) { return this.selectorHighlighter; } try { let h = yield utils.getHighlighterByType("SelectorHighlighter"); this.selectorHighlighter = h; return h; } catch (e) { // The SelectorHighlighter type could not be created in the // current target. It could be an older server, or a XUL page. return null; } }), /** * Highlight/unhighlight all the nodes that match a given set of selectors * inside the document of the current selected node. * Only one selector can be highlighted at a time, so calling the method a * second time with a different selector will first unhighlight the previously * highlighted nodes. * Calling the method a second time with the same selector will just * unhighlight the highlighted nodes. * * @param {DOMNode} selectorIcon * The icon that was clicked to toggle the selector. The * class 'highlighted' will be added when the selector is * highlighted. * @param {String} selector * The selector used to find nodes in the page. */ toggleSelectorHighlighter: function (selectorIcon, selector) { if (this.lastSelectorIcon) { this.lastSelectorIcon.classList.remove("highlighted"); } selectorIcon.classList.remove("highlighted"); this.unhighlightSelector().then(() => { if (selector !== this.highlighters.selectorHighlighterShown) { this.highlighters.selectorHighlighterShown = selector; selectorIcon.classList.add("highlighted"); this.lastSelectorIcon = selectorIcon; this.highlightSelector(selector).then(() => { this.emit("ruleview-selectorhighlighter-toggled", true); }, e => console.error(e)); } else { this.highlighters.selectorHighlighterShown = null; this.emit("ruleview-selectorhighlighter-toggled", false); } }, e => console.error(e)); }, highlightSelector: Task.async(function* (selector) { let node = this.inspector.selection.nodeFront; let highlighter = yield this.getSelectorHighlighter(); if (!highlighter) { return; } yield highlighter.show(node, { hideInfoBar: true, hideGuides: true, selector }); }), unhighlightSelector: Task.async(function* () { let highlighter = yield this.getSelectorHighlighter(); if (!highlighter) { return; } yield highlighter.hide(); }), /** * Get the type of a given node in the rule-view * * @param {DOMNode} node * The node which we want information about * @return {Object} The type information object contains the following props: * - type {String} One of the VIEW_NODE_XXX_TYPE const in * client/inspector/shared/node-types * - value {Object} Depends on the type of the node * returns null of the node isn't anything we care about */ getNodeInfo: function (node) { if (!node) { return null; } let type, value; let classes = node.classList; let prop = getParentTextProperty(node); if (classes.contains("ruleview-propertyname") && prop) { type = VIEW_NODE_PROPERTY_TYPE; value = { property: node.textContent, value: getPropertyNameAndValue(node).value, enabled: prop.enabled, overridden: prop.overridden, pseudoElement: prop.rule.pseudoElement, sheetHref: prop.rule.domRule.href, textProperty: prop }; } else if (classes.contains("ruleview-propertyvalue") && prop) { type = VIEW_NODE_VALUE_TYPE; value = { property: getPropertyNameAndValue(node).name, value: node.textContent, enabled: prop.enabled, overridden: prop.overridden, pseudoElement: prop.rule.pseudoElement, sheetHref: prop.rule.domRule.href, textProperty: prop }; } else if (classes.contains("theme-link") && !classes.contains("ruleview-rule-source") && prop) { type = VIEW_NODE_IMAGE_URL_TYPE; value = { property: getPropertyNameAndValue(node).name, value: node.parentNode.textContent, url: node.href, enabled: prop.enabled, overridden: prop.overridden, pseudoElement: prop.rule.pseudoElement, sheetHref: prop.rule.domRule.href, textProperty: prop }; } else if (classes.contains("ruleview-selector-unmatched") || classes.contains("ruleview-selector-matched") || classes.contains("ruleview-selectorcontainer") || classes.contains("ruleview-selector") || classes.contains("ruleview-selector-attribute") || classes.contains("ruleview-selector-pseudo-class") || classes.contains("ruleview-selector-pseudo-class-lock")) { type = VIEW_NODE_SELECTOR_TYPE; value = this._getRuleEditorForNode(node).selectorText.textContent; } else if (classes.contains("ruleview-rule-source") || classes.contains("ruleview-rule-source-label")) { type = VIEW_NODE_LOCATION_TYPE; let rule = this._getRuleEditorForNode(node).rule; value = (rule.sheet && rule.sheet.href) ? rule.sheet.href : rule.title; } else { return null; } return {type, value}; }, /** * Retrieve the RuleEditor instance that should be stored on * the offset parent of the node */ _getRuleEditorForNode: function (node) { if (!node.offsetParent) { // some nodes don't have an offsetParent, but their parentNode does node = node.parentNode; } return node.offsetParent._ruleEditor; }, /** * Context menu handler. */ _onContextMenu: function (event) { this._contextmenu.show(event); }, /** * Callback for copy event. Copy the selected text. * * @param {Event} event * copy event object. */ _onCopy: function (event) { if (event) { this.copySelection(event.target); event.preventDefault(); } }, /** * Copy the current selection. The current target is necessary * if the selection is inside an input or a textarea * * @param {DOMNode} target * DOMNode target of the copy action */ copySelection: function (target) { try { let text = ""; let nodeName = target && target.nodeName; if (nodeName === "input" || nodeName == "textarea") { let start = Math.min(target.selectionStart, target.selectionEnd); let end = Math.max(target.selectionStart, target.selectionEnd); let count = end - start; text = target.value.substr(start, count); } else { text = this.styleWindow.getSelection().toString(); // Remove any double newlines. text = text.replace(/(\r?\n)\r?\n/g, "$1"); } clipboardHelper.copyString(text); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }, /** * A helper for _onAddRule that handles the case where the actor * does not support as-authored styles. */ _onAddNewRuleNonAuthored: function () { let elementStyle = this._elementStyle; let element = elementStyle.element; let rules = elementStyle.rules; let pseudoClasses = element.pseudoClassLocks; this.pageStyle.addNewRule(element, pseudoClasses).then(options => { let newRule = new Rule(elementStyle, options); rules.push(newRule); let editor = new RuleEditor(this, newRule); newRule.editor = editor; // Insert the new rule editor after the inline element rule if (rules.length <= 1) { this.element.appendChild(editor.element); } else { for (let rule of rules) { if (rule.domRule.type === ELEMENT_STYLE) { let referenceElement = rule.editor.element.nextSibling; this.element.insertBefore(editor.element, referenceElement); break; } } } // Focus and make the new rule's selector editable editor.selectorText.click(); elementStyle._changed(); }); }, /** * Add a new rule to the current element. */ _onAddRule: function () { let elementStyle = this._elementStyle; let element = elementStyle.element; let client = this.inspector.target.client; let pseudoClasses = element.pseudoClassLocks; if (!client.traits.addNewRule) { return; } if (!this.pageStyle.supportsAuthoredStyles) { // We're talking to an old server. this._onAddNewRuleNonAuthored(); return; } // Adding a new rule with authored styles will cause the actor to // emit an event, which will in turn cause the rule view to be // updated. So, we wait for this update and for the rule creation // request to complete, and then focus the new rule's selector. let eventPromise = this.once("ruleview-refreshed"); let newRulePromise = this.pageStyle.addNewRule(element, pseudoClasses); promise.all([eventPromise, newRulePromise]).then((values) => { let options = values[1]; // Be sure the reference the correct |rules| here. for (let rule of this._elementStyle.rules) { if (options.rule === rule.domRule) { rule.editor.selectorText.click(); elementStyle._changed(); break; } } }); }, /** * Disables add rule button when needed */ refreshAddRuleButtonState: function () { let shouldBeDisabled = !this._viewedElement || !this.inspector.selection.isElementNode() || this.inspector.selection.isAnonymousNode(); this.addRuleButton.disabled = shouldBeDisabled; }, setPageStyle: function (pageStyle) { this.pageStyle = pageStyle; }, /** * Return {Boolean} true if the rule view currently has an input * editor visible. */ get isEditing() { return this.tooltips.isEditing || this.element.querySelectorAll(".styleinspector-propertyeditor") .length > 0; }, _handlePrefChange: function (pref) { if (pref === PREF_UA_STYLES) { this.showUserAgentStyles = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(pref); } // Reselect the currently selected element let refreshOnPrefs = [PREF_UA_STYLES, PREF_DEFAULT_COLOR_UNIT]; if (refreshOnPrefs.indexOf(pref) > -1) { this.selectElement(this._viewedElement, true); } }, /** * Update source links when pref for showing original sources changes */ _onSourcePrefChanged: function () { if (this._elementStyle && this._elementStyle.rules) { for (let rule of this._elementStyle.rules) { if (rule.editor) { rule.editor.updateSourceLink(); } } this.inspector.emit("rule-view-sourcelinks-updated"); } }, /** * Set the filter style search value. * @param {String} value * The search value. */ setFilterStyles: function (value = "") { this.searchField.value = value; this.searchField.focus(); this._onFilterStyles(); }, /** * Called when the user enters a search term in the filter style search box. */ _onFilterStyles: function () { if (this._filterChangedTimeout) { clearTimeout(this._filterChangedTimeout); } let filterTimeout = (this.searchValue.length > 0) ? FILTER_CHANGED_TIMEOUT : 0; this.searchClearButton.hidden = this.searchValue.length === 0; this._filterChangedTimeout = setTimeout(() => { if (this.searchField.value.length > 0) { this.searchField.setAttribute("filled", true); } else { this.searchField.removeAttribute("filled"); } this.searchData = { searchPropertyMatch: FILTER_PROP_RE.exec(this.searchValue), searchPropertyName: this.searchValue, searchPropertyValue: this.searchValue, strictSearchValue: "", strictSearchPropertyName: false, strictSearchPropertyValue: false, strictSearchAllValues: false }; if (this.searchData.searchPropertyMatch) { // Parse search value as a single property line and extract the // property name and value. If the parsed property name or value is // contained in backquotes (`), extract the value within the backquotes // and set the corresponding strict search for the property to true. if (FILTER_STRICT_RE.test(this.searchData.searchPropertyMatch[1])) { this.searchData.strictSearchPropertyName = true; this.searchData.searchPropertyName = FILTER_STRICT_RE.exec(this.searchData.searchPropertyMatch[1])[1]; } else { this.searchData.searchPropertyName = this.searchData.searchPropertyMatch[1]; } if (FILTER_STRICT_RE.test(this.searchData.searchPropertyMatch[2])) { this.searchData.strictSearchPropertyValue = true; this.searchData.searchPropertyValue = FILTER_STRICT_RE.exec(this.searchData.searchPropertyMatch[2])[1]; } else { this.searchData.searchPropertyValue = this.searchData.searchPropertyMatch[2]; } // Strict search for stylesheets will match the property line regex. // Extract the search value within the backquotes to be used // in the strict search for stylesheets in _highlightStyleSheet. if (FILTER_STRICT_RE.test(this.searchValue)) { this.searchData.strictSearchValue = FILTER_STRICT_RE.exec(this.searchValue)[1]; } } else if (FILTER_STRICT_RE.test(this.searchValue)) { // If the search value does not correspond to a property line and // is contained in backquotes, extract the search value within the // backquotes and set the flag to perform a strict search for all // the values (selector, stylesheet, property and computed values). let searchValue = FILTER_STRICT_RE.exec(this.searchValue)[1]; this.searchData.strictSearchAllValues = true; this.searchData.searchPropertyName = searchValue; this.searchData.searchPropertyValue = searchValue; this.searchData.strictSearchValue = searchValue; } this._clearHighlight(this.element); this._clearRules(); this._createEditors(); this.inspector.emit("ruleview-filtered"); this._filterChangeTimeout = null; }, filterTimeout); }, /** * Called when the user clicks on the clear button in the filter style search * box. Returns true if the search box is cleared and false otherwise. */ _onClearSearch: function () { if (this.searchField.value) { this.setFilterStyles(""); return true; } return false; }, destroy: function () { this.isDestroyed = true; this.clear(); this._dummyElement = null; this._prefObserver.off(PREF_ORIG_SOURCES, this._onSourcePrefChanged); this._prefObserver.off(PREF_UA_STYLES, this._handlePrefChange); this._prefObserver.off(PREF_DEFAULT_COLOR_UNIT, this._handlePrefChange); this._prefObserver.destroy(); this._outputParser = null; // Remove context menu if (this._contextmenu) { this._contextmenu.destroy(); this._contextmenu = null; } this.tooltips.destroy(); this.highlighters.destroy(); // Remove bound listeners this.shortcuts.destroy(); this.element.removeEventListener("copy", this._onCopy); this.element.removeEventListener("contextmenu", this._onContextMenu); this.addRuleButton.removeEventListener("click", this._onAddRule); this.searchField.removeEventListener("input", this._onFilterStyles); this.searchField.removeEventListener("contextmenu", this.inspector.onTextBoxContextMenu); this.searchClearButton.removeEventListener("click", this._onClearSearch); this.pseudoClassToggle.removeEventListener("click", this._onTogglePseudoClassPanel); this.hoverCheckbox.removeEventListener("click", this._onTogglePseudoClass); this.activeCheckbox.removeEventListener("click", this._onTogglePseudoClass); this.focusCheckbox.removeEventListener("click", this._onTogglePseudoClass); this.searchField = null; this.searchClearButton = null; this.pseudoClassPanel = null; this.pseudoClassToggle = null; this.hoverCheckbox = null; this.activeCheckbox = null; this.focusCheckbox = null; this.inspector = null; this.styleDocument = null; this.styleWindow = null; if (this.element.parentNode) { this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element); } if (this._elementStyle) { this._elementStyle.destroy(); } this.popup.destroy(); }, /** * Mark the view as selecting an element, disabling all interaction, and * visually clearing the view after a few milliseconds to avoid confusion * about which element's styles the rule view shows. */ _startSelectingElement: function () { this.element.classList.add("non-interactive"); }, /** * Mark the view as no longer selecting an element, re-enabling interaction. */ _stopSelectingElement: function () { this.element.classList.remove("non-interactive"); }, /** * Update the view with a new selected element. * * @param {NodeActor} element * The node whose style rules we'll inspect. * @param {Boolean} allowRefresh * Update the view even if the element is the same as last time. */ selectElement: function (element, allowRefresh = false) { let refresh = (this._viewedElement === element); if (refresh && !allowRefresh) { return promise.resolve(undefined); } if (this.popup.isOpen) { this.popup.hidePopup(); } this.clear(false); this._viewedElement = element; this.clearPseudoClassPanel(); this.refreshAddRuleButtonState(); if (!this._viewedElement) { this._stopSelectingElement(); this._clearRules(); this._showEmpty(); this.refreshPseudoClassPanel(); return promise.resolve(undefined); } // To figure out how shorthand properties are interpreted by the // engine, we will set properties on a dummy element and observe // how their .style attribute reflects them as computed values. let dummyElementPromise = promise.resolve(this.styleDocument).then(document => { // ::before and ::after do not have a namespaceURI let namespaceURI = this.element.namespaceURI || document.documentElement.namespaceURI; this._dummyElement = document.createElementNS(namespaceURI, this.element.tagName); }).then(null, promiseWarn); let elementStyle = new ElementStyle(element, this, this.store, this.pageStyle, this.showUserAgentStyles); this._elementStyle = elementStyle; this._startSelectingElement(); return dummyElementPromise.then(() => { if (this._elementStyle === elementStyle) { return this._populate(); } return undefined; }).then(() => { if (this._elementStyle === elementStyle) { if (!refresh) { this.element.scrollTop = 0; } this._stopSelectingElement(); this._elementStyle.onChanged = () => { this._changed(); }; } }).then(null, e => { if (this._elementStyle === elementStyle) { this._stopSelectingElement(); this._clearRules(); } console.error(e); }); }, /** * Update the rules for the currently highlighted element. */ refreshPanel: function () { // Ignore refreshes during editing or when no element is selected. if (this.isEditing || !this._elementStyle) { return promise.resolve(undefined); } // Repopulate the element style once the current modifications are done. let promises = []; for (let rule of this._elementStyle.rules) { if (rule._applyingModifications) { promises.push(rule._applyingModifications); } } return promise.all(promises).then(() => { return this._populate(); }); }, /** * Clear the pseudo class options panel by removing the checked and disabled * attributes for each checkbox. */ clearPseudoClassPanel: function () { this.hoverCheckbox.checked = this.hoverCheckbox.disabled = false; this.activeCheckbox.checked = this.activeCheckbox.disabled = false; this.focusCheckbox.checked = this.focusCheckbox.disabled = false; }, /** * Update the pseudo class options for the currently highlighted element. */ refreshPseudoClassPanel: function () { if (!this._elementStyle || !this.inspector.selection.isElementNode()) { this.hoverCheckbox.disabled = true; this.activeCheckbox.disabled = true; this.focusCheckbox.disabled = true; return; } for (let pseudoClassLock of this._elementStyle.element.pseudoClassLocks) { switch (pseudoClassLock) { case ":hover": { this.hoverCheckbox.checked = true; break; } case ":active": { this.activeCheckbox.checked = true; break; } case ":focus": { this.focusCheckbox.checked = true; break; } } } }, _populate: function () { let elementStyle = this._elementStyle; return this._elementStyle.populate().then(() => { if (this._elementStyle !== elementStyle || this.isDestroyed) { return null; } this._clearRules(); let onEditorsReady = this._createEditors(); this.refreshPseudoClassPanel(); // Notify anyone that cares that we refreshed. return onEditorsReady.then(() => { this.emit("ruleview-refreshed"); }, e => console.error(e)); }).then(null, promiseWarn); }, /** * Show the user that the rule view has no node selected. */ _showEmpty: function () { if (this.styleDocument.getElementById("ruleview-no-results")) { return; } createChild(this.element, "div", { id: "ruleview-no-results", textContent: l10n("rule.empty") }); }, /** * Clear the rules. */ _clearRules: function () { this.element.innerHTML = ""; }, /** * Clear the rule view. */ clear: function (clearDom = true) { this.lastSelectorIcon = null; if (clearDom) { this._clearRules(); } this._viewedElement = null; if (this._elementStyle) { this._elementStyle.destroy(); this._elementStyle = null; } }, /** * Called when the user has made changes to the ElementStyle. * Emits an event that clients can listen to. */ _changed: function () { this.emit("ruleview-changed"); }, /** * Text for header that shows above rules for this element */ get selectedElementLabel() { if (this._selectedElementLabel) { return this._selectedElementLabel; } this._selectedElementLabel = l10n("rule.selectedElement"); return this._selectedElementLabel; }, /** * Text for header that shows above rules for pseudo elements */ get pseudoElementLabel() { if (this._pseudoElementLabel) { return this._pseudoElementLabel; } this._pseudoElementLabel = l10n("rule.pseudoElement"); return this._pseudoElementLabel; }, get showPseudoElements() { if (this._showPseudoElements === undefined) { this._showPseudoElements = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("devtools.inspector.show_pseudo_elements"); } return this._showPseudoElements; }, /** * Creates an expandable container in the rule view * * @param {String} label * The label for the container header * @param {Boolean} isPseudo * Whether or not the container will hold pseudo element rules * @return {DOMNode} The container element */ createExpandableContainer: function (label, isPseudo = false) { let header = this.styleDocument.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); header.className = this._getRuleViewHeaderClassName(true); header.textContent = label; let twisty = this.styleDocument.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "span"); twisty.className = "ruleview-expander theme-twisty"; twisty.setAttribute("open", "true"); header.insertBefore(twisty, header.firstChild); this.element.appendChild(header); let container = this.styleDocument.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); container.classList.add("ruleview-expandable-container"); container.hidden = false; this.element.appendChild(container); header.addEventListener("dblclick", () => { this._toggleContainerVisibility(twisty, container, isPseudo, !this.showPseudoElements); }, false); twisty.addEventListener("click", () => { this._toggleContainerVisibility(twisty, container, isPseudo, !this.showPseudoElements); }, false); if (isPseudo) { this._toggleContainerVisibility(twisty, container, isPseudo, this.showPseudoElements); } return container; }, /** * Toggle the visibility of an expandable container * * @param {DOMNode} twisty * Clickable toggle DOM Node * @param {DOMNode} container * Expandable container DOM Node * @param {Boolean} isPseudo * Whether or not the container will hold pseudo element rules * @param {Boolean} showPseudo * Whether or not pseudo element rules should be displayed */ _toggleContainerVisibility: function (twisty, container, isPseudo, showPseudo) { let isOpen = twisty.getAttribute("open"); if (isPseudo) { this._showPseudoElements = !!showPseudo; Services.prefs.setBoolPref("devtools.inspector.show_pseudo_elements", this.showPseudoElements); container.hidden = !this.showPseudoElements; isOpen = !this.showPseudoElements; } else { container.hidden = !container.hidden; } if (isOpen) { twisty.removeAttribute("open"); } else { twisty.setAttribute("open", "true"); } }, _getRuleViewHeaderClassName: function (isPseudo) { let baseClassName = "theme-gutter ruleview-header"; return isPseudo ? baseClassName + " ruleview-expandable-header" : baseClassName; }, /** * Creates editor UI for each of the rules in _elementStyle. */ _createEditors: function () { // Run through the current list of rules, attaching // their editors in order. Create editors if needed. let lastInheritedSource = ""; let lastKeyframes = null; let seenPseudoElement = false; let seenNormalElement = false; let seenSearchTerm = false; let container = null; if (!this._elementStyle.rules) { return promise.resolve(); } let editorReadyPromises = []; for (let rule of this._elementStyle.rules) { if (rule.domRule.system) { continue; } // Initialize rule editor if (!rule.editor) { rule.editor = new RuleEditor(this, rule); editorReadyPromises.push(rule.editor.once("source-link-updated")); } // Filter the rules and highlight any matches if there is a search input if (this.searchValue && this.searchData) { if (this.highlightRule(rule)) { seenSearchTerm = true; } else if (rule.domRule.type !== ELEMENT_STYLE) { continue; } } // Only print header for this element if there are pseudo elements if (seenPseudoElement && !seenNormalElement && !rule.pseudoElement) { seenNormalElement = true; let div = this.styleDocument.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); div.className = this._getRuleViewHeaderClassName(); div.textContent = this.selectedElementLabel; this.element.appendChild(div); } let inheritedSource = rule.inheritedSource; if (inheritedSource && inheritedSource !== lastInheritedSource) { let div = this.styleDocument.createElementNS(HTML_NS, "div"); div.className = this._getRuleViewHeaderClassName(); div.textContent = inheritedSource; lastInheritedSource = inheritedSource; this.element.appendChild(div); } if (!seenPseudoElement && rule.pseudoElement) { seenPseudoElement = true; container = this.createExpandableContainer(this.pseudoElementLabel, true); } let keyframes = rule.keyframes; if (keyframes && keyframes !== lastKeyframes) { lastKeyframes = keyframes; container = this.createExpandableContainer(rule.keyframesName); } if (container && (rule.pseudoElement || keyframes)) { container.appendChild(rule.editor.element); } else { this.element.appendChild(rule.editor.element); } } if (this.searchValue && !seenSearchTerm) { this.searchField.classList.add("devtools-style-searchbox-no-match"); } else { this.searchField.classList.remove("devtools-style-searchbox-no-match"); } return promise.all(editorReadyPromises); }, /** * Highlight rules that matches the filter search value and returns a * boolean indicating whether or not rules were highlighted. * * @param {Rule} rule * The rule object we're highlighting if its rule selectors or * property values match the search value. * @return {Boolean} true if the rule was highlighted, false otherwise. */ highlightRule: function (rule) { let isRuleSelectorHighlighted = this._highlightRuleSelector(rule); let isStyleSheetHighlighted = this._highlightStyleSheet(rule); let isHighlighted = isRuleSelectorHighlighted || isStyleSheetHighlighted; // Highlight search matches in the rule properties for (let textProp of rule.textProps) { if (!textProp.invisible && this._highlightProperty(textProp.editor)) { isHighlighted = true; } } return isHighlighted; }, /** * Highlights the rule selector that matches the filter search value and * returns a boolean indicating whether or not the selector was highlighted. * * @param {Rule} rule * The Rule object. * @return {Boolean} true if the rule selector was highlighted, * false otherwise. */ _highlightRuleSelector: function (rule) { let isSelectorHighlighted = false; let selectorNodes = [...rule.editor.selectorText.childNodes]; if (rule.domRule.type === CSSRule.KEYFRAME_RULE) { selectorNodes = [rule.editor.selectorText]; } else if (rule.domRule.type === ELEMENT_STYLE) { selectorNodes = []; } // Highlight search matches in the rule selectors for (let selectorNode of selectorNodes) { let selector = selectorNode.textContent.toLowerCase(); if ((this.searchData.strictSearchAllValues && selector === this.searchData.strictSearchValue) || (!this.searchData.strictSearchAllValues && selector.includes(this.searchValue))) { selectorNode.classList.add("ruleview-highlight"); isSelectorHighlighted = true; } } return isSelectorHighlighted; }, /** * Highlights the stylesheet source that matches the filter search value and * returns a boolean indicating whether or not the stylesheet source was * highlighted. * * @return {Boolean} true if the stylesheet source was highlighted, false * otherwise. */ _highlightStyleSheet: function (rule) { let styleSheetSource = rule.title.toLowerCase(); let isStyleSheetHighlighted = this.searchData.strictSearchValue ? styleSheetSource === this.searchData.strictSearchValue : styleSheetSource.includes(this.searchValue); if (isStyleSheetHighlighted) { rule.editor.source.classList.add("ruleview-highlight"); } return isStyleSheetHighlighted; }, /** * Highlights the rule properties and computed properties that match the * filter search value and returns a boolean indicating whether or not the * property or computed property was highlighted. * * @param {TextPropertyEditor} editor * The rule property TextPropertyEditor object. * @return {Boolean} true if the property or computed property was * highlighted, false otherwise. */ _highlightProperty: function (editor) { let isPropertyHighlighted = this._highlightRuleProperty(editor); let isComputedHighlighted = this._highlightComputedProperty(editor); // Expand the computed list if a computed property is highlighted and the // property rule is not highlighted if (!isPropertyHighlighted && isComputedHighlighted && !editor.computed.hasAttribute("user-open")) { editor.expandForFilter(); } return isPropertyHighlighted || isComputedHighlighted; }, /** * Called when TextPropertyEditor is updated and updates the rule property * highlight. * * @param {TextPropertyEditor} editor * The rule property TextPropertyEditor object. */ _updatePropertyHighlight: function (editor) { if (!this.searchValue || !this.searchData) { return; } this._clearHighlight(editor.element); if (this._highlightProperty(editor)) { this.searchField.classList.remove("devtools-style-searchbox-no-match"); } }, /** * Highlights the rule property that matches the filter search value * and returns a boolean indicating whether or not the property was * highlighted. * * @param {TextPropertyEditor} editor * The rule property TextPropertyEditor object. * @return {Boolean} true if the rule property was highlighted, * false otherwise. */ _highlightRuleProperty: function (editor) { // Get the actual property value displayed in the rule view let propertyName = editor.prop.name.toLowerCase(); let propertyValue = editor.valueSpan.textContent.toLowerCase(); return this._highlightMatches(editor.container, propertyName, propertyValue); }, /** * Highlights the computed property that matches the filter search value and * returns a boolean indicating whether or not the computed property was * highlighted. * * @param {TextPropertyEditor} editor * The rule property TextPropertyEditor object. * @return {Boolean} true if the computed property was highlighted, false * otherwise. */ _highlightComputedProperty: function (editor) { let isComputedHighlighted = false; // Highlight search matches in the computed list of properties editor._populateComputed(); for (let computed of editor.prop.computed) { if (computed.element) { // Get the actual property value displayed in the computed list let computedName = computed.name.toLowerCase(); let computedValue = computed.parsedValue.toLowerCase(); isComputedHighlighted = this._highlightMatches(computed.element, computedName, computedValue) ? true : isComputedHighlighted; } } return isComputedHighlighted; }, /** * Helper function for highlightRules that carries out highlighting the given * element if the search terms match the property, and returns a boolean * indicating whether or not the search terms match. * * @param {DOMNode} element * The node to highlight if search terms match * @param {String} propertyName * The property name of a rule * @param {String} propertyValue * The property value of a rule * @return {Boolean} true if the given search terms match the property, false * otherwise. */ _highlightMatches: function (element, propertyName, propertyValue) { let { searchPropertyName, searchPropertyValue, searchPropertyMatch, strictSearchPropertyName, strictSearchPropertyValue, strictSearchAllValues, } = this.searchData; let matches = false; // If the inputted search value matches a property line like // `font-family: arial`, then check to make sure the name and value match. // Otherwise, just compare the inputted search string directly against the // name and value of the rule property. let hasNameAndValue = searchPropertyMatch && searchPropertyName && searchPropertyValue; let isMatch = (value, query, isStrict) => { return isStrict ? value === query : query && value.includes(query); }; if (hasNameAndValue) { matches = isMatch(propertyName, searchPropertyName, strictSearchPropertyName) && isMatch(propertyValue, searchPropertyValue, strictSearchPropertyValue); } else { matches = isMatch(propertyName, searchPropertyName, strictSearchPropertyName || strictSearchAllValues) || isMatch(propertyValue, searchPropertyValue, strictSearchPropertyValue || strictSearchAllValues); } if (matches) { element.classList.add("ruleview-highlight"); } return matches; }, /** * Clear all search filter highlights in the panel, and close the computed * list if toggled opened */ _clearHighlight: function (element) { for (let el of element.querySelectorAll(".ruleview-highlight")) { el.classList.remove("ruleview-highlight"); } for (let computed of element.querySelectorAll( ".ruleview-computedlist[filter-open]")) { computed.parentNode._textPropertyEditor.collapseForFilter(); } }, /** * Called when the pseudo class panel button is clicked and toggles * the display of the pseudo class panel. */ _onTogglePseudoClassPanel: function () { if (this.pseudoClassPanel.hidden) { this.pseudoClassToggle.setAttribute("checked", "true"); this.hoverCheckbox.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"); this.activeCheckbox.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"); this.focusCheckbox.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"); } else { this.pseudoClassToggle.removeAttribute("checked"); this.hoverCheckbox.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); this.activeCheckbox.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); this.focusCheckbox.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); } this.pseudoClassPanel.hidden = !this.pseudoClassPanel.hidden; }, /** * Called when a pseudo class checkbox is clicked and toggles * the pseudo class for the current selected element. */ _onTogglePseudoClass: function (event) { let target = event.currentTarget; this.inspector.togglePseudoClass(target.value); }, /** * Handle the keypress event in the rule view. */ _onShortcut: function (name, event) { if (!event.target.closest("#sidebar-panel-ruleview")) { return; } if (name === "CmdOrCtrl+F") { this.searchField.focus(); event.preventDefault(); } else if ((name === "Return" || name === "Space") && this.element.classList.contains("non-interactive")) { event.preventDefault(); } else if (name === "Escape" && event.target === this.searchField && this._onClearSearch()) { // Handle the search box's keypress event. If the escape key is pressed, // clear the search box field. event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } } }; /** * Helper functions */ /** * Walk up the DOM from a given node until a parent property holder is found. * For elements inside the computed property list, the non-computed parent * property holder will be returned * * @param {DOMNode} node * The node to start from * @return {DOMNode} The parent property holder node, or null if not found */ function getParentTextPropertyHolder(node) { while (true) { if (!node || !node.classList) { return null; } if (node.classList.contains("ruleview-property")) { return node; } node = node.parentNode; } } /** * For any given node, find the TextProperty it is in if any * @param {DOMNode} node * The node to start from * @return {TextProperty} */ function getParentTextProperty(node) { let parent = getParentTextPropertyHolder(node); if (!parent) { return null; } let propValue = parent.querySelector(".ruleview-propertyvalue"); if (!propValue) { return null; } return propValue.textProperty; } /** * Walker up the DOM from a given node until a parent property holder is found, * and return the textContent for the name and value nodes. * Stops at the first property found, so if node is inside the computed property * list, the computed property will be returned * * @param {DOMNode} node * The node to start from * @return {Object} {name, value} */ function getPropertyNameAndValue(node) { while (true) { if (!node || !node.classList) { return null; } // Check first for ruleview-computed since it's the deepest if (node.classList.contains("ruleview-computed") || node.classList.contains("ruleview-property")) { return { name: node.querySelector(".ruleview-propertyname").textContent, value: node.querySelector(".ruleview-propertyvalue").textContent }; } node = node.parentNode; } } function RuleViewTool(inspector, window) { this.inspector = inspector; this.document = window.document; this.view = new CssRuleView(this.inspector, this.document); this.clearUserProperties = this.clearUserProperties.bind(this); this.refresh = this.refresh.bind(this); this.onLinkClicked = this.onLinkClicked.bind(this); this.onMutations = this.onMutations.bind(this); this.onPanelSelected = this.onPanelSelected.bind(this); this.onPropertyChanged = this.onPropertyChanged.bind(this); this.onResized = this.onResized.bind(this); this.onSelected = this.onSelected.bind(this); this.onViewRefreshed = this.onViewRefreshed.bind(this); this.view.on("ruleview-changed", this.onPropertyChanged); this.view.on("ruleview-refreshed", this.onViewRefreshed); this.view.on("ruleview-linked-clicked", this.onLinkClicked); this.inspector.selection.on("detached-front", this.onSelected); this.inspector.selection.on("new-node-front", this.onSelected); this.inspector.selection.on("pseudoclass", this.refresh); this.inspector.target.on("navigate", this.clearUserProperties); this.inspector.sidebar.on("ruleview-selected", this.onPanelSelected); this.inspector.pageStyle.on("stylesheet-updated", this.refresh); this.inspector.walker.on("mutations", this.onMutations); this.inspector.walker.on("resize", this.onResized); this.onSelected(); } RuleViewTool.prototype = { isSidebarActive: function () { if (!this.view) { return false; } return this.inspector.sidebar.getCurrentTabID() == "ruleview"; }, onSelected: function (event) { // Ignore the event if the view has been destroyed, or if it's inactive. // But only if the current selection isn't null. If it's been set to null, // let the update go through as this is needed to empty the view on // navigation. if (!this.view) { return; } let isInactive = !this.isSidebarActive() && this.inspector.selection.nodeFront; if (isInactive) { return; } this.view.setPageStyle(this.inspector.pageStyle); if (!this.inspector.selection.isConnected() || !this.inspector.selection.isElementNode()) { this.view.selectElement(null); return; } if (!event || event == "new-node-front") { let done = this.inspector.updating("rule-view"); this.view.selectElement(this.inspector.selection.nodeFront) .then(done, done); } }, refresh: function () { if (this.isSidebarActive()) { this.view.refreshPanel(); } }, clearUserProperties: function () { if (this.view && this.view.store && this.view.store.userProperties) { this.view.store.userProperties.clear(); } }, onPanelSelected: function () { if (this.inspector.selection.nodeFront === this.view._viewedElement) { this.refresh(); } else { this.onSelected(); } }, onLinkClicked: function (e, rule) { let sheet = rule.parentStyleSheet; // Chrome stylesheets are not listed in the style editor, so show // these sheets in the view source window instead. if (!sheet || sheet.isSystem) { let href = rule.nodeHref || rule.href; let toolbox = gDevTools.getToolbox(this.inspector.target); toolbox.viewSource(href, rule.line); return; } let location = promise.resolve(rule.location); if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_ORIG_SOURCES)) { location = rule.getOriginalLocation(); } location.then(({ source, href, line, column }) => { let target = this.inspector.target; if (Tools.styleEditor.isTargetSupported(target)) { gDevTools.showToolbox(target, "styleeditor").then(function (toolbox) { let url = source || href; toolbox.getCurrentPanel().selectStyleSheet(url, line, column); }); } return; }); }, onPropertyChanged: function () { this.inspector.markDirty(); }, onViewRefreshed: function () { this.inspector.emit("rule-view-refreshed"); }, /** * When markup mutations occur, if an attribute of the selected node changes, * we need to refresh the view as that might change the node's styles. */ onMutations: function (mutations) { for (let {type, target} of mutations) { if (target === this.inspector.selection.nodeFront && type === "attributes") { this.refresh(); break; } } }, /** * When the window gets resized, this may cause media-queries to match, and * therefore, different styles may apply. */ onResized: function () { this.refresh(); }, destroy: function () { this.inspector.walker.off("mutations", this.onMutations); this.inspector.walker.off("resize", this.onResized); this.inspector.selection.off("detached-front", this.onSelected); this.inspector.selection.off("pseudoclass", this.refresh); this.inspector.selection.off("new-node-front", this.onSelected); this.inspector.target.off("navigate", this.clearUserProperties); this.inspector.sidebar.off("ruleview-selected", this.onPanelSelected); if (this.inspector.pageStyle) { this.inspector.pageStyle.off("stylesheet-updated", this.refresh); } this.view.off("ruleview-linked-clicked", this.onLinkClicked); this.view.off("ruleview-changed", this.onPropertyChanged); this.view.off("ruleview-refreshed", this.onViewRefreshed); this.view.destroy(); this.view = this.document = this.inspector = null; } }; exports.CssRuleView = CssRuleView; exports.RuleViewTool = RuleViewTool;